Can movie stars or celebrities make good politicians?

August 10, 2010 2:54am CST
Ronald Reagan of US is one, Estrada of the Philippines is the other. Imran Khan of Pakistan is yet another one. Reagan and Estrada were both ex-actors and Khan was a famous cricketeer. They have the charisma but do they have what it takes to be a politician. For Reagan, he has rose to become the President of the US. Has he performed credibly? Your thoughts please.
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7 responses
@reneezoso (392)
• India
10 Aug 10
actor might make good politicians due to their ability to manipulate people and the press. after all, it is their hob to act and lie., WHich sounds a lot like the job description of a politician, if you ask me..
• India
10 Aug 10
correction -- it is their job**
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
hi reneezoso - i think actors can cope with the media better but whether they are men/women of substance is quite another matter.
• United States
10 Aug 10
Reagan did OK he is now deceased and then there is swarstenaiger (prob not spelled correctly) but he seems to be doing OK in California
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
Arnold Schwarzenegger is doing ok probably of his Kennedy connection (on his wife's side). Generally I feel that the politicians to make good decisions need a good team of people to support them - in the macro and micro issues in the country.
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
yes, if only they are willing..
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
hi grayxenon, thanks for your feedback. Maybe you can share more as to the reason for your feedback.
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
I don't mind having a movie actor or a sportsperson as a president; however, I do not vote them for congress or senate since in these two offices they are talking about law that would affect the way of life of the people. I vote for those with background in law, or practicing law, or political science. For me celebrities can run for the president, vice president, mayor, governor, etc but not the for the senate and congress unless they have the qualifications stated above.
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
Interestingly, those with knowledge of the law or political science have problems grappling with governance of the country also. I think being a good politician one needs the whole package of knowledge, charisma and being morally upright.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
I'm not familiar with how reagan performed but i think his performance is way better that Joseph Estrada. Their only common denominator is they're both good looking. Reagan speaks very good english while estrada don't know how or barely. Well, this is just a joke. I think Estrada may have failed but i'm sure there are people who benefited while he was in office.
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
Ha! You are right, Reagan performed very much better than Estrada and I feel that Estrada should have just stuck to acting instead of making a mockery of the Presidential office.
@hushi22 (4928)
10 Aug 10
i don't really think it matters much. i think education and credibility matter the most.
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
hi hushi, yup, education and credibility matters greatly coz if with little understanding of the dynamics of the economy and ill-informed decisions by top politicians, a country's future is in jeopardy. But then again, even the highly educated do have problems running a country. I think strength of character is also important for a politician to make good.
@xeroeight (1060)
• Philippines
10 Aug 10
I think charisma is one factor for a president to fully control their country man, but still its not all depend on it there are many things a president should have to fully lead a country. A president should also came from a great university with the course related to a president job and also a president should not be greedy in money, no back ground in gambling and bad habit because a president must be a role model for all the people in their country. And this factor is not only for a president but for all the section of our government. I know there's more but now I can't think of anything.
• Singapore
11 Aug 10
hi xeroeight, thanks for your comments. Basically we expect the government to be clean and that includes the President of the country. The President should have a great understanding of the economics of the country besides being a good negotiator and motivator. And above all, to be humble and have people skills. I think Abraham Lincoln is a good President in his time. And Bill Clinton was not too bad except for his unfortunate episode with Monica Lewinsky.