Is time gravity related?

August 11, 2010 10:32pm CST
We know that as we moved further away up, that gravity decreases. And so as we moved further away up, time is slower. But I don't know why. So why is it? I already researched on it but I still can't understand it clearly.
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6 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Aug 10
No, as the previous posted said, time slows in a gravitational field all the best urban
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Aug 10
It's the pull, the way I understand it. It's a spoon and not a plate. And I thought it was the other way around - time is slower per gravity and faster bereft of its forces. The way we perceive time is just the way we perceive it: aging, hours, days, months and years, living and dying... But time isn't necessarily a clock on the universal level. It's a thing. But then I confuse myself, because it's nothing without our perception in the first place. Time doesn't know it's slower or faster. It doesn't measure itself; we measure it. The less gravitational disturbance, the faster "time" would pass. The closer you could travel to c, you would literally fly through time at a faster rate. More specifically, time would speed up around you while you would slow down in it. There isn't any real "physical" change happening on either end, as in you wouldn't be aware that you were going slower or that everything else was going faster. There's just gravity's influence.
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• United States
12 Aug 10
Interesting! Of course, that's why it's still called a theory!
• India
18 Aug 10
well rightly said thats why its just a theory not a law.
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
12 Aug 10
Where did you hear that time moves slower the further up you go? If this is true, then I think we just found a way to stop or slow the aging process. Everyone jump up in the air. Keep jumping. I don't think there is any connection with time and gravity. Gravity first of all can't even be defined. grav·i·ty [grav-i-tee] –noun 1. the force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth. 2. heaviness or weight. Or in other words: The force that pulls an object toward a larger object. What force? What force does that? They don't know. But whatever it is we called it "Gravity". We gave a name to something we don't even know exists. Genius. At least we can pretend we know what were talking about. Of course Stephen Hawking (a scientist in his own mind), had this same thought. Except he went in crazy direction using time warps to explain what we call gravity. That's probably what you're referring to. Except that it was all made up. There is no evidence of any kind to prove that this might possibly be even a decent guess. Time cannot be sped up or slowed down. There is nothing you can do to effect time. But you can effect gravity. There is just no connection to them whatsoever.
• United States
13 Aug 10
Yeah no gravity. That's what some people believe. Of course there's gravity. But no one really knows exactly what it is. And you are correct age isn't time, but it is connected. Time is marked by a series of events, and kept by the atomic structure of the earth. Elsewhere time is different. Wherever we go we use earth time. But it is not accurate for other places. Each of these events used to mark time cause a reaction in something that causes a reaction in something else, which causes aging. I'm not sure what you are talking about with the GPS satellites? We don't keep time with GPS satellites. And if you're talking about some kind of clock on them, then that would be the fault of whoever the programmer was. A clock on a piece of equipment that expensive would not have a cheap time keeper, and it would keep time much better than your average clock.
• United States
12 Aug 10
No gravity? Age isn't time. It's the progression of organic life. Time moves faster with less gravity. This is proven by the GPS satellites we have which have to adjust to keep time because it moves faster in space than on Earth.
• United States
13 Aug 10
Here let me try to put this is simple as I can. It's like going to a different time zone. No you didn't go back in time, or forward in time. The time is different because of the events used to mark time in those areas. Time is still the same speed. It's just on a different program.
• India
12 Aug 10
according to me: The way we treat time is according to watch. watch works slowly time gets slowly for us and since i low gravity field there is no strong force to cause a motion in its speed as it did on earth we think everything is slowed and time is slowed. Time never slows only the time motion takes to happen in our surroundings change and that compell us to think that time is slowed since gravity effects everything around us and as it decrease it affects on everything around and an illusion of slowness is created.
• Philippines
12 Aug 10
It's not just an illusion, its real. If you go to moon and stay there for 10 years, when you come back here you will be younger than those who are the same as your age. WHY? I don't know
• India
15 Aug 10
Damned_dle: Unless this is proven by someone who really does a travel to moon, stays there 10 years (Earth-time), and then returns to find, himself younger- and what are your "measures" for "younger? less wrinkles? Greater activity at cellular level? - Or just a different rate of movement of the Clock?
@tunnie (46)
• Belgium
12 Aug 10
not really according to my point of view
• Philippines
14 Aug 10
But it is according to science.