I had a disturbing dream last night

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
August 8, 2010 8:31am CST
Many of my dreams are prophetic, they are warnings of what is to come and when I listen to them things usually turn out well. But last night was very upsetting to me. There was someone moving into my house, an obnoxious man that lived with two girlfriends. My mother, sister and I had had to rent out my house, where we had been living together, and were going to move to my mother's down in Florida because it was either rent out my house or lose it. The man was there and I was still packing up trying to get everything out. He gave me a day to finish then showed up early and threatened to call the sheriff if I didn't leave immediately. I realized I didn't have a car anymore, no way to get the few boxes I had down to my mother's which was about 900 miles away! My income has been sporadic recently, enough to live on but I've had to cut back a lot. Perhaps this dream is a sign of my insecurities but I wonder if it could be a warning like so many of my dreams are. Have you ever dreamed of losing your house or being evicted from your apartment? Did it stick with you the next day? It's been 4 hours since I woke up and it's still very vivid in my memory.
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14 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
9 Aug 10
Hiya dragon, Let´s see I have had dreams like that in a similar way and I find the more vivid they are for me the less likely they are to come true. They are just a means of me healing my anxiety. Perhaps your situations have sparked off an undercurrent deep down inside and put the message through in your Dreams. I have dreamed about losing my House but then I have been in very stressful situations so this to me would only be a logical dream. However I know that feeling that dragging feeling that stays with you for hours it´s hard to shake off when you are going through really tough situations like yours. As your situation gets better I would think that the Dream will cease to be. You are right there are Dreams that come true and I have had a few of those too but I don´t let them interfere with the real me. I just think they are only dreams and they just fade. There is one Dream I have continually when I am worried about money and I don´t worry about it anymore as it´s only the same old thing. So it does not worry me now it´s just that a Dream that´s all. Hope you have much better Dreams now dragon wishing you lot´s of happy dreams about other things besides Houses. Sometimes Houses are the interior of each one of us the upstairs the downstairs the lot. So don´t let it get you down happy dreams now.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Aug 10
Thanks for the comforting words! You might be right but I'll continue to prepare for harder times--I think maybe a lot of people are having dreams like this right now in my country. Unemployment is at the Great Depression levels when you take the underemployed and those who have given up looking for work (like me) into account. Last night I did have some nice dreams, I'm pretty relaxed today!
• Pamplona, Spain
10 Aug 10
Hiya dragon, See I told you that you would have good dreams did´nt I? Unemployment is at it´s very highest here and it´s no wonder the rate of taking tranquilizers has gone up very much. There are many People that have given up trying to find a Job too. Try not to take it all to Bed with you though and this is very hard not to do because we have all been taught to worry about everything there is to worry about. I have a hard time keeping out of my sleep those thoughts too but it does stay away sometimes. I do work at it though I have to. I wish I could get a cleaning Job but they are very very hard to find at the moment. Anyhow at this time of night like it is here I have shelved those thoughts for another Day. You have a good nights sleep after they are only dreams nothing more than that.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
9 Aug 10
I 've never dreamed of being evicted, but I've dreamed that a man was chasing me with evil intent. I've awakened my husband with my screams for help. Think those dreams were triggered by viewing TV programs too close to bedtime.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Aug 10
Dreams are the way our subconscious expresses itself and reveals our real feelings. We react to some really crazy things. I'm sure my dream was because of my worries about the economy and world events but I'm equally certain it was partially a warning--my dreams usually turn out to be right. I'm actively planning to prevent losing my house, which is in no danger at this time.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
10 Aug 10
Sounds like a good move.
• United States
8 Aug 10
How creepy! I hate dreams like that especially if it's for someone like you in wich some aspect of it is true. I would not want to think about loosing my home no matter how much I'd love to tear it down and rebuild. But you know times are tough and may be that way for some years to come.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I'm quite sure things will get much worse before they get better, which is probably why I had that dream. Many of my dreams are warnings and I think this was one of them. I'm going to further trim my budget and start preparing for a time with little or no income. I've saved quite a bit towards that but that dream told me I may not have enough. And I'll consider renting out a room to another woman--it was a man in the dream--before things get quite so bad. It was very upsetting but I'm glad it warned me. Now I know a lot more things to look for and avoid.
• United States
8 Aug 10
I do recall you mentioning if times got tough to rent out a room in your home. I don't know that I could do that (provided I had the room) unless it was someone I knew....but you have to do what you have to do. Somedays I wonder to what we are going to do if our income shrinks. DH's company just merged and let 2,200 people go. We'd be beyond SOL if that were the case cause I know unemployment won't pay enough to make our bills. It's a scary world out there!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
10 Aug 10
I often think the important part of such dreams is the feeling left behind. But maybe renting your house is part of your solution at this time.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Aug 10
It's definitely something I'll plan for if things get that bad. I'm just blessed to have space to rent out! I'm okay now but should the worst happen that's one option I'll consider.
