following celebs

@romzz05 (572)
August 7, 2010 12:00pm CST
I have twitter but not really too active i just check it to see updates from my friends who like to post. Since there are just too many celebrities using twitter do you guys actually follow them?? are there anyone worth following at all?? I like funny tweets that i could read can you suggest those i could follow??
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4 responses
@wdoutjah (32)
• Philippines
7 Aug 10
same thing here... i just follow and follow.. i guess im doing it for no reason.. hihihih
@romzz05 (572)
• Philippines
8 Aug 10
do you even read their tweets?? lol It can be confusing
• United States
7 Aug 10
I do follow some celebs on Twitter. I was very surprised by some of the positvie things they Tweet about. I opened my Twitter account mainly to promote my business, then I opened a personal one as well, but it became difficult to try to maintain both, so I kept my business one and closed down the other. I follow a lot of parenting groups so I get a lot of Tweets regarding childcare and things concerning children.
@romzz05 (572)
• Philippines
8 Aug 10
I have a friend who tweet about her son, its cute and funny make me wanna have a kid of my own. So she is my sole source on parenting and child care.
7 Aug 10
Only the ones I really like, like Stephen Fry, Dita Von Teese, Simon Pegg… Otherwise it just gets too confusing and you can’t be bothered to read through all the tweets.
@romzz05 (572)
• Philippines
8 Aug 10
I use to follow one celeb but she tweets 20 to 30 times a day i think, that she's flooding my wall. she's all i see so i have to unfollow her.
@aamir007 (129)
• India
7 Aug 10
I am folowing my some favorite celebs but personally i love to chat share with my friends on twitter.Tweeting is so easy to get in touch with friends.
@romzz05 (572)
• Philippines
8 Aug 10
i guess tweeting is the new texting