Dr. Laura's 'N-Word" Rant

@anniepa (27955)
United States
August 13, 2010 6:23pm CST
For those of you who are not familiar with her, Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a right-wing talk show host who gives "relationship advice" on the radio, mostly to women. This discussion is about her exchange on yesterday's show with a female African-American caller in which Dr. Laura, as she's called, repeatedly used the "n-word". She gave a "sort-of" apology where she admitted she'd been wrong but never said "I'm sorry" on today's show but the portion in question from yesterday's show has been removed from the audio on her website. However, you can read the transcripts and hear both the conversation with the caller and the "apology" by clicking on the link at the end of this post. I know some of you will feel, like I do, that Dr. Laura completely crossed the line but I also know some of you will defend her. That's perfectly fine, we all have a right to our opinions and this forum is meant for us to express them freely. However, I sincerely hope we can keep this friendly and not get nasty or resort to insults or name-calling. The caller was asking for advice about how to deal with her white husband's friends and relatives she said often used racial slurs to and about her when they visited her home. She complained that her husband didn't seem to care and never defended her. Dr. Laura told her she was being "hypersensitive" and didn't have a sense of humor. In fact she said if she was so hypersensitive and had no sense of humor she shouldn't have married outside her race. She brought up African-American comics and HBO several times and that's when she repeated the infamous derogatory word, several times three times straight. The caller was understandably offended by her use of the word and told her so. At one point Dr. Laura said, "Don't NAACP me." I'm not going to repeat the whole conversation here but I think you probably get the picture. Plesae tell me what you think but, again, please be nice! Read and listen here: http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008120045 Annie
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27 responses
• United States
14 Aug 10
Heard it, saw it, could not believe it. That was very insensitive and very despicable of her. I had some respect for Dr. Laura before, but I have lost all respect for her now. She gave some pretty good advice on her show at times, but last night was terrible. She knew better than that! Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing, NOTHING, wrong with marrying outside of your race. You marry who you fall in love with. Okay? As for the "N" word, my grandmother and mother, and many of the people where I live told me to never use that word. Why? People, especially people who are not African American can get killed for using the "N" word. A friend at my school, who was White, used this word in the school halls one time, not knowing any better, and the African American student jumped on her so fast after she did. They nearly tore her shreds over it. She asked me "Why did that do that to me?" My response, "You don't use that word in front of them. You just don't!" I know that the word is used a lot, especially in rap music, but that does not give anyone that right to use it. Personally, I don't anyone should use the "N" word. I have never, ever used this word. Dr. Laura is supposed to be a professional. She of all people should have known better than this. I am not a therapist (even though I am the daughter of one), but I would have told the woman that if she is comfortable with that word and with people saying it, then she should speak up about it. She should talk to her husband about how it makes her feel. My step-father used to use the "N" word, and boy did let him have it. I told him I would not speak him if he ever used that word in front of me again. When he asked me why, I told him about my experience with the word, about my friend who was once called the "N" word by my other friend and how horrible it made he feel. I proceeded to tell him about my friend who used it and nearly got the tar beat out of her for it. Then, I found out online, that I am actually the decent of a African American ancestor. My step-father knows never to use it front of me anymore. I don't like the "N" word. To me, it's far worse than the "F" word. People have been killed and beaten over this word. Dr. Laura should have considered that before she spoke.
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@urbandekay (18278)
14 Aug 10
What rot! If anyone can use this word then all can, to say it is ok for black people to use it but not white is racism all the best urban
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Thank you for an excellent and thoughtful post. I hate that word and I agree, it's far worse than the "F" word. Annie
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@jb78000 (15139)
14 Aug 10
what nonsense. it is an offensive, derogatory word about black people. reclaiming it is perfectly reasonable and it is not racist for people to do this with nasty words about their own group. and such words are STILL offensive when people not belonging to the group use them.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I'll have to listen to it, but frankly there are VERY few occasions where I would ever say the context justifies the use of the word. When I worked in the ghetto I wouldn't let the black kids use that word either. I told them they're insulting themselves by using it like it's no big deal.
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• United States
14 Aug 10
It was actually played on CNN today, and I think it's on You Tube. It was awful. Again, I cannot believe she did it.
