Do You Ever Regret?

United States
August 7, 2010 4:14pm CST
I told people on here about a certain situation I am in hoping to find some support and all I got in turn was people being a little mean. I guess I just thought more people would understand where I was coming from and would be able to give me some advice or something, I don't know. I have no clue what I was thinking, stupid me I suppose... Anyway, do you ever regret starting a discussion on here? Do you think your to emotional to hear some people's opinions like I am? Thoughts welcome =)
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20 responses
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
8 Aug 10
One thing I learned is that there're cruel people everywhere, specially on internet, where those people are protected by a screen, and they say everything they wouldn't in front of us! So give them a big F**k you and move on!
3 people like this
• United States
8 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Thanks also for your advice. I appreciate it and your absolutely right.
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@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
8 Aug 10
i can't depend on others to understand or help me. there will be those that do and will understand and help. i am like you. i get offended easily with people. i want them to understand but they don't. i have to take a stand for what i am and believe in. i have to be comfortable with who i am as a person. this is turn will make me live and accept those who aren't on the same page as i am. i am offended very easily in this world. it makes me stronger in the end, but it dosen't take away the hurt feelings. i try to help others if i can. i don't want to lower myself to the level of not caring or trying not to understand someone else. the best to you
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• United States
8 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Thank you also for understanding where I am coming from. I appreciate all of the nice people on here. For the others, they can suck my big toe! Sorry, I'm really upset right now. I hate that I am so easily hurt but on the other hand, I don't want to be cold hearted either so I guess I'll just have to deal with the mean people.
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@snowy22315 (186912)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I have found most people on this site to be pretty nice. Of course you will always get some negative comments, but for the most part I think people are decent on this site. I wrote something very personal on a networking site though and I found people critiquing my writing, which I thought had no place considering the topic I was wriitng about.
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• United States
8 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Somehow I always find the mean ones on here... Go figure! I have found lots of nice people but the mean ones always seem to find me.
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• United States
8 Aug 10
Do you think the second comment on this discussion was nice? Because I sure as Hell don't. That's exactly what I am talking about... I'm not mad at you or anything, it just makes me angry that some people attack me for no reason at all!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Aug 10
Just leave me alone from now on. Apparently your posting was deleted for a reason... Hmm
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Aug 10
hi was that about the puppy? They had no right to be mean, as you found a good home for the puppy and what right have they to judge you in that decision? Yes I made a discussion on how smoking is bad for your heart and so many gave me a mean earful I was in tears, then someone trolled me, taking my ten down to a five. I notified mylot who caught two men who stayed up all night and minused everything I had written.they banned them and restored my star but only to a 9 but hopefully one day I can get a ten again.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
8 Aug 10
Hatley I was one of the people who responded to lilangelspreschool's dog dilemma issue......Hatley you KNOW know what an animal activist I am not only here but my heavy duty involvement with any kind of pet issues over at Facebook trying to help animals that are "dumped" --I'm hoping I wasn't mean with lilangels...but I had to speak my mind. Once, years ago a neighbor dumped a cat on us...we already had cats, and his personality was the most vicious going...he constantly fought and terrorized my other cats. To be honest there were times I just wanted to open the door and kick that cat out--it was a nightmare what we were going through with this cat (Kieko) with my other cats..I had to think of THEIR safety...yet did we give him up? No...within time he mellowed out and soon became a teddy bear and very gentle......point I'm hinting at.......I think lilangels..needs to give the puppy more time
• United States
8 Aug 10
Actually Pye, I wasn't talking about you because I didn't see your posting yet. Now I have and yes you were a JERK to me. So, thanks for that! And I am giving him more time. I got him a play mate so just drop it, okay? Leave me alone please from now on.
