Reality shows

August 8, 2010 3:26pm CST
What do you think of Reality shows? Well, I think that some are pretty pointless. Some such as, The Real Housewives of Orange County to Paris Hiltons: My new BF. Do you really need a reality show to find a BFF or watch housewives live their rich lives? They are so annoying and it can gets on my nerves.. These people spend a load of their money to make other people watch their lives, like who gives a crap? Then there's reality shows I do like watching like Survivor and The Amazing Race.
9 responses
• United States
9 Aug 10
For the most part, I completely agree. A majority of reality shows really get on my nerves. The exception, for me, is a show called The Colony, in which the participants are simulating life after a biological disaster. In this case, it's a virus that has killed almost everyone and destroyed society. Their goal is to use the few resources they have to rebuild a stable society for themselves. The Colony is pretty much the only reality show I watch. It's not annoying like the rest, but truly fascinating to watch them try to rebuild.
@wilmpie (147)
• Belgium
9 Aug 11
i also watched the show and seen season 1 and 2 now and looking for that kind off reality show do u know some?
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
8 Aug 10
I really enjoy Survuvor and Amazing Race...I try not to miss any of the episodes. I usually watch Design Star on HGTV, too. I find it interesting. I sometimes watch the Apprentice, but it's not a necessity. I also like America's Got Talent, although it is more of a talent show than a reality show. I sometimes watch Biggest Loser, too I never could get into Big Brother or the Bachelor or the Bachelorette. They seem really contrived and silly to me.
• Canada
8 Aug 10
Yeah, I think it really depends on what kind of reality show it is..
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
8 Aug 10
Hmm, I don't really watch the Housewives shows or the Paris Hilton show. I guess they don't show it in the country I am from. But I do agree that many of the reality shows these days are really pointless. The T.V. networks just see it as a way to save money from not having scripted shows and having to pay for Script writers, editors or producers. There are some reality shows that I like such as the Amazing Race.
• Canada
8 Aug 10
The Amazing Race is one of my favorite reality shows. Try avoiding those housewives shows because they are a complete waste of your time.. Ever since LOST, my favorite tv show ended, I've been left with nothing to watch and a bunch of new reality shows piling up on television.
• United States
8 Aug 10
To be honest, I don't hate reality shows. But I don't necessary love them either. I watch them if nothing else is on. They're just entertaining because the people are so uncommonly stupid. It gives the United States such a bad reputation though.
• Canada
8 Aug 10
I know what you're talking about, some of my friends are addicted to reality shows. I ask them why they watch it and they say that they're interesting and entertaining. Man, what are these reality stars trying to do? Brainwash people?
@fpsninja (874)
8 Aug 10
I think reality shows are just riduclous. My least favourite is "Big Brother". Man i cant stand that program. I had to watch some episodes for a piece of GCSE english coursework (which i ended up getting A* in the end by ripping it to shreds lol!) and i just found it so boring. As far as i can make out, its just some people in a house... a lot like what it is like around my house... everyday... I mean, who watches this? I remember once i wasw in hospital, and it was the only thing on tv (i had just had an operation, and couldn't get to sleep due to the medicine messing up my body clock, it was 4 in the morning, and even then, i decided to turn of the tv, and just sit there watching the roof! Cant stand reality shows, dont see the point!
• Canada
8 Aug 10
I totally agree.
8 Aug 10
The Jeremy Kyle show makes me embarrassed to be British.... I hate these kinds of shows they are a waste of time, they should put on some decent things like more education for the kids even adults. Meh.. People are weird so they need to watch weird things :P
• Canada
8 Aug 10
I believe the US has more reality shows.. but now UK has them too.
@reneezoso (392)
• India
9 Aug 10
Dis finding BFF reality shows are stupid lame way or gettin publicity for self coz they arent getting much cash and roles in soaps and movies.. needs a jump or support to get a publicity stunt.. and retrieve the long lost position
@mabey1 (334)
• Romania
8 Aug 10
i don't like any reality show at all. i have my one life to think about and to live. i think this celebs don't know how should reamin the focus of the media so they try everything even to get public with the most intimate things of their lifes. i feel pitty for them. they have to be despret to do this kind of shows.
• Canada
8 Aug 10
These people are rich, can't they use their money on other things? Desperate I tell you, desperate!
@blueboy3 (123)
• Ireland
9 Aug 10
Mostly, I hate them, they seem to exploit people who are desperate for attention. But every now and then there is one that gives us an insight into some dimension of life. It's kind of rare though.