• United States
14 Aug 10
It was not good at all, the amazing part of this is the "old man syndrome" from an educated white women. You would think that we still lived in the the 1950's.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Taskr, it's a shame all kids in the ghetto don't have someone like you to tell them that they're insulting themselves when they use that word. I totally agree, there's no time that it's justified to use that word. You're right, debater, it is like something we'd hear in the fifties, not today! Annie
• United States
14 Aug 10
IMO this Dr. Laura should have her show cancelled and she personally should be blackballed. Without a doubt this woman crossed the line. I do not know what branch of medicine she practices but the AMA should take her licence back.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I don't know if she's a psychologist, psychiatrist or what but I sure agree, she should have her license taken from whomever! I don't think we've heard the last of this yet. Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Thanks for the info! Annie
• United States
14 Aug 10
None of the above. Laura Schlessinger's PhD is in physiology.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I can say I don't think I have ever listened to her. Her usage was clearly wrong and she should have offered more than just a lame apology. Maybe some real advice would have been useful. Clearly, this incident would have people questioning the advice she has given them.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I know, don't you hate apologies like hers? You're right, some real advice would have been useful. She sure doesn't have the right to call herself a "doctor". Annie
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
14 Aug 10
I think what irritated me most about the exchange was the "Dr's" lack of listening skills. She cut her caller off repeatedly, would ask a question then not allow her to fully explain herself, and then had the nerve to get indignant when the caller tried to get a word in edgewise. If she is only on the air to hear herself talk, then I'm surprised she has a following at all. Whether or not she felt the woman was "hypersensitive" or didn't "have a sense of humour" is irrelevant. That is her opinion. The woman wasn't asking for her opinion, she was asking for help to deal with the negative feelings generated when insensitive people made remarks she found difficult to swallow. We may not agree or understand someone's perspective, but to denigrate the person's feelings is not helpful. I was quite shocked by her recommendation to marry only within her race. THAT was very rude! I have a close friend who is a "visible minority' and sometimes I don't understand her feelings. To me, they border on paranoia, but I've never been a visible minority and never experienced what its like to not be treated as just a person, to be singled out simply because of your physical appearance. Actually, I did experience a tiny taste of it twice. And it was extremely unpleasant. To be fair, I think people sometimes make comments that are intended to show that they are NOT racist and they end up sounding just that. Its best not to bring up the "differences" and just treat all people as we want to be treated: as individual humans, fellow members of the human family, and just people.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
From what I remember from when I used to listen to her years ago, she's known for interrupting her callers and sometimes even hanging up on them. I've often wondered why anyone would intentionally subject themselves to her rudeness. However, she really outdid herself this time! Annie
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
15 Aug 10
That's her style. Much like the way O'Reily butts in and cuts people off on his show. Of course, if someone doesn't like it then don't call for advice or don't listen. Dr. Laura use to be on my local talk radio station but she got cancelled a long time ago. Some people are just so hypersensitive.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
15 Aug 10
Good point piasabird, I don't like her "style" as you call it. Thank goodness for tuning knobs I and those like me can be "hypersensitive" and she and others like her, can enjoy their "hyper-insensitivty"
@vjenkins86 (1478)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I really do not understand how she call the caller "hypersensitive". Like any racial slur, that is an offensive word.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I sure didn't understand that either. Annie
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
14 Aug 10
I did listen to the link but I have heard this woman before on the radio and I have to say she is the ONLY woman I have ever heard that could make my blood boil right in my veins. I do agree with some of the things she has said different times but for the most part I know what I think of her and I'm not allowed to use the female B---- word but thats what I think she is. She never lets you get past the question if she doesn't agree with you. She just hangs up and goes on to the next caller. She's always got to be right at any cost, bottom line. For someone who knows so much her life should be nothing short of perfect. Just my opinion and I'm going to shut up now so I don't burst an artery.
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• Canada
14 Aug 10
Yes right you are she did. She says a lot to and about Children and not only do I agree with the doctor staement anniepa made I also wonder does she have Kids and if so, Sucks To Be Them. And if married, poor buggar didn't know what he was getting into and wond up panty whipped.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Me too! I remember at least one occasion when she accused a woman of abandoning and neglecting her children because she had to work outside the home before hanging up on her. "Doctor" my a$$! Annie
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
14 Aug 10
If I remember right, she caught a lot of flack for that and some other things she's said.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Dr. Laura-At my most conservative moments she's the last person I'd ever consider listening to. LOL
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
15 Aug 10
jb-lighten what up? That makes absolutely no sense seeing as what I wrote was clearly humor. Just admit you didn't understand! A word has no power unless you give it power.
