Have you noticed that there are alot of people that do not look when they cross

@jugsjugs (12967)
August 7, 2010 11:38am CST
the road.Now we all know that children are really bad for not looking when crossing the road,but there are just as many adults that also do this.I think that they must all think that the cars will stop for them,but today the roads are wet and this makes it harder for the cars to stop.
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56 responses
@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
7 Aug 10
I don't trust drivers, even myself. Too many stories about how peoples car malfunction, seniors not stopping, and mistaking drive with reverse. I tell my kids don't think the cars can see you or follow the rules either, too many drunk drivers. Sad but true.
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@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
7 Aug 10
Sure, you are right. I remembered a situation. Sometimes, the drivers didn't obey screen sign about warning. They are really mad.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Aug 10
I think that there are alot of people out there that do not look when they walk over a road,aswell as look only one way.There are alot of people that get by cars that this could have been avoided.I think that there have also been a few near misses,due to cars going fast aswell as people not looking.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Aug 10
hi jugs, I live in a college neighborhood and what I've noticed is that the adults are the ones most apt to just wander out into the road without pausing to look. Sometimes there is no warning at all that they will be crossing. They are walking down the sidewalk and then there they are in the middle of the road. younger kids still seem to remember that you are supposed to stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Teens and adults are the ones that know that you will be the one at fault if you hit them and they just assume that you will see them in time to stop. I've had a couple of close calls but I know how they are so I only drive about 10mph when driving in that area.
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• United States
8 Aug 10
You remind me of the times I lived in Ann Arbor. There, the students have the right of way and walk in front of the slow moving cars whenever they feel like it. They have sense enough to stop for buses though.
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
30 Nov 10
The only problem with that might be someone from there going someplace else and then perhaps momentarily forgetting that place might not have the same consideration for pedestrians..I was driving into town one afternoon recently and passing through a 40mph zone on quite a wide 2 lane carriageway,and this schoolkid I'd noticed took off from the other side to run over to Her Friends quite near where I was drawing level..I had noticed Her,but it still took me by surprise when She ran out so fast I had to Brake! I've noticed many adults too just walking across the road locked in tunnel vision,not looking around them at all,just concentrating on where they're going on the other side...
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Aug 10
That's awesome!
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
7 Aug 10
Hi jugsjugs, Yes, adults are getting seriously hurt or killing by moving vehicles while crossing the street. Sometimes it is the driver's fault, but sometime it is the pedestrians fault. Adults are so preoccupied these days, with so many chores and activities, they don't stay focused on where they are going. The major distraction, in my opinion,which causes so many adults to be involved in street accidents, is talking on the cellphone. While on the cellphone the person is so focused on the conversation, that they don't consciously know where they are until the vehicle hits them or comes to a screeching in halt, avoiding a serious accident. On a wet road it would almost be impossible to stop without skidding all over the place possibly hitting other vehicles. We need to stay focused when crossing the street, whether a cellphone is in use or not. It could save a life.
7 Aug 10
I know it sounds cruel, but i sometimes think that people who do something as stupid as crossing without looking deserve to get hit. They don't seem to realise that they're putting other people in danger as well. The possibility that someone might follow them assuming it is safe, or even the risk that the driver may swerve to avoid them and crash or hit someone else, is never considered. There's no reason for such stupidity when we are all taught at school and by our family. Birdie -
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@ivansama (758)
• Bulgaria
7 Aug 10
Even l don't looks when l cross the roads most of the time. l do however live in a small town in the middle of nowhere that has very little traffic. lt's definitely a bad habit nonetheless
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Aug 10
Alot of people tend to try to listen for traffic rather than look for the traffic.There are also people speed.I use to live in a small village as a child,but where i live now there are lots of traffic every where you look.I also think that there are people out there that think that cars can stop instantly,but they can not.
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@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
7 Aug 10
Yeah, They were always happening. I don't think they are bad. They don't know like conscious. They didn't know what dangerous the cars hit them. The parents should responsible to care their children at all time.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Aug 10
I think there are adults aswell as children, that do not look when they cross the roads aswell as they tend to look one way.There are people the also tend to drive really fast and do not think about people walking off a curb.I think if you teach a child from an early age to look both ways before crossing that helps and then it is built into them to always look.
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@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
8 Aug 10
You are right. I should early teach a child from starting to up. Thank you for an advice.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
29 Jan 11
Yes, I've seen many people like that. But I'm very careful. Even when I am on the footpath and especially when I am with the kids, I'm very scared about the vehicles. When I am so careful even when I am walking at the right place, how can I not be careful when I cross. My colleagues would tease me about crossing the road. It would take me so much time because I had to be sure....while they would just show a hand and walk across as if the vehicles are expected to stop for them. Sometimes the cars are going so fast that I'm worried that they might not be able to stop or slow down in time.
