I wish mylot admin will read this post.

United States
August 5, 2010 12:32pm CST
Recently several members posted bad stuff about President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, about God and about religions. I feel mylot admin should delete this posts immediately and if repeated again account shold be deleted. I am petriot and always say : God bless America, God bless President Obama, God bless out Constitution and no one else.
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28 responses
• Canada
5 Aug 10
What's a petriot? Did you mean pet riot? I've never seen a pet riot before, but I bet it's adorable.
2 people like this
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
5 Aug 10
I imagine there'd be blue bunnies in it. Blue bunnies seem to like riots *points further up in the answers*
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
5 Aug 10
Yes, one should never approach an angry bunny unless one is armed with The Holy Hand Granade. And has read the users manual, bunnies are subtle and quick to anger and will not wait while you read the manual. They'll just bite. Possibly post lots of posts all over the place. Mykl_J, I've seen a pet riot too, when my horse did her best to kill a dog. A very annoying dog who tried to herd as if she was a sheep. I'm pretty sure a blue bunny would be scarier though. Or maybe a blue bunny armed with a My Little Pony. They're really scary ...
• Canada
5 Aug 10
Torunn, you're probably right. Though having a bunny of my own, and having seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I think such a bunny riot would end up being quite terrifying.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Aug 10
So basically if you don't like what other people have to say than I guess it should be deleted. Tell you what, I don't like THIS post. Maybe the mylot admins should delete YOUR statements. See, the whole intolerance bit cuts both ways. Everyone here has just as much right to criticize the president as they do to compliment him. You say God bless the Constitution, yet in the same post you want to abridge the 1st amendment rights of another mylot member.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Aug 10
Oh man, taskr, I was going to bring up our first amendment rights but I guess I got here too late. I don't think the OP is very keen on tolerance.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Aug 10
i don't like ANY posts. apart from mine. and they should definitely all be removed. RIGHT NOW !
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
5 Aug 10
Hmm, when the blue bunny says i don't like ANY posts. apart from mine. and they should definitely all be removed. RIGHT NOW ! is she saying that all posts should be removed? Or all her posts?
@Yuusha (111)
• Sweden
5 Aug 10
Obvious troll is obvious.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Aug 10
I see you haven't been back yet to respond to anyone, but I have another thought on this whole post....or rather a question. How do you reconcile this: "I feel mylot admin should delete this posts immediately and if repeated again account shold be delete" ....with this: "I am petriot and always say : God bless America, God bless President Obama, God bless out Constitution and no one else." ....considering it says this: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
6 Aug 10
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
5 Aug 10
Some people hate people who are constantly talking and busy with religion. I can understand this. If I had a girlfriend who would constantly be talking about religion and telling me to do this and that in the name of someone I have never seen, witnessed, experienced ( referring to God) then I would throw her out as well, not with violence of course. Try to also talk about other things and when talking about religion and expressing your opinion based on religion, try to be clear and not too offensive. I understand you don't find your opinion offensive but some will. If somebody talks about gays being bad, while I am not gay, I will speak up and vent my anger. The fact that you believe in something does not mean others necessarily want to believe in it or be told to believe in it. Surely it's great that you find support through whatever means, but some people are really offended by it and then the consequences are all yours. I hope you understand my post correctly, I am not saying you're a wrong person but just a word of warning... ;)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Aug 10
Kind begs the question, " Why did she go out with him if she had such strong views?" Seriously, we are all entitled to our own beliefs and thoughts.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
7 Aug 10
If you are anti-religious, why would you get with a religious girl? That said, I think you did the right thing, and kicked the religious girl out. I think that was the best thing for her.
@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
7 Aug 10
Andy I am not anti-religious. Future girlfriends may go to church of they want, read the bible however I don't want her to convert me or have extremist beliefs like you seem to have. It's indeed better for her, blimey I can't imagine what her parents would do to her.
5 Aug 10
I have never witnessed such a thing if you want to post me any evidence feel free to copy and paste and send it to me. We don't want any blatant rudeness but people voicing their opinions is fine as long as they are civilised.
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• United States
6 Aug 10
"Who the fu$$ are you? do you write for NY Times? where did you get all this none sense information? Do not say a bad word about President Obama or Miss Kagan. Other wise I will have FBI raid your house." Sound familiar?? This is your response to one of my discussions! So I now say... who the fu** are you to critique or censor what we post as our our opinion. You ID suits (iloveme)you as I do not think anyone else could love you!!!
• United States
7 Aug 10
How true! I do not think this person can make a coherent response/comment.