@jb78000 (15139)
15 Aug 10
piasa - i knew that. i was just trying to lighten things up, plus i wanted to call irish bananas. irish - unfortunately that piece of nastiness wasn't referring to snacks. spall - doesn't the term have class connotations too, i thought it was roughly equivalent to 'trailer trash'
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Because I listen to talk radio I've listened to Dr. Laura's show quite a bit over the years. Some of her advice has been valuable but, all in all, she is a hypocrite, a homophobe a racist and a few other things. I heard the audio earlier on CNN and also the lame apology she gave in her "reading from a script" tone. It was lame...she was rude and ignorant. I hope my local station drops her show but who knows? Money talks and if the sponsors are still happy with her, she'll still be blabbing on.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I agree...kinda like appearing on the Jerry Springer show.
• United States
14 Aug 10
WOW, I can't believe that she didn't give a full apology for attacking this women, and telling her she shouldn't have married out of her race. The other thing I found offensive was her assertion that the women should have a sense of humor about her husbands friends asking her what Black people do and like. I am sure that her if black body guard kept asking her what white people did, and what they like it would get old real quick, and she would fire him. I have never listened to her show because I didn't like her approach to the callers. I have no idea how you can mix relationship help with politics. The two are polar opposites.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I believe she said that IF the woman was going to be so hypersensitive to questions from her husband's friends then maybe she shouldn't have married outside of her race. The comment she made about marrying outside of religious beliefs had to do with her parents who were Jewish and Catholic and they took a lot of flack for that within their families. So I think that she was speaking from her own experience on that. Dr. Laura is a conservative who gives relationship advice.
• United States
15 Aug 10
Piasa, Dr. Laura's problem is that she ISN'T a good listener, and she put her political ideals ahead of her job as a person who help people with relationships. Her comments were idiotic, and she should have done a much better job of apologizing for her comments. But what do you expect from a conservative? I am surprised that she didn't give the Limbaugh "I am an entertainer" excuse.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Aug 10
It's hard to make a call on this with Dr. Laura interrupting and the caller not always speaking clearly. Your post made it sound as though Dr. Laura was using the "n-word" when in effect, she was giving an example of how blacks use it unashamedly. Do you think she crossed the line because she gave an example of how racially insensitive blacks can be, or did she cross the line because she had to nerve to actually say the "n-word" on national radio? If it is the latter, then why are blacks allowed to get away with all the racial slurs they spew? If you are upset because she didn't give the called the help she needed, I'd say you have an argument.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Aug 10
She really had NO REASON to use that word even once let alone repeat it eleven times. It was totally irrelevant to the conversation with the caller, not in the context she used it. I happen to agree with the Reverend Al Sharpton who doesn't think anyone of any race should use that word at any time. She certainly did not give the caller the help she needed. I don't see where she got off saying just because some black comics and musicians use that word, or a version of it, that meant the caller was being hypersensitive and lacked a sense of humor because she didn't like being addressed in that way. Annie
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I suppose what Dr. Laura was saying (and not doing a very good job of it) was, if you (the caller) can accept black comedians using the N-word, you should be able to accept whites asking those questions they keep asking her. I don't really think the problem was the questions her husbands friends keep asking but rather her husbands attitude. Does Al Sharpton also think it's wrong for blacks to use racial slurs against other races besides their own? Since Dr. Laura is quitting her radio program because of this issue, I suppose it doesn't matter much anymore.