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• United States
8 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Yeah it was about my puppy which was a hard enough situation and people on here made it worse. Man, why are people like that? I thought part of mylot was to help people, give advice and make money? Am I wrong in that assumption? Well just to let you know I always give you positive ratings =) How's the situation with Alice going? Any better?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Aug 10
I do understand where you're coming from, as I have been dealing with cat clawing and peeing problems for a while now. And it's possible some of the animal folks came into that discussion with an attitude (including myself). From our perspective, you shouldn't take on an animal unless you're prepared to care for it for life. I do understand that you got a puppy that was far more hyper than the ones that you had in the past, and I applaud your solution. But calling people who were not rude mean and jerks makes you the person who was attacking, not them.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Aug 10
I think if you had mentioned about your husband in the original post, that would have made a difference in the way that people responded. But then, you wouldn't be the first person to forget to put a detail in. I do it all the time. But anyway, I'm glad that you found a solution, and were able to keep the puppy.
• United States
10 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Thanks for the applaud. Let me explain where I was coming from and maybe you can understand a little more. I have a husband who was yelling at me every day to find a home for this animal or he would take it to a shelter (which I REALLY didn't want to happen) because he was chewing things up like a cord to my computer, kids toys etc, okay so I felt like I was in between a rock and a hard place. So, I thought sending him to another loving home is better than a shelter, wouldn't you agree??? I love my dog sooo much! I didn't want to get rid of him either. I'm glad I found a solution and the problem is solved. As for what I said, I did apologize to the person. I did NOT expect anyone to agree with me, more than that I expected adults to have respect for another person's situation. I was wrong for assuming that would happen.
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• United States
11 Aug 10
Yeah your right, I probably should have mentioned that fact. Maybe people would have understood more of where I was coming from. Hope your not mad at me.
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• United States
7 Aug 10
Well some responses might be mean, but in sometime they do make sense it had happen to me before thats why now if i have a personal question i think twice before asking it, but don't worry about it i'm pretty sure it has happen to every one, and yea to answer your question I had regret things I've asked in the past.
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• United States
8 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Thanks for understanding, sorry it also happened to you.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 Aug 10
Firstly, as you can see from my profile, I've been here a long time, four years and yes I've had my share in regrets about starting certain discussions. When I responded to your other discussion about your puppy problem I was NOT, repeat NOT being mean nor name calling. You asked for people's opinions and thoughts about the situation, but I think you were expecting everyone to agree with you. Whenever one starts a discussion here one has to expect responses that are less than hoped for, in other words completely agreeing with you. And you know what that's called? It's called life. I didn't label you or call you names, yet you called me a jerk...was THAT nice? That could be considered "flaming" I gave you my opinion from the point of a person who is heavily involved with animal rights and pet rescuing, my words were actually kind and diplomatic, I was just pointing out to you from the perspective of what we animal rescuers see all the time as to the reasons why people give up pets and why so many fill shelters...Was that wrong? Don't think so. You have to view and understand what I said from my viewpoint as someone involved with animal rights and rescues.
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• United States
10 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) I didn't expect anyone to agree with me but your right about what I said and I'm really sorry for saying that. I hope you accept my apology, if not now maybe in the future. I should have waited to comment when I wasn't so upset. Now that I look back at it, your not the one that attacked me. I was just really hurt and gave it to you. I'm really sorry. I love getting different people's opinions as long as their not rude about it actually. I don't mind at all if people don't agree with me. I was going through a hard enough time and if you said what you said a little nicer I would have still gotten your point, you know? Lesson learned and I will never post something personal again.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
8 Aug 10
Mean? I think we all bent over backwards to be nice and gentle to you. If we said exactly what we though of people being irresponsible with animals you'd probably be crying your eyes out. Animals take a lot of time. There is no excuse for not doing whatever it takes. A well behaved puppy needs at least 3 or 4 hours a day of time devoted to it. A puppy who needs training needs even more. Those are the facts. If you think the facts are cruel, so be it. Most of the respondents have rescued countless animals from people who took on a dog or cat only to find out that they weren't up to the responsibility and commitment of pet ownership.
• Israel
8 Aug 10
They both need time. If you don't have time for a dog and 3 kids, Someone needs to be rehomed. There is no need to shout. That is plain rude. If you don't want opinions, don't post here. I'm sure there's some fantastic world place on the net were everyone agrees all the time, but it's not here on myLot.