• United States
7 Aug 10
I don't know where to begin with this post so I'll just pick a place. First of all, people would post "bad stuff" about President Bush when he was in office too. MyLot administration would not delete them unless they were EXREMELY offensive. You say "God bless the Constitution" yet you want to take away the first amendment rights of everyone on MyLot. People have the right to their own opinions. They also have the right to freedom of religion (also protected by the first amendment) and you are trying to take that from people. I am a Christian, but I am not going to get angry just because an atheiest posts something against God. I will probably just not respond to that particular post. I probably won't even read the post after the first couple of lines. There is no law saying you have to read every post. Secondly, if you are going to post something, go back to school. I think you need some spelling and grammar lessons. Is it really that hard to go back and read something to make sure things are correct? Also, there are many members who are not in the United States so this post means nothing to them. And the people in the other countries who believe in God may think you are conceited by saying "God bless America...and no one else." In my opinion, it makes you sound ignorant.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Aug 10
Could you give me some examples of the "bad stuff" your talking about? Link me to some posts, I'd be most interested in seeing what constitutes "bad stuff".
• United States
6 Aug 10
You can find some in Kennyrose's started discussions.
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@tap0991 (2766)
• United States
6 Aug 10
I'm sure he is talking about all the attacks against Obama found in the politics interest, where debate is a natural thing....
@nobbsy123 (851)
• Australia
6 Aug 10
As you say in your post "God bless America, God bless President Obama, God bless out Constitution and no one else." That's incredibly rude and that is why some people in Australia dislike the USA attitude. I'm not exactly religious, however I'm sure alot of people who are religious all over the world can take offence to that statement.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
6 Aug 10
Did he say "God bless OUT constitution" on purpose?
• United States
7 Aug 10
You're not serious, are you? What makes myLot is the differences of opinions and the debates.
• United States
5 Aug 10
Well there are a few flaws in your thought reasoning here. 1. Not all members on Mylot are American. 2. To delete the posts would be to censor people's right to free speech. 3. We are here to discuss issues...we won't all have the same opinions or thoughts on the same thing...everyone is allowed their opinions..even if YOU don't agree with them. You don't have the right to take that from them. 4. If something is REALLY offensive or breaks the rules of Mylot..the admin WILL delete it. But just because you disagree with what someone has said does not mean it broke mylot rules or is offensive. If you don't like a post...then don't comment in it. Problem solved.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Aug 10
Who cares? It's actually a great discussion as it turns out and we earn and the guy that started it...ah well....just doesn't. Thanks to Iloveme!
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
9 Aug 10
I would then have to leave myLot, I won't tolerate that kind of censorship
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Aug 10
if something is genuinely offensive then report it using the ! button. however if you just disagree with something then mylot will not be deleting it just because you don't like that opinion.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Aug 10
i didn't realise freedom of speech meant freedom to agree with me
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Aug 10
i think it is fairly clear what kind of user we have here.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
6 Aug 10
iloveme01, I don't suppose there's any reason(s) for admin to remove a post just because it is criticizing the a celebrity or dignitary or even God. This is a discussion site and if there's no validity or grounds, then I am sure it will be met by others who have grounds and/or proof to rebuff or defend the wrong doing or misinformation. It is just mutual.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
6 Aug 10
"Patriots" (at least American ones) believe in Freedom of Speech! Or is that only for those who agree with us? hmmmmmm
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
6 Aug 10
Where you this passionate when people were saying bad things about President George W. Bush?
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
6 Aug 10
Hi iloveme, myLot couldn't just delete any post plainly because it is criticizing the president, or God or religion. That is the essence of Freedom of Speech. However there are guidelines that restrict us from using foul language or posting anything that are biased and discriminating in nature. You can oppose to a certain opinion but in a diplomatic way. We call that a healthy debate and I don't see anything wrong with that which warrants the admin's deletion of that topic. Yes you may be a patriot, but that doesn't mean you have to be blind to the realities around you. If you think Obama is doing a great job then speak about it but that doesn't mean nobody will refute you or oppose you on that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
7 Aug 10
Well that's great for you. We need more people like that. However, why shouldn't others say what they believe? What does freedom of speech mean then, if not freedom to speak against government?
• United States
6 Aug 10
You wouldn't be refering to that Constitution that guarantees freedom of belief and speech, would you? You know, with the..'WE the people..' stuff in it? Or are you talking the 'new age' version?..With the narcissistic outlook that says..'If it benefits me its equal. If it benefits you its discrimination!'? Last I heard tell, 'freedom' demands neither agreement nor acquiescence..