Why should you surf a free traffic exchange? They Don't Pay you...

United States
August 12, 2010 10:57pm CST
As I've worked with my downline members and participated in the discussions at MyLot, I see a basic aversion to free traffic exchanges. Many things cause this and I wanted to see if I can clear up some of the confusion and possibly give you a different perspective to consider. There are different kinds of affiliate programs. Depending on the kind of affiliate program it is, this may determine whether you should use a free traffic exchange or not. Advertisers - If you write blog posts and have ads from AdSense or a similar Affiliate program on your pages, the AdSense terms specifically prohibit using free traffic exchanges as it artificially inflates your figures. These affiliate programs may only require a view or a click for the blog poster to earn some extra money in their AdSense (or similiar site) account so click exchanges or traffic exchanges are considered cheating. Don't use free traffic sites to advertise these pages. Paid to sites - Get paid to Read email and paid to click sites also have affiliate programs, aka referral or downline program. These sites are very different and have no such traffic exchange restrictions. The free traffic exchanges can be valid sources of sign ups for many of the paid to sites and are also good for building your traffic exchange downlines. Here are some of the questions I get asked most often: Q: Why should you surf a free traffic exchange? They Don't Pay you... A: While some (most) may not pay you, there are some very good reasons to consider using them if you are trying to get sign ups for your PTR or PTC site. 1) getting your referral page in front of people is the only way you will get others to join your downline. 2) Family and friends usually aren't interested but the members of free traffic exchanges are. These are people actively looking for ways to make extra money online. 3) Many traffic exchanges show your page to people around the world. Keep in mind that people that join you don't have to live in your town, they can live any where and they may even earn more than you do just due to their location. Q: Free Traffic exchanges don't work! Do They? A: Actually they do. I have found that using a collection of advertising sources can allow me to show my "opportunities" around the world. I have been promoting for several years and in that time I have generated 50+ sign ups for program after program using nothing but free traffic resources and primarily free traffic exchanges. I can't say that all the sites I have promoted over time are still around. Those that have endured have been providing an increasing amount of additional income (from several sites) which has added up nicely. Considering I work full time & do this only in my spare time, I hope you can see that the earnings can depend alot on the time and effort you put into it. If you participate in the PTR / PTC sites, do yourself a favor, get at least a few good traffic exchanges to use. Don't spend all your credits on promoting just the paid to sites, use some to show your referral links for the free traffic exchanges too. This way you can build your traffic downline and earn free credits from their surfing as well as your own. Active referrals mean you don't have to spend as much time surfing yourself. If your PTR / PTC sites disappears, you will still have the traffic downlines earning credits for the next site(s) you want to promote. By getting sign ups for the sites you make money with, you can basically turn your free traffic credits into cash by directing the traffic to the sites that DO pay you for your downlines activities. Obviously some will pay better than others but many of the free traffic exchanges let you promote more than one of your sites, so assign more of your credits to the most profitable sites for best results. A recent discussion with one of my ClixSense downline members was about their location preventing them from earning very much. After reminding the member that traffic exchanges could allow them to get US member sign ups that wouldn't have such restrictions, I decided to update my web page with the tip and was quite impressed with my findings. The majority of my free traffic credits are used to promote my ClixSense promotion page. I located a site (Flag Counter) that allowed me to identify where my visitors were coming from and actually show the results on my site. I set up the chart to show me the top 100 country flags for my visitors and added the code. Within the first 350 page views I had already collected 36 country flags. By the time my page had been shown 750 times it was up to 41 countries. As of the time of this post, 4 days after being added, the chart is showing 1,172 page views and my flag collection has grown. My web page has now been seen in 50 countries. 85 of my viewers were from the US. So how does all this help? I promote my ClixSense page & get signups from around the world. I help my downline become successful by doing the same thing I do & they start earning more. As they earn more, so do I. Those that promoted their links on the free traffic exchanges as I recommended, have remained members with growing downlines of their own. They confirm it works again and again as they reach payout over and over again. Those that didn't have dropped out because they didn't see their earnings grow as quickly as they expected. My personal earnings with ClixSense for this year (1/1/10 to 8/12/10) are currently at $58.56. By promoting my referral link & getting others to join, there is another $225.00 in affiliate earnings added to my balance for the same time frame. That's a total of $281.43 for the year (so far). I didn't just start promoting ClixSense this year though. I started promoting my link back in 2007 when I first joined. The totals after 3 1/2 years are even more impressive since I have now earned over $1000 in this site alone. My affiliate earnings are nearly 73% of my total earnings. If I had not been using the free traffic resources and referring others, my total personal earnings would only be $275.56...... Quite a difference huh? Still think free traffic exchanges don't work or that there is no payout for using them? What else may be keeping you from using these free traffic resources? I know it can't be the costs since they're free. LOL
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1 response
@echomonster (2225)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
13 Aug 10
You forgot one thing about why people don't like using free traffic exchanges...they're boring! I've recently started using them again after a long hiatus, and the long sessions of surfing through hundreds of pages, most of which I've seen before, are no more entertaining than I remember. Of course, I'm willing to use them to promote my sites and occasionally you do find something interesting in a traffic exchange, but there are definitely more fun ways to earn online in my opinion. It's also frustrating to surf a lot and not pick up any referrals which happens sometimes.