• United States
8 Aug 10
Okay, so you think I should spend more time with a DOG than my children? Oh okay that makes sense... NOT!!!! I have 3 kids under 5 who need more of my love and attention than a dog! If I posted a discussion that I cared more about my dog than my kids UM, how do you think that would go? I'm pretty sure people would say I was an IDIOT! Just LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!! Thank You =)
• United States
8 Aug 10
Like you weren't being rude to me? Yeah someone needs to be re-homed it darn sure won't be the kids. So, hmmm let me think about this long and hard who else can be re-homed if it's not going to be the kids? Hold on I know this is rocket science... Oh that's right THE DOG, DUH!!! Oh and after all of you being rude with me, I have decided to keep the dog and he has a playmate which handles his energy and he hasn't destroyed anything. And this dog is trained so she is teaching him too! Thanks for being so mean to me though, I appreciate it.
• Portugal
8 Aug 10
Hi, Well actually I just responded to your other discussion and gave a look around to what other people said. Seems to me you've received a lot of support! There are a lot of people who understand why you did what you did and not one person said you were a bad person.
• Portugal
8 Aug 10
No need to apologize! Nice to know someone agrees!
• United States
8 Aug 10
Maybe neither of you read the posts that have put me in tears right now huh???
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
8 Aug 10
Hi lilangelspreschool, I regret hearing that you feel bad about express yourself and getting "shot down", if you will. You must not let it get you down but for a minute. Just keep doing what you are doing, writing. Remember, you have the freedom to express yourself and the other people do too. So, don't be surprised when someone respond in a negative way to what you have written. I don't write very many discussions, my life just isn't that exciting. I purposely live a very low key life, so there isn't much to write about. However, I did one discussion and did receive a scolding from a member about it being similar to an old discussion, which wasn't true at all. I really was taken back and then I respond back with vigor, then I moved on. I have decide, no matter what, I will not be forced, by bad comment, to quit mylot or work any less. I figure, I don't care what mean people have to say. There are people in this world who just don't know how to be sensitive or ever have a kind word ever to say. What do you do with people like that? I ignore them and I feel sorry for them. Chin up, my friend. Never let them know that they got to you.
• Israel
8 Aug 10
We tried very hard to be nice to her. She just didn't like our answers.
• United States
8 Aug 10
Hi lilangelspreschool, I am sorry to see that we are not all getting alone. Sometimes when we post a discussion, the responses will not be a pleasant as we would hope. When my time comes, and I am sure it will, I hope that I am able to brush it off and keep on moving. I know some people are more sensitive to negative responses that I would be. Look on the bright side, you now know to expect the worse,then you won't be disappointed or surprise when it come. Keep smiling, ya here.
• United States
8 Aug 10
That is absolutely not true. Another girl asked one of the responders why are you chastising her? Is that being nice? NO!
• United States
8 Aug 10
Oh sorry to hear that. I have found that there are a lot of great members here, with many of their own issues as well. I believe that while we are open and free to express our emotions as people really care. There are times when I have noticed that some can be quite insensitive but I try really hard not to allow it to get on my nerves, as I have quite a few more important issues going on in my direct life. Personally really the way I have have always known, that if you do not have something nice to say then don't say anything at all. I am so sorry hon, that member(s) have mis-understood certain things as I recall a discussion where there was absolutely no room for meanness. Here and as it is with direct acquaintances sometimes people say things without giving things a thought. I surely hope I have not offended you in anyway as I really try daily to remember that I am no better then the rest. There are times when discussions are opened when you reply honestly some people misunderstand them, but I try to work around it with a flip side response. I hope this doesn't shunt you from remaining a member as think about this way that as in direct acquaintances you just can't please all.
