Green green grass of home

@zandi458 (28102)
August 11, 2010 6:02am CST
I miss home. I am counting days now to go back home after spending well over 2 months in down under and I think I have enough of a long vacation here. No doubt I have enjoyed my stay here in Queensland and like this place very much but nothing can compare to the beautiful Malaysia, the country I belong. When I first touched down in the Australian soil I was full of excitement and was really looking forward to see this sunshine state which I thought the weather is close to home climate. Little did I realized that it was winter months and I was ill equipped to face the cold and dry season. The cultural shock forced me to stay indoors for days too scared to go out for fear of being caught in the harsh weather outside. Coming from a tropical country where everyday promises good weather I feel there is no place like home. I can parade in any fashion without fear of being frozen. Wearing many layers of thick clothing is quite uncomfortable and the need to splash lotion every now and then is so troublesome. It is too drying here. But for a holiday, Queensland is a great place for a complete rest. Shopping is no paradise here as the currency exchange is burning a big hole in the pocket especially to people from the Asian countries but I can't resist splashing on some unique goodies not found in our local stores. I am happy to leave my footprints in this beautiful lands of the Aussies.
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23 responses
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
11 Aug 10
Though not a glorious as your Malayasia, I am glad to be home in Oklahoma ! I moved back in October from Montana and there I faced the same weather changes you have faced. I really do love Montana but only in the summers. WE still have home in Montana but the decision to stay HOME was made and we are now back to being "okies" :) I do so understand. But , one of my dreams has always been to go the down under. Any suggestions???
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 10
The air in Bundaberg is well protected and unspoiled. Everyday I look up to the sky and noticed the clear blue sky without any pollution.That explains why they are many centenarians walking around looking very healthy and energetic, enjoying the peace and pollution free environment that this place has to offer. The oldies here are well dressed and they appear stress free. Or is this the place many people decide to retreat when they are old as the weather is kind to people in the twilight years? Sunshine state they call this city. Will be going back to Malaysia on 29th August but would extend another week of holiday in one of the duty free island in Malaysia before going back home to my State in Sabah (North Borneo). There is high probability that I'll return to Queensland again in future as my sister is a permanent resident here and I've made friends with my sister's colleagues at the university where she is teaching. But for people who are used to high flying life, Bundaberg might not appeal to them as it is a little laid back.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
This part of Australia where I am now is a good place for retirement. It has milder winter compared to the other parts of Australia. But for me who has always been in a tropical country, even a mild winter will shock my whole system. Properties here are 'reasonable' and there are vast lands with not too many people yet. Cost of living is average. I would very much like to come back here again for future visits.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
12 Aug 10
I've heard about the same reports as you have told me here. I guess I'll just have to go there and find out for myself. Sounds very nice to me. I hope you do go back and enjoy it. When do you go back to Malayasia??
@savypat (20216)
• United States
11 Aug 10
So next time you take a trip you will know to do more research before you leave. But I am glad you had this experience and Australia is a great place to have a long visit like you did.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
There is always a first time and looks like I have to be more careful the next time I plan for vacation.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
12 Aug 10
I know I had missed ya around here. So glad you have started to enjoy your visit. What kind off goodies did you find that you cant find at home? SO sorry you didnt take in the fact that it is winter down there I wouldnt have really thought of that right off either. Specially when we set for months her in the 100s. Dec. and Jan. is our cold months here and yup even in the desert it does get cold. WEll ya ge home soon and then have to get used to that weatehr again huh? hugsssssssssssssss
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Aug 10
that is sad!;-(
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 10
I don't know whether I can order those stuff as my country is quite strict and will imposed heavy tax for such stuffs.
@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
11 Aug 10
I too am ready for you to return to your home... You and your writing have been missed. ;) please be safe and i look forward to seeing you home again.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
I do miss you too.
• India
29 Aug 10
Hello my friend zandi458 Ji, So nice to see you after very long time. You missed home, and I missed you very badly. Bteh way you have explained your trip there, excites even to me. But ld only imagineabout Queensland. Now, everything is at my home only. Also, what I think "HOME SWEET HOME" is un-replaceable by anything. This is very true.special feeling comes and passes by, always gives fresness. May God bless You and have a great time.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
You must be rich, i remember you traveling from different countries, Could you use a bodyguard
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 10
I am a LOL (Lady of Leisure). Any good investment in your country?
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Not rich but I work hard and the little money I earned are all utilized on travels. I promise myself to see the world before I move to the next world.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
What work are you in, if you dont mind me asking
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Aug 10
hi zandi I am sure that after living in Malaysia that you would indeed miss the great climate. I have read its so beautiful there and have often wished I had the money to travel and visit the country. I am sure your Australian vacation must have been lovely but there is no place quite like home.I would love to see Australia too.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Both Malaysia and Australia have their own attractions. Sometimes the weather in Malaysia is unbearable but otherwise a beautiful country. For a change of environment, I think Australia is a good place to relax and detoxify the body. The countryside of Queensland is quiet and peaceful. It is no wonder that Bundaberg has so many retirement village.
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Aug 10
Home is what you're used to. I know people who come from cold climates who miss having seasons when they move someplace warmer!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 10
well we do have a share of the cold weather locally if we retreat to the highlands. But it will mean long drive to reach the place.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
12 Aug 10
There is quite a contrast in Australia between summer and winter. The summers are warm and we have periods when it is darn hot! The winter time can get chilly but not as chilly as some European countries! It would certainly seem dry here compared to the tropical climate in your country. I’m glad you had this experience zandi and I hope you get to come back at another time. I hope you have a happy and safe journey home; there is some truth in “absence makes the heart grow fonder”.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Looks like I will be making regular trips here in future. Since my sister who is a lecturer in one of the university here has a house, I can save on accommodation. I like shopping here, more choices of things to buy.
