No more "Monday Holidays" :S

August 12, 2010 9:42am CST
Except if the date of that Holiday is on Monday... and not Saturday or Sunday that has been moved to Monday - something that GMA used to do. But that's not gonna happen any more isn't it this is part of what they call "the new Philippines" The only Off that you will FEEL is only Saturday/Sunday, depends, unless you are a Call center agent Any views?, am sure you didn't see that coming.this is something that we should all get used to. besides, you wanted sacrifice, right? am sure this won't be a problem. PS: i wouldn't mind doing the blame game, but i'd rather consider it as Karma to those who voted for him. yeah, that's change alright, no more moved holidays to mondays and am I so happy about it........
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11 responses
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
i love holidays! ! ! it's only the time i can have a time for myself... being an student assistant is not easy... :) i like your opinion anyway... :*
1 person likes this
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
hello gracious, i see, not to mention the pay isn't that much right? or only just for experience? we have student assistance too in our school and it ain't easy doing school and assistance to faculty or staff at the same time.
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
I am sad that there are no more long weekends for me. I usually schedule vacations around that time. But looking at it from the national perspective, it would be more beneficial to the economy if we had less holidays. We still have a lot of daily paid workers, not to mention the effect on the business.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Hello there, i guess you're right. trouble is that people are gonna have a hard time adjusting to it. am sure you're gonna have a hard time not having a good time on sundays, knowing that holidays won't be moved on mondays, unless eds response was right, there will be repercussions if pnoy doesn't follow that law.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
The law does not say that all holidays will be movable. There are only certain days holidays that can be moved. Aug. 21 is not one of those declared by R.A. 9492 as covered by this law. But Aug 30 is covered that is why PNoy followed the law.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
My mistake, Aug 21 is a special holiday covered by the law that was passed on holiday economics.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
I actually am alright with this. With the holidays being maintained on their original dates, we really get to reflect on the actual day and not some day that has just been declared a non-working holiday. All holidays are suppose to be non-working anyway but, when you move their dates to another day just to make it more convenient, it loses its significance and most of us would just appreciate it as another day that we don't work, we get double pay if we do work, no classes in case the school does follow that routine and so on with those family activities that you could be part in when it is indeed a holiday.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
Be it with the family or your just working on it because your far from your family to be with them, you might as well get the best of the holiday the best way you can. Why would you indeed work on a holiday if your just going to get paid the same way as if it was not a holiday? It would be better if you just take a break since it is a holiday. Then again, if its necessary, the company might as well compensate their employee's efforts in spending their holiday time at work instead of being free. You have experience in class centers, Knight? I believe they also do that on other white collar jobs and a few blue collar ones.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
hello ratzy, well, it seemed you wanted holiday to be productive in terms of quality family time. i guess it's good that getting double pay for working on the holidays. although i am not which company does that, it's only my experience that call center companies gives this much sure you like to work a lot. god bless
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Holiday economics is one of the good things GMA did actually. But if the new President would not want to follow that then that is his prerogative. I really don't mind. I do love holidays but it does not really matter what day is it for as long as I am given a holiday then that is fine. If not I can always file a vacation leave anyway.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
hello salonga, i agree with you but am sure for now people will remember GMA for simply putting the weekend holidays to mondays.if i am given only one day holiday, i would only sleep the whole day on that. am not sure how others are gonna take it. but i do hope they won't complain about it.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 Aug 10
You are not going to have long weekends anymore unless the holiday actually falls on the Monday? That’s a bummer! Here in Australia we do have some public Monday holidays throughout the year. Some holidays are made to fall on the Monday and the ones that fall on a Saturday or Sunday get moved to Monday. I take it this is a new political decision...I would not like it...
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Hello paula, well, it's something that people needs some getting used to. knowing that it makes people even more lazy if they don't anticipate Monday as a usual working day. it's gonna take a lot of getting used to but am sure people are going to adjust. besides, more holidays hurts business and people get paid more if they work on holidays
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@anncherry (406)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
If only my work sched is not so abnormal, I would've appreciated GMA's long weekend scheme, too. However, my group works 24/7, and a lot of times we have to go to work on holidays. Not complaining though, since we get to have a premium bonus for this, and it's incredibly peaceful at work during those times. :)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
well, ann that's the benefit of working on holidays, but am not so sure if that kind of bonus still exist on other companies. i hope, you're company keeps paying you bonus when ever you work on holidays, I've heard some are stopping these bonuses to keep the company "Alive"
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Aug 10
hi LetranKnight that is somethingI get so upset about here in t he US as when a holiday is say on a friday or saturday they will shut down for the whole weekend and if you need to buy something or go to your bank or doctor, well tough nougies as it is not going to happen. So a lot of times you end up in ER as you need to see your doctor on these holidays an d his office is closed. The ER is not too thrilled witht these three and four day holidays wither.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
well, i didn't vote for this President so i don't have to complain, probably some of her supporters too but not me. it something that people in my country should get used to since most people (not all) are literally lazy.
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Good morning, dear.:) For me, I am not really affected because I just stay home with my kids and I'm not bothered by whatever time of the day or day of a week since I am having the same routine everyday. No vacation, no day off, no nothing.:( Though it could be sad that the only time we can spend with family and God is on a Sunday, but , we should at least look at the brighter side of the story.We will be able to accomplish more, that is, if we are seriously working, especially in government agencies. Am i being a hypocrite? Maybe, yes. Who doesn't want a long weekend? But, do we really need one when there are bills to settle down, mouths to feed, etc., etc. Have a safe Friday the 13th, day. By the way thank you for the friendship, Knight.:)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Hello eureka, i forgot it's friday the 13th, i should probably avoid something that could get me into trouble. i noticed that this administration is not recognizing transferring weekend date holidays to mondays. well, depends on most people, if were working now, i would be pissed if monday isn't recognized as working holiday
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
well, sacrifice it is. we can't do anything bout it. So maybe next year we will move on to strictly MONDAY HOLIDAYS. if you know what I mean. But this can be bad news to High school students.
@kuberans (26)
13 Aug 10
yeah it's a Christians bible law sunday is holiday.
• India
13 Aug 10
its the best decision because there is apossibility of helping the customers by changing the dates nd holidays as favourable o that it increaes the business supporters