Is it always necessary to blame someone for our problems?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
August 11, 2010 6:59pm CST
Have you ever felt confused about who is to blame for the problems in your life? If we had a difficult childhood, we may wonder why we should have to take responsibility for that? What about our current relationships? We may blame our parents for our low self-esteem, and we may blame our current partner for exacerbating it, after all this seems to make sense. Surly it is not our fault if our parents were irresponsible or unkind, and we are not to blame for our partner's bad behavior. Do you think the problem may lie with the idea that we have to blame someone? Is it really necessary to lay blame? Would we be happier if we put it behind us and moved on?
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29 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
12 Aug 10
A belief in Reincarnation will solve the Blame problem once and for all! The theorem of Reincarnation contends that while between physical lives, we get to choose our parents, our relationships,and country of birth, as well as the circumstances of our next physical life. These events are chosen by us, so that we can broaden our experience and in this way, evolve closer to God. People who believe in Reincarnation do not place blame for these obvious reasons.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 10
Hi sailor, I see that you believe in reicarnation already but have some problems with understanding it. There may be others who can explain it better, but these are my thoughts. First of all, you had nothing to do with the creation of your physical body, that was your parents job. You choose the body that they created. Also you have free well here on earth to make your own choices. When you take responibility for your life, you can make changes but things cannot change as long as you blame others. Blessings.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
30 Aug 10 does necessary to blame someone if they should be blame for it!if not..don't bother to do so because it will just humiliate you.'s our nature..we do blame others till we realised it is actually us to be blame..we think that blaming someone else will make us feel better...

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Aug 10
Hi amelly, Thank you for sharing your thoughts but I don't think it's really necessary to blame anyone - not even ourselves. Placing blame does no good but just upsets us. We should accept what's happened and move on. Some people must always look for someone to blame, they seem to thrive on it. We must take responsibility for our actions but blame is not necessary. Blessings.
@Strangelle (2)
13 Aug 10
What happen in our lives doesn't depend on the actions of others, maybe some but not all because whatever they will do to us still we have a choice on how we will respond.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 10
Hi Strangelle, Thank you for commenting. I feel that we need to stop the blame game whether it's blaming ourselves or others. It's just a waste of time and causes all kinds of friction in our lives. Let's take responsibility for our lives, leave the past where it should be and move on. Blessings.
@Chocoholic (85)
• Indonesia
16 Aug 10
I had that feeling months ago, my life was being difficult and I started looking for someone to blame. But now I realize that everything I do will make something for my future, it's not all about which person who ruin my life or make it difficult, but it's about me. How can I manage that situation so I can get through it as my responsibility.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Aug 10
Hi chocoholic, Thank you for responding. It is important to realize that everything happens for a purpose. Don't blame another or yourself for anything because placing blame gets us nowhere, Decide now that you will take full responsibility for your life and put the rest behind you. Move forward with the knowledge that your life is your responsibility. Blessings.
@darklord2065 (49)
• Vietnam
12 Aug 10
I dont know which one is right or wrong but i always blame myself if i have a problem, theres no used blaming on the others. Problems wont be gone just because i, he, she, they admitted it. We should keep going on forward, leaving those problems behind and trying to make ourselves better is the key to everything
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 10
Hi dark lord, Is it really necessary to blame anyone? Does it serve any purpose to blame yourself? I don't think that it does because it is over and we cannot change the past. Take responsibility for your life and make changes where you have to. Learn to be happy. Blessings.
@darklord2065 (49)
• Vietnam
13 Aug 10
Yeah, i know even if i were to blame myself, the past just wouldnt change. But even knowing so, sometimes i was so useless that i couldnt help someone else. Cowardice that cant even keep a promise. When these times come, i tended to blame myself, wished i was stronger.
The past will just stay still and the feeling of shame will always be there but i shouldnt dwell on the it
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 10
Hi there Pose123,
The more i grow up and getting older, the more less i blame people around me for what happen in my life..I used to blame my mom and dad when i was teenage,.. for my miss fortune or so,.. but the more i realized that it is all from what was i was thingking and starting to believe in it,..and it was awful, i hope in the future i can more think wise, positifly and believe in it everytime when i'm down.