• United States
8 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =) Like you said, this isn't the first time this has happened to me on here. There's been a few discussions where this has happened, do I have a target somewhere that I didn't know about? LOL I don't mind people have different opinions than mine, that's cool to me. There is also a way to say it that is not rude and that's the difference. When there's a sensitive subject, why do people feel they have to make it worse? I'm a pretty emotional person, I know that. Maybe joining mylot wasn't the best idea I ever had. It's possible I suppose because a lot of people on here don't like me at all for some reason, not really sure why. I try hard to be so nice even though I might not agree with someone, can't they have the same respect for me? Anyway, you have always been really nice to me and I appreciate that a lot =) This is why I hated school so much and this is kind of like being in school again in some ways, people can be so rude. And people wonder why their kids are rude? They should probably look in the mirror. That's why in real life I stay away from people that might put me down or make me feel bad about myself. I can do that ALL BY MYSELF. I'm not sure if I'm going to suck it up and stay or relieve myself from heartache now. I have to decide if it's worth it either way. =)
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
8 Aug 10
Hi, i did not read the discussion where this occurred but I thought i would answer before reading to just reassure you about those evil tendencies some exhibit in this world without forming and opinion on the actual discussion. I have been keeping up with your discussions since joining mylot and I see that you write from the heart. But just remember that this is a public forum and so your going to get the good and the bad elements of human nature. First, Don't take it personal since no one that responds personally knows you. Next, don't allow people's behavior to take you outside of yourself because you relinquish your personal control to someone you don't even know. Finally, don't let someone you don't know determine what you will and will not do. Your discussions have been passionate and meaningful (at least to me), don't stop sharing for some knuckle heads that have nothing better to do.
• United States
8 Aug 10
@ ptower76 I took have followed some of her discussion and well spoken dear as she touches a sentiment in my heart every time I have read her posts. By the way her posts poured her heart out thinking specifically of her pet. I agree with you 100% as I see here daily and well I try to evade them as much as I can as I have so many of my own issues to worry about so adding any from here would not be good for me. Thank you for reminding me why I do what I do. Awesome
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
8 Aug 10
And by the way, I try not to do things I will regret and expressing myself helps me and therefore no regrets.
@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
8 Aug 10
I can't say to them "I regret." because I don't know what they interest. If they ask me that you are against me then I will say to them "I regret."
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• Philippines
8 Aug 10
Making your private life public exposes you to both joys and pains. If you allow yourself to publish a sensitive situation, you just have to be prepared and expect the worst. There are all sorts of people out there. Though I am with you and feel your disappointments.
• United States
8 Aug 10
Yeah, guess I thought I had more friends on here than I actually do... My bad. Lesson learned.
• Canada
8 Aug 10
I didn't agree with the attitudes of those who disagreed with you in the other discussion. I know what it is like to have gotten in over your head. And it is hard enough to admit that, and act in the best interest of all to rectify it to the best of your ability. It should have been left at that. Not chastised you for making the hearwrenching decision. But, if you go back and look, I think you received more support than not in that discussion overall. Count the responses, try to think on the bright side. I think more agreed with you than not.
@Archie0 (5652)
8 Aug 10
[i]Hi there, there are lot of reasons why i get disappointed posting any new discussion here. First one will always be there, that people really do not read your entire post and then make predictions and write what they feel like. In your case, i have not come across any of your old posts and i don't remember if i have replied to them, you might undergo being upset but do not worry. Here you will get lots of different people some will definitely answer you very well, but some will just insult you in your own post. It just all happens here in mylot, you are way to go and welcome to discuss any of your problems, i may not assure you that you will get good answers, but i can tell you gradually when you become old here you will definitely get some worthily people with good answers.[/i]
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
8 Aug 10
Once we started a discussion don't ever thing to have positive responses from all responders. Some people could be mean,online and offline. People from different races with different behavior. Some could be mean,some were not. Never expect everyone would agree with us always. I also had started a topic regarding my emotions and wants to have some help from mylotters. I got good responses and few negatives. Don't feel sad dear,you will get to learn more from mylot,and i knew you will like this site. Have a good weekdays ahead
8 Aug 10
No I've never regretted starting a discussion, I usually think carefully before start a discussion. I try not to regret anything in life because what's done is done. I may get emotional but I always try not to show it because I don't want the other person to think that I am weak. They will think I don't care if I don't show any emotion. If it's positive emotion however I am more likely to show it obviously because there is nothing negative to hide.
• Philippines
8 Aug 10
Yes, I regret falling in love so deep. its not about being in a wrong relationship but i think i am not capable of loving. sucks :(
• China
8 Aug 10
Sometimes we feel that we have no campass in our life and we don't know how to do with our life.But don't worry, you need time to think about that. Maybe u can ask help for your best friends.