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@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
I do agree that "there's no place like home", me too missed my place so much but I just could not leave the job here in the city. I used to live in the province and love the place so much because it is more quiet, tranquil and peaceful, but the city offers great opportunities for the future so I stick here.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Living in the city is more convenient but cost of living is much higher.
@shibham (16977)
• India
13 Aug 10
home home sweet home... there is no place like home.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 10
sure, home is where my heart is.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
11 Aug 10
I am glad that you had a good time vacationing in my lovely state of Queensland Zandi. You are right though, it is pretty dry at this time of year, particularly for someone from Malaysia who is used to more humid weather. It has been wetter down here on the Gold Coast than normal at this time of year, but the air is still dry compared to summer time. If you came to Queensland between November and February, you would find it closer to your home in temperature. I too enjoy the more hot and humid months. My wife does too. We are thinking of moving to the tropics as we know we would love it there, but we would miss all of our friends that are here in the sub-tropics. It is strange hearing you describe the weather as harsh as most people here from the USA and Europe would consider the weather quite mild and pleasant compared to their cold winters!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Maybe for those who live all their lives in four seasons countries will definitely love this sunshine state of queensland. For my standard, it is pretty cold and the breezy wind will quickly send me looking for shelter under thick garments.For your info, I never sweat here since I arrived!
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
12 Aug 10
I do not sweat at this time of year either, although we can get some really warm days in the winter, the air is drier. We do not really have four seasons in QLD, more like a wet and hot season and a temperate dry season. It seems to change really quickly too!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 10
But you do still have winter in your calender, don't you? Visit Malaysia and you'll experience the contrast in the weather. It is warm and breezy here but in my country, it is more like the sahara desert.
• India
12 Aug 10
Hi zandi Glad to know you are in Queensland since last 2 months, hope you enjoy your stay, home is always sweet home, when are you coming back? When back tell us more about Australia.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Hi Prof, I will be going back home end of this month. I am visiting my younger sister here who is an Australian resident. I have been irregular on mylot since coming here as I did a lot of sightseeing and shopping. Only surf the net when I am not totally knocked out from the constant traveling.
@oplopez81 (158)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
I stayed in a foreign land for 9 months and frankly, it was not the life that I had dreamed of. You will be treated as a 3rd class citizen. They won't admit it but that's a fact, based from experience. Truly, there is no place like home. When I returned to my country, I learned to appreciate the things that my country has to offer which I have been taking for granted before. I guess I needed a wake up call before I can realize that I am actually happier and contented in my own home. :-))
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Lucky for me I was able to mix around with the locals fast and did not feel an outcast.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 Aug 10
It sounds like you are definitely homesick and ready to go. I hope that the weather cooperates and you don't have any problems.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
So far so good. The weather is improving and am slowly getting adjusted to the coldness.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
11 Aug 10
So, your vacation is coming to an end Zandi. Take cranberries home with you.My sisterinlaw brings them for me and I love them.Hope to see more of your discussions in mylot , now that the vacaton is coming to an end.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 10
I feel sad that the vacation is coming to an end but happy to finally be going back home. It is the home for strawberries here but have not seen cranberries yet.
@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 10
You reminded me that I lived in Armidale, NSW, Australia 15 years ago. 2 years there was an unforgetable experience. The winter was worse than one you got in Qeensland. At the peak we had below zero at night and around 5 during the day. But then I was young, get used to the temperature and when I visited Queensland I felt that Queensland was a warm place, I wear a round neck t shirt and sweat a lot. Armidale is a countryside so it is quiet and people are very nice. It seems that they have all the time in this world with. No hurry at all. I love to see people in Armidale have the time to walk their dog and cut grass in their 'own backyard'. I used to walk from my university to the town's cinema, it is like a 3 km walk, after midnight show. Not that I afraid anything during that time except now when I think back wild dogs are not a worthy company. My time in Armidale feels like it happened last week. I still can see all the picture in my heart. I still have dream in Armidale ocassionally. And I still can see faces of close friends when I was there. If I have extra I would visit Armidale and see what had happenned to it. Welcome home to you zandi, I wish I have the opportunity, like you, to spend months in Australia.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 10
Hi salam1, Queensland is known as the sunshine state but still find the winter a 'torture. You sure have a good memory of Queensland. The place is a little laid back and the locals are quite friendly. Talking about dogs, every household seems to have a pet dog here. That make me more homesick thinking of my 4 dogs at home. It is nice to break our daily routine by going away once in a while and breath different air in a foreign land. Since I have a sister residing here the opportunities to come back again is always on the card.
• United States
11 Aug 10
Hi Zandi, there is no place like home i have always heard & believe that w/all my heart. Alot ofpeople enjoy getting away & i'm glad they do but i am happy right where i am & have no desire to travel. Have a safe trip home.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 10
Hi lady, it is home where the heart lies. I hope the long flight home is not too boring.
@picjim (3002)
• India
11 Aug 10
Its quite distressing to note that you landed in Australia during their harsh winter.Had you gone there during the Australian summer you could have enjoyed warm weather and their wonderful seaside.The weather especially when it is cold is quite harsh for most people from Asia who are used to warm climate even in winter.I'm glad you were able to shop and get those items which you desired to purchase.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 10
It is a lesson learned to be watchful of the season when going for future holidays. I have picked the wrong date for a holiday.
@elvieb02 (695)
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
It's always a happy moment to go back home after wandering as you will appreciate the things you have at home that you didn't see in your wanderings. Travel is good as you'll broaden your horizons but at the end of the day, it is home that we are always heading.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 10
You are right, only when I am in a foreign land that I see the beautiful side of my country. I often take things for granted.