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28 Oct 10
People seem to claim their too busy or don't need to as they can hear but it shows a very bad example for young children. Can't you get arrested for doing it in the states? I know nobody takes it seriously here. I was on a bus awhile back, this women with an umbrella just stepped out without looking and the bus had to quickly swerve to miss her. The bus actually did hit the umbrella and slightly the women I believe but she just walked out from nowhere without looking. I think it's crazy how people do this!
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
7 Mar 11
When I was a teenager I never looked before crossing the street. I just figured it was the drivers job to watch what they were doing so they wouldnt hit me. It used to drive my parents nuts and I'm surprised I didnt get hit. I never realized that people could simply lose their breaks slamming them on because I ran out in front of them. I always worry about things like this now that I am an adult driver.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
29 Nov 10
Hello my dear friend. The first thing that comes to mind is another question: Have you noticed that a lot of drivers DON'T bother to stop or at least slow down at cross signs, and some even speed up ? Yes i also noticed there are a lot of pedestrians who ignore the red light of the semaphore, or cross at the zebra without looking - and the sad thing is, that all ages do it - i am especially sorry when i see young mothers with they babies doing this - makes me feel like i should go over to them and slap them silly for taking such risks with their new borns.
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@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
29 Nov 10
yeah, many people do that. and i also admit that i ever did it too. it happens when i am thinking something and not focus with what i did.
@liuzhi (265)
• China
7 Aug 10
It will be very dangerous for these people ignoring the traffic lights.These lessons have been told when we are children.So,Obey the traffic rules and be safe
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@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
7 Aug 10
I drove taxi for a year in my home town where all summer long we were swamped with tourists off the ships. They were the worst for just walking out in front of my taxi when I was trying to manage to get my passengers to their destinations. Is it any wonder I hate tourists? When I was in college, I had a friend who would verbalize when crossing the street..."Please don't run over me." to the cars that were coming, then once across, "thank you." It became a regular thing for us to do and made crossing the street more fun.
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@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
28 Mar 11
hello this is so common in my city too, not only childern but adults cross the road not seeing to the left or right, well you can't stop your car instanly, it has tp move some distance before it stops depending upon its spped, this causes road accidents lol thanks for this discussion kalyani
• China
10 Aug 10
Yeah, jugsjugs, you're right, I also find many people don't look while crossing the road. I'm wondering how they can do this. When I was a kid, my parents and teachers in kindergarten always told us that we should look both of rightside and leftside when we crossed the road. So when I cross the road, I must do this, otherwise I cannot step outward. But I'm so confused when I find someone, they don't look two sides only, but also face along the road, you know, they cross the road landscape orientation.It's really dangerous!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Hi, jugsjugs. I have noticed this too. They also don't look when they are driving their cars too. It is very risky to not look before pulling outward towards the street. Before crossing, I determine the best time to walk forward. I don't like to stand so close to the sidewalk either. I also, look both ways before crossing the street. The traffic can become very heavy sometimes. That is why I always tend to keep a close eye out on any incoming traffic that is coming the way that I need to go. We all should be very careful! Pedestrians and drivers both!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Aug 10
That is the truth, without a doubt. My children are very guilty of this because of the fact that we live on a deadend road. I'm trying everythin in my power to break them of this bad habit, but because of the situation where we live, it seems to be impossible to do. Well, I will practice with them on the road that is at the top of our street, but especially with my three year old, I really don't think that the concept is clear.
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Yes, i agree and that causes accidents on the road. You see, it is very important to be alert when crossing the streets. In my country, there are a lot of motorist who does not know road courtesy. A lot even does not know the road signs, and would you believe that they don't even know what pedestrian lanes are. People crossing pedestrian lanes get hit by ignorant motorists. I often experience crossing the street in a pedestrian lane and the cars don't even stop to give way to us. We are the ones giving way to them. I wonder how they were able to get a license when one can only get a drivers license if he passed the test given by the licensing authorities. So with this kind of drivers pedestrians should always be cautious in crossing the streets. Children should be taught and reminded always.
• India
12 Sep 10
I agree with you friend, well it is not only children but adults too who are totally careless while crossing roads, they consider roads as their paternal property, this is one of the reasons for road accidents, high speed cars can't stop instantly.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always, cheers. Professor. .
• Slovenia
17 Aug 10
oh yeah. here where I live you'll witness this every day. Specially studends with their 'head in the clouds' sometikmes they'll just cross and you'll see a driver screeching their tires while stopming on their brakes. really, some people are like so dreamy on the roads and not really thinking while they cross it's bit scary sometimes.