• United States
14 Aug 10
I listened to her show once or twice...but that was years ago. I personally did not like her. As for what she said...unexceptable...unexcusable...I hope she looses her show over it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I listened to her now and then when I was delivering mail and I didn't like her either. I agree, I wish she'd lose her show but she probably won't. Annie
@chickabee (119)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I may as well jump right into this can of worms, too. I was born in 1946 in the Deep South. Which may lead you to think I am a racist, but you couldn't be more wrong. I remember two water fountains everywhere, one marked "white", one marked "colored". Same with the bathrooms. Ditto restaurants, theaters, etc., even for heaven's sake churches! And I musn't leave out buses and those who had to walk to and sit in the back. How insulting was that? As a very small child this bothered me so much and I thought on it a great deal and it made me mad. I knew it wasn't right and I knew God didn't like it. He made us all, some just have a different skin color. None of us get to choose which race we are born into. I always tried to imagine how I would act and feel if I hadn't been born white or Caucasian, if you prefer. I have never understood the white man and his superiority complex. Look at what was done to the Indians. If you don't know about the "Trail of Tears" look it up. It makes me cry. That and what happened during and after slavery is abominable to me and always made me ashamed. That was a long time ago and yet it wasn't. If I can remember segregation then how can it be so far in the past even though I am a senior citizen. My prayer is this: As far as is humanly possibly, let us lay aside our prejudices, racism (on both sides) and hatred of those who are different from us in some way or another. Look past a man's skin color to his heart as God does. We are ALL His children and it makes Him sad to see His children fighting like this and holding grudges. I have always had African-American friends. (BTW what term is acceptable now? When I was young it was "colored", then it was "black" and the last I heard was "African-American". Has it changed again? I really don't know.) They are some of my most cherished friends and I love them very much. There is only one thing - I try extra hard to be careful not to say anything that might possibly be construed as racial. Sometimes my friends are sensitive to things, as I am sure I would be, if I were them. I am, for the most part, able to open up to them to talk about these issues and I am thankful for that. It helps us to understand each other. I see I am off of the original discussion which was Dr. Laura's insensitiveness. I used to listen to her years ago and even back then I may have agreed with her in principle but not the way she would embarrass people and belittle them. It really used to make me angry at her for not being more caring of people's feelings. I couldn't get the audio of this particular call but I did read the transcript and it was the usual with Dr Laura demeaning someone's feelings. My opinion of the "N" word is that it is a hateful and disgusting word no matter who uses it. I hate it along with a lot of other racially biased words that denigrate other races of people. I do know that Dr. Laura was wrong not only for saying that word, but for repeating it like she did and for some of the other condescending remarks she said to the caller. I, myself, would never call her for fear of her sharp tongue and insensitive answers. If only more folks would be careful what comes out of their mouths. Think before you speak. Try to put yourselves in the other person's shoes. Like Peter Rabbit said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". May God bless all of you - chickabee
• United States
15 Aug 10
Thank you sulynsi for your kind words. I appreciate your thoughts. chickabee
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
14 Aug 10
The fact that you despised segregation and prejudice, even though you were brought up in a society that embraced it, is testament to the fact that we all know, instinctively, that certain behaviours towards our fellow humans, are unacceptable. Our deep inner sense of justice and our God given conscience urge us to reject hurting our fellow man. Many have ignored that inner voice, to the great sorrow of the human family. You have learned, as I have, that it is better to steer clear of certain discussions, so as to protect the sensitive feelings of others. That same sense of justice and decency should have prevailed with "Dr" Laura. Simple human compassion for another person should have stayed her tongue. Not understanding someone's perspective is no excuse to run roughshod over them. I applaud the fact that you are concerned with being up to date with what is and is not considered acceptable at this moment in time. It is something we all do well to be sensitive too, even though it may seem onorous, or even ridiculous. Yet, if it was for the sake of someone we loved, would it be so hard? Don't we all check our own "freedoms" from time to time when we know a friend or loved one may be hurt or insulted? THAT is the problem. We need to demonstrate love for our fellows, even if we don't know them personally. Love based on principle, of doing the right thing, because it is the right or kind thing to do. It is a small price to pay for the peace of mind and comfort of ALL in our society.
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@jb78000 (15139)
14 Aug 10
ok, what internet site did she buy her doctorate off? she didn't listen to one thing the sensible sounding caller said, didn't provide any advice, just went off on this nasty, uncalled for and racially charged rant. a complete turnip.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Probably the same place Orly Taitz got her dental and law degrees...lol! Annie
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
15 Aug 10
Schlessinger received a bachelor's degree from Stony Brook University and a Ph.D. in physiology from Columbia University in 1974. Her doctoral thesis was on the "Effects of Insulin on 3-0-Methylglucose Transport in Isolated Rat Adipocytes".[8][9] She lectured at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of California, Irvine, and Pepperdine University. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Schlessinger Nope, don't think Orly Taitz went to any of those schools, Annie.
