Cheap - bad ?

@Luwiego (622)
August 9, 2010 10:19am CST
Is it true that if you buy expensive stuff it means they are better ? And if you buy cheaper stuff - opposed ? I think that you can get a cheap, but still good product. What do you think ? Cheers nad happy myLotting !
6 responses
9 Aug 10
True to an extent but not always. You just have to use your brain and experience to see if something is a bargain. Don't just rely on the price tag, research it before buying.
• India
11 Aug 10
u r right parrot..that we shoul always use or mood or mind to choose some thing ..either it id good or best to ur suit
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
9 Aug 10
I see nothing wrong in buying cheap things.Depends what kind of things you buy.I wouldn't buy shoes or clothes I have to throw out after one week.I wouldn't buy cheap electronics, jewelery.Usually, you have to pay twice when you buy some product of low quality.Sometimes price matters.
@Luwiego (622)
• Israel
10 Aug 10
Hello silvercoind, thanks for posting here ! I also would buy shoes, that last only one week just because their cheap. I wanted to say is, that you can get the same quality product cheaper, and save some cash. Cheers and happy myLotting !
• India
11 Aug 10
Ya it is true but not so shure..branded stuff is always better as they spend lots of money on it so it is quite obvious that they have to make good brends it is very normal that if a country spend money on adds he has to make good brands...if he make no good brands then it is worthless
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 10
It's not true. Expensive stuff is not mean have better quality. Usually, good quality stuff will be more expensive since the material to make good quality stuff is more expensive. We can't conclude that expensive stuff than have good quality. People may sell cheap stuff with high price to fraud others. Most of us think that expensive stuff always have good quality. Whereas, we may find cheap stuf with good quality too. For the same quality, branded stuff will be more expensive than non-branded stuff. Brand is one of marketing strategy. The power of brand is absolute. However, they need time and hard work to build brand.
@vhings_88 (294)
• Philippines
9 Aug 10
I don't believe that cheaper products aren't good. It depends upon the quality. A lot of expensive goods has a good quality. sometimes, other products are just expensive because of their names but has poor quality. It might be better to buy trusted and qualified products.
@fpsninja (874)
9 Aug 10
This is not totally true. It is true in certain circumstances, but take baked beans for an example. Heinz beans also make Tesco beans (or at least, this is what i have been (or is it bean?) told), they are just packaged differently. You have to look at the product. Some products cost more simply because of a badge or logo (e.g. nike), whereas other products cost more because of the quality or the materials used, or the cost of labour (better trained workers cost more). So it really depends. For example, cars. It cost more to make a car to look nice inside (e.g. leather seats, etc) that you may imagine, its something like one of the most expensive parts of the car to do up. Now a car that does it up well is going to cost a lot, but you have to weigh up, is it worth it? For me personally, i would rather have more work done under the bonnet, making it reliable, and economical. You have to choose for yourself what you want in the product you are buying.