By nannacroc
@nannacroc (4049)
9 responses
@lyndseyxxx (42)
17 Nov 06
i dont agree with abortions.i think that if you dont want your unborn child you should carry it until it is born then give it up for adoption if you still feel the same way.if the baby has a problem with it,nature will take its course.if it lives it lives if not,then it wasnt meant to be
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 06
I don't agree with abortion at all with the exception of serious medical reasons. However, it's still going to happen but at 26 weeks, it's a child and can survive outside the womb. A woman carrying twins was murdered a couple of years ago and because she was 26 weeks pregnant, it was counted as a triple murder but if it was a few weeks earlier, it would have only been one murder. I think some people take the attitude that if a baby can not surive outside the womb then it's not really a person. But my best friend was born REALLY premature like 22 weeks I think and that was 26 years ago. So surely in 26 years, things should have improved so that a baby can live outside the womb even before that.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
27 Aug 07
About 2 decades ago was when the biggest jumps were made with supportive care for severely premature infants. You are probably correct that your friend was born around 22 weeks, but understand that even now that's a very, very risky time to be born. Lungs are not developed at that stage of a pregnancy, and the child will require breathing assistance possibly even much longer than what would have been the remainder of the pregnancy. The brain is not finished developing, and the child may have life-long learning disabilities. Also each day the pregnancy continues there are leaps & bounds in development, 22wks 4 days is going to have a marked improvement in potential for survival over say 22 wks 1 day.

@nannacroc (4049)
17 Nov 06
Neither do I, but I wanted different points of view.
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@abeerali (383)
• United Arab Emirates
17 Nov 06
many places have legal abortion b4 16 weeks only once it croses 5months it aint allowed...n iknow of many countries where abortion is completely illegally b it even one day...xception if da feotus is abnormal or has has major congenital anomalies
@nannacroc (4049)
17 Nov 06
It is still legal in Britain until the 26th week of pregnancy.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
27 Aug 07
its a sad discussion. i shall not ever consider doing it with a child of mine. but then again, some women have a different way of thinking. i agree with the one response that you can give the baby away if you still dont want it after 9 months. every baby deserves a chance in life. we were given a chance. why not them. if i had to choose a termination time, would say, go for the morning after pill.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
28 Aug 07
expensive? no, and unavailable? no. morning after pills is a term given to certain contraceptive pills where you take 4 pills. one every twelve hours.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
28 Aug 07
why so defensive? if you dont want babies, dont have seĀ¤ . just dont tell the pharma that its for morning after. again i wouldnt do it though. and if one is catholic, one wouldnt go the abortion path anyway. its a sad thing. i was a nursing student for one year and it didnt do me any good. all the heartache nearly broke me.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
29 Aug 07
my o my. me thinks the lady doth protest too much. did you read all of my answers re the discussion subject? IT WAS ABOUT TERMINATION PERIOD! I am not dictating and only gave my opinion. get a life. i HATE abortion.

@nicky35 (747)
17 Nov 06
i think abortion should be legal and free world wide,but only up to 14 weeks.beyond that it should be banned and not performed at all because it goes from being a clump of cells to a tiny baby,also anyone concidering an abortion should be councelled before and after.abortions can seriously screw your mind up.i know.
@nannacroc (4049)
17 Nov 06
Thank you for your response. I don't think some people are aware of how much an abortion can affect you later.
14 weeks seems to be a reasonable cut off point but I'm still against abortions.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
27 Aug 07
Viability is the most important factor to me in forming my opinion- not everyone will agree that's the most important factor & that's fine. But yes, for me limits & restrictions should be based on viability. However, exceptions must be in place for the woman's health & complications with the fetus. Late term abortions are pretty shocking & an understandably touchy subject to say the least. But if a family learns the baby they've been looking forward to for 26 weeks has no brain beyond a brain stem, zero potential for any life outside the womb except for a few painful, torturous hours of medicine postponing the inevidable; then only the family involved has any right to decide if continuing the pregnancy is the best choice. If mom develops pre-e at 22 weeks & her liver is failing, there can be no delay of birth (even though the baby will not survive) to attempt to 'save' the baby-again unless the parents choose that route.
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@nannacroc (4049)
28 Aug 07
Viability is a consideration and it would be crueller in some of the cases you describe to continue the pregnancy. I was thinking more about the child just being unwanted rather than the things you describe.
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@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
29 Aug 07
heres my final answer to the subject: Yes!
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