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
Man! your dream sure is very upsetting... but don't worry. Dreams could be random. They get all past memories inside your brain and then uses your intellect skills to form up a random story. so pretty much those past memories you are having can be those memories that are very upsetting too like your GF busted you or your boss fired you and the such :)
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@Neo333X (171)
• Romania
12 Aug 10
Your subconscious might repeatedly create more "warning" dreams because you believe to much in it.It would be nice to know what's true and what's not but it's always good to be prepared ...just in case.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Aug 10
You might be right but my motto is "always have a backup plan" and this dream led me to adjust and perfect my backup plan. Now I have more options than ever if something like this should happen! I refuse to ever be a victim of circumstance, I've had quite enough of that.
@GardenGerty (162666)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I have never had dreams of a forced move, or of losing my home. I have had dreams that were vivid and unsettling and that would not go away. None of them turned out to be prophetic however. I do not interpret dreams and it would be foolish of me to try. I hope you shake it off a little later today.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I made some new plans for managing my money and I feel a little better now. I've had too many dreams serve as warnings to be ignoring them. I'm actually grateful for them but they are upsetting at times. I'm glad I got this heads-up. About half my dreams are like that while the other half are just silly subconscious means of expression.
• India
9 Aug 10
I think it’s a special quality to have dreams which can foretell the future…unfortunately, I don’t have this gift and have never dreamt something which has come true later. As you say, it might be a harmless reflection of your insecurities while on the other hand, it might be a sign of worst things to come… in any case, its always better to be prepared for the worst and I’m sure you will go about accordingly to minimize any worst situation. Hoping for the best!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Aug 10
Yes, whenever I have a dream like this I do start trying to prevent what I dreamed about. I've avoided intersections I've dreamed about and learned later that there was a bad accident there at the time I would have been there. I listen to my dreams. They are rarely this intricate and with so much character development so I believe I'm supposed to listen to this one. Thanks for the encouragement!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
8 Aug 10
oh honey, im praying you dont loose your house. its the worst experience there is. well, one of the worst. there are worse things, but i lost mine and its terrible its the reason im helping my son keep his and hes going to have to realise that. Maybe if you not only pray, but be convinced it wont happen, it wont. sometimes if we loose faith and believe it, it doesnt turn out well. So, hang in there.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I'm sorry you had to go through losing your house, I can only imagine how awful it is. When my ex and I sold our home we'd had for 18 years, I felt a hint of what it would feel like to have to give up a home and it's awful. I'm in no danger right now but my income is no longer stable. I've saved a lot. I believe God gladly helps those who help themselves and I know that if I do all that I can--including listening to this warning--then He will step in and help when I need Him. Including sending me a suitable tenant should I need one!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I don't like it when I have a disturbing dream at night. I try to analye it to no end. I see it as a premonition and then again i don't. it will drive me half cray trying to figure out why I had the dream in the first place.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I'm sure that part of why I had the dream is because of my fluctuating income. I am treating it as a warning and making plans to rent a room out and cutting down on the few things I haven't cut down on yet! Since this is my first ever house, I would be sad to lose it. It's just a house, but the first home I've ever had. Even the house I raised my children in never felt like home. Well, if it does happen I'll have done everything I can to prevent it and I'll always have the memories!
• China
9 Aug 10
Maybe you worried about your income or something else.My advice is,don't worry too much about that and foucs on your work or something relaxed. The more you think about your dream,the more upset you will be.So,just get rid of your dream from your memory.It was nothing but a dream. Wish you have a happier life!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Aug 10
Thank you for the encouragement! I haven't had a job for two years, things are very bad here in the States and that is probably one reason I am having such dreams. I will take it as a warning and increase my efforts to save more money and get more work from the internet.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
9 Aug 10
When we dream our mind gets triggered while we are asleep or maybe something you saw that caused you to have a disturbing dream. For me I so far have had just pleasant dreams no bad ones yet.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Aug 10
I hope your dreams continue to be pleasant! Dreaming is like going to the movies every night, you see some wonderful stories.
9 Aug 10
i also think that your dream is terrible.but sometimes dreams are only dreams. today before yesterday,i also have a strange dream. i dreamed that below of my right eye was wound by a knife and i didn't care about it. a few days gone,i look into the mirror,i found my wound became a little eye.i'm very scared and told my parents. but my father not worried at all.i feel very monstrosity and dare not face people,i also very scared. and than i wake up. this dream is very oddness```
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Aug 10
That must have been awful! I have had such dreams and they are so real until we wake up. I will count this one as a warning since it is so possible, and I will take action to be sure it does not happen!
• India
8 Aug 10
MY nightmare is my teachers assignment submission...:)
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Aug 10
Ha! When I was in college, nearly 40 years ago, I had dreams that I got to class and couldn't find my assignment. Ran back home and it was gone. In one dream there was a giant lizard in the back yard guarding it, in another it was in a vending machine and I had no money. School can be very stressful!