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 10
Hi diansinta, Thank you for coming here and sharing your thoughts. In most cases our parents do the best that they can and not only must we not blame others but we should not blame ourselves either. We can't change something that happened in the past, so why waste time placing blame. We must take responsibility for our life, change the things we can, and move on. Blessings.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
12 Aug 10
In my opinion blame is the natural part of the moving on process. After we move on from whatever we look back and see that the blame wasn't really neccessary. My daughter blamed me for a lot but after she got over the fights she looked back and realized that she had just as much blame as I did. Hindsight is 20/20 and that's how blame is as well.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
12 Aug 10
Hi Pose, life is full of problems and if one were to look at it closely one would see that somehow everything seems to be connected.A matter of action and reaction, so it is difficult to blame anyone fully.Everyone has a share in it..The more you become thick skinned and stop giving too much importance to negativities, the easier it becomes to move on and put the past behind you..
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 10
Hi kiran, Very well put and thank you for responding. Some people go through life blaming others for all their problems, and they have very unhappy lives. Blaming ourselves also does no good but causes low self esteem and a host of other problems.We must forget the blame game and move on with our lives. Blessings.
@luisadannointed (7245)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
Problems are not there for us to blame others, but for us to overcome, it is there to reshape us, it is our training ground for our endurance so we are fitted to the higher position in life. Though people around you are responsible for having a not so healthy environment since you were young, but it is our responsible to overcome those bad things in our lives to be a better and strong person.
I have a handicapped, and most people I know does not like me at all, some mock me, or they don't treat me nice and seriously, but I don't blame them, I pity them, why? because at their age with their wealth and accomplishment they did not learn how to love people whole heartedly, they just nice to the people whom they think perfect to fit their world...which is not a favorable attitude to God.
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it works so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
We are overcomers, no amount of problems can overcome us, and it is all for our reshaping for the higher things God prepare for us, so lets try hard to forgive anyone who hurt us and lets not put grudges in our hearts towards anything and anyone...because it will not complete being in to what God meant for us to be.
1John 1:4-5 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the son of God.
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@alokkumar803 (325)
• India
12 Aug 10
i used to think like this my problems are consequences of others mistakes..but when you realize the truth you will know that you are the one who actually letting anything to get executed whether bad or is just foolishness to blame someone
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@cajimenez (452)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
We blame other people for our problems , because it is much
easier to do rather than facing the problem .
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 10
Hi cajimenez, I feel that we may think it's easier for a little while but those who go through life always blaming others for their problems have very unhappy lives. Also if we blame ourselves we are going to become ill. Why play the blame game at all? Face our problems and correct what we can. Life will be much happier.Thanks for your comments. Blessings.
@Goldamier (104)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
No one is to be blame for our problems and there's no such thing as blaming. Blaming someone will not help you solve the problem it will just give you stress and weary.
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@ree_yah (462)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
blaming others for your problem is a defense mechanism. It is a way for these people to cope with these problems, or to just tell yourself that everything is fine... its their fault so go on with your life... :) And about those attitudes we have.. well its something you acquire.. from youre first few years of life, Maybe we can blame our parents but some parents just didnt know that the first few years of life were the most vulnerable part. But sometimes we just cant blame our parents why we are so immature.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Aug 10
Hi ree, You make a good point about it being a defense mechanism but we have to learn not to play the blame game as it gets us nowhere. Why do we think that we have to blame someone when things go wrong in our life? People who go through life always blaming others have very miserable lives, those who blame themselves end up with health problems. We must put the past behind us, take responsibility for our life, change the things we can and move on. Thank you for sharing your views. Blessings.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
12 Aug 10
i could be plenty of blame to go around in such cases. no, i don't think someone has to blame someone. if someone feels wrong about something then admit it. however, if someone truly feels someone else is to blame then why not go ahead and lay the blame. moving on would be best either way though.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 Aug 10
To me I think that a point of view is what causes most of the trouble with problems. If we can change our approach from regret to one of opportunity and look for the soulution insead of wasting time mourning the past we would have a much happier life.
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@sender621 (14890)
• United States
12 Aug 10

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 10
Hi sender, I don't think that blaming another makes us feel better, it may for a little while but it doesn't make for a happy lifestyle. Blame is not necessary whether we are talking about blaming another or ourselves. We have to take responsibility for our life and move ahead. Thank you for responding. Blessings.
@anneish (117)
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
confused? yes...cause there are times that even you do all the best that you can in a particular things or let say in a situation but you still fail to get what you want...the only thing that would come into our mind is the question...why? so there comes a time that we find something or someone to blame to.,
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Aug 10
Hi anneish, Thank you for commenting but I don't think that blaming anyone for our problems is ever helpful. We have to take responsibility for our life and make any necessary changes. Why should we waste our time blaming our parents or our ex for what's happening in our life right now. Don't blame yourself either, just get right in there and do what has to be done. Blessings.
@cyberprofit (19)
• United States
12 Aug 10
When I became an adult I never considered the idea to blame others for my problems.Sometimes bad things happen to good people.And sometimes we cause our own problems.You just need to pick your self up and dust your self off and continue on.
My parent did the best they could at raising me and I take what I learned from them into my daily life.
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@segungb (169)
• Nigeria
12 Aug 10
Life is a product of personal adventure. Where you are today is a function of your decision yesterday. Agreed that there are some issues in our lives that are just thrown on us, but what we make out of it is what determines where we find ourselves. Your parents may make some mistakes, but you are not the first to have experienced such a misfortune, other had the same type of experience and they have moved on. We must not allow circumstance to shape our worldveiw. Our belief should mould our outlook to life.
God is not a respecter of persons, He gives everyone equal opportunity to excel in life. The devil too does not respect anyone, but some of us have decided not to give him a foothold in our lives.
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