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@Iequate2 (280)
• United States
14 Aug 10
You have a point jb78000. It would seem that she would have remembered that no matter how you feel about anything, you are taught in 101 Speech to consider your audience. Dr. Laura has a PhD. (She is human. I think that her true self just showed.) Even though her point in gist, when African Americans say it, it is okay, but when others say it. Nonetheless, In my opinion, it is unacceptable when anyone says it.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
15 Aug 10
Interesting thread. I really can't stand her. The fact that whe didn't listen and empathize is just her natural MO. With that said, I have to admit I'm kinda with her on this one. I think we have to ALL get over our fear of the N word and desensitize it. To keep skirting around it just gives it power. It's sort of like the swastica. I was really surprised some years ago when I purchased some old postcards at an auction to see little swasticas on them right beside lucky horse shoes and rabbit's feet. Once the swastika was no more than a good luck symbol similar to the modern smiley face. After Hitler, it became an international symbol of the most sinful hate imagineable. It's power comes from hate and hate wins so long as it is looked at that way. Same thing with our infamous N word. It's power comes from hate and only we can change that but we can never do that so long as we are afraid to even mouth it. I'm not afraid to type it here but we all know if I do, Mylot will object. It's wrong and evil somehow to even type "Dr Laura said Nigg#er on the air". Well, she did and she shook people up. To my mind, the problem she said. She didn't hurl the word in a deliberate attempt to would someone (except that she is so abrasive it might have seemed that way). Still, it wasn't meant in a racist way. the problem is that people were so offended that she even SAID the word. PS: I got my response her rejected NOT because of the N word but because I initially typed "p*ssy footing around" which I just changed to "skirting around". This PC stuff is getting out of hand. lol
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I've heard this rant a million times from so many people. Regardless of whether or not there's a legit basis to what Dr. Laura had to say, that was not the time nor place to go off on a tangent about it. The caller wanted advice on what to do about questions that were offending her, and this Dr. Laura women simply insinuated she was hypersensitive and didn't have a sense of humor. That's not being helpful, that's just making matters worse.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
15 Aug 10
I had never even heard of Dr. Schlessinger before this whole controversy erupted and I'm a bit confused on something. Is this a political show or a relationship show?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
15 Aug 10
It's a relationship show. People call her about all kinds of issues...personal relationships, family, children, general things. She's not a complete idiot. Her advice to treat your partner as you would like to be treated...with kindness and respect...instead of demanding that that person "change" is solid. People respond to the way that they are treated so, usually, kindenss and respect will result in receiving the same in return. But, she's hard on working mothers and is completely against divorce unless there is abuse. I don't agree that it's wise to raise children in an environment where their role models do not like or respect each other.
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
14 Aug 10
I think Dr Laura crossed the line. She wasn't very nice to the caller. She shouldn't have used the N word as she did. It isn't proper.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Hey annie~ I heard the audio and hate to say it, but "Dr. Laura" did go a bit too far and definitely was sarcastic and wrong! I feel she should have known better and treated this woman very disrespectfully! I feel badly for this woman, but also do feel that she also should have a better take on her own personal situation. If her husband and his family is mistreating her she certainly should be standing up for herself and not allowing herself to be put down by anyone! If that is how her husband treats her maybe she should re-think the reason that they got married in the first place! I am in a bi-racial relationship and I wouldn't stand for that treatment by anyone in my bf's family and I know they wouldn't behave like that to begin with!
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• United States
14 Aug 10
Dr. Laura is not a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist, and this was made clear during the call in question. Secondly, there is a difference between the word "ni**er" and "ni**a". I won't bother to explain it since you can find out the difference for yourself with 5 minutes of research on the 'net. African-Americans typically use the work "ni**a" much more often than "ni**er." I think the caller's concern was a legitimate one, and Dr. Laura made a mockery of it. She then proceeded to (indirectly) refer to Catholicism and Judaism as racial identities (which they are not). Also, the use of the N-word was removed from the show archives on Dr. Laura website. The full version is was obtained by and is available at the mediamatters.org site. The point being that Dr. Laura (or those who work for her) tried to cover up what she did. I have never listened to Dr. Laura (except when a friend would have her show on while I was a passenger in his car), and never will. I might even go as far as to find out who her sponsors are and boycott them. Shame on Dr. Laura!
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