What principle in life do you use to make your life successful?

August 12, 2010 10:24pm CST
Most Filipinos just wait that something great will gonna happen in their life without doing nothing.They are not aware that what you sow is what you reap. You cannot have a mango tree if you plant a banana tree.People expect that they will gonna out of poverty by winning lotto, winning a raffle draw and working hard in employment and expect to be rich. Some people believe in LUCK that you gonna do this or you gonna do that to make ones life successful but there is no significant change happen in them...this is the principle of success that without right action there would be no results.
14 responses
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Most of us, even those who are not Filipino, believe that giving to others is good, but we do it only when we have excess... which rarely happens. It is like violating the law of nature, because how can you receive more in your hands when you do not give some to others. You just cannot have it all. I believe that we were all created with a purpose to fill a space in someone's or some people's lives. If a man is enough to be alone by himself, then we would not have been here. To be successful means to learn what it takes to live by what nature demands from you. And we should always be thankful for what we have, because some people would die to have them. A person's trash could be someone's treasure.
@zohaib4 (34)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Aug 10
Not Filipinos but everyone is in this world is waiting for miracle and some thing different that change his/her life. Luck does matter in your life but you can change your luck by hard work.
@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
13 Aug 10
What I always put in my mind and always become my principles of life are : 1. Love yourself! Not to be selfish, but no one will love you more than you 2. Never underestimate others, which means never underestimate yourself, too! I once tell people never underestimate others, that's the key to be a winner. Just do the best. And no matter what the result is you will be happy with it. I believe it. And that my friend of mine answered me,"Well, I don't underestimate others, but I underestimate myself." You never know what yourself can bring you. If you, yourself underestimate your own self, who wants to look up at you? No one. Others will treat you as you treat your own self. 3. Never explain yourself to others for your friends don't need it and your enemies will not believe it. What I am trying to do is to be kind to myself. Sometimes, I think I push myself so hard. And I am totally wrong in that. So, I better be kind to myself, not to be selfish or self-centered. But just being kind with this self that always be with you no matter what happens. ^^
• United States
13 Aug 10
The principle of exhasution, exhaust any and every option available to myself. I use until i can use no more. and i call until i can call no more. Its the only way for more, i have to put in the effort, if i don't i will get nothing no result no goo dluck no networking. so i exhaust all opportunities that come my way.
@priyayogi (222)
• India
13 Aug 10
every one need the principle for our life for example in human beging as a child hood they should concentrate the studies is still at 12 th standard.and they go to study the college that time also they are considering their studeies as well as after they are completed our studies they should go and worl in any organization,
@priyayogi (222)
• India
13 Aug 10
every one should have the principle in our life.if they are maintain their priciple means they should get a sucessful life.so we must assign our principle and we have to maintain their principle.
@soleya (1100)
• Latvia
13 Aug 10
First, believe that what you are dreaming about could be achieved. Then set your goals high and do something to reach them. It is always helpful to brake your goals into small pieces of action which you will do for example every day and this way you can achieve anything you want! And your life could be successful and happy.
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
Yeah, once the opportunity knocks on your door, grab it like there's no tomorrow! You also have to love what you're doing. Being successful is not just being rich, popular and powerful anyway! For me, it's being loved and giving love to other people.
13 Aug 10
Persistence in whichever avenue you pursue :] Don't give up and things will work out in the long run. Be it riches or whatever, if you keep on after it and don't get disheartened or sidetracked then you will get there I believe :]
• United Arab Emirates
13 Aug 10
We need to nurture our minds with great thoughts, bcos the higher we think the higher we go. I had a feeling of failure once upon a time...the day i realised that we are what we think in our minds, i have changed the way i lokk at things...i have started taking things positively and have been seeing the results.
@irisseno (134)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
take whatever opportunity you have and make the most of it cause it might be your way to success...
• India
13 Aug 10
Don't be afraid of any thing new don't be afraid to change yourself.don't be afraid of failure because only those who don't believe in themselves and god are afraid
• China
13 Aug 10
There is a Chinese expression that is ' give firstly and then you can wish getting' So i will do my best firstly and pray to get return?
• Indonesia
13 Aug 10
not sure if this counts as "principle". however, I have some certain steps to do in order to accomplish something well. first, to have proper "definition" towards the word "success" itself. everybody has their own definition on "being successful". what kind of "success" do we have in mind? second, to define the "goal". after we are sure what kind of "success" we do have in mind, then the "goal" needs to be clear. no goal means nothing to reach. how would we become successful, if there is nothing to reach? what to accomplish if there is no goal? third, the "vision". the vision on the successful goal itself. what do we want to bring out in order to reach the goal successfully? fourth, make the plan. if there is no plan, how do we know what steps we would take to reach the target or where to start? last, do the action. no sowing, means no reaping. no action, means no result. and yeah, most people got stuck in the fourth step.