Do you keep the paper bags or plastic bags you got during shopping?

August 15, 2010 1:38pm CST
Usually, my mom includes them whenever she sends a balikbayan box or package. My mom and I likes to shop. Not the shopaholic level but we like to buy things for ourselves too and whenever we get to purchase something, it's either placed on plastic or paper bags so we usually keep it in storage when we got home. Paper bags is really a big use for me because whenever there's no need for me like bringing a bag, I used a paper bag instead for the hand carry. As for the plastics, I usually use the not-so-nice ones for container og garbage disposals. :D How about you guys? Do you also keep the plastic/paper bags you got whenever you shop? Happy lotting. :D
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29 responses
@sirzhang (229)
• China
16 Aug 10
I like to use paper bages when shopping and also advocate using paper bags. I usually take a cloth shopping bag with me when go shopping. If everybody do it like that, our envirenment will be futher improved.
• Philippines
18 Aug 10
I like the way you how you want to be an advocate of using paperbags - because it's less harmful to the environment compared to plastics. :D Most of us here hardly has a cloth bag but now, I think groceries are offering for the use of an eco bag to avoid using plastic bags. :D
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
16 Aug 10
Well, here you can`t use just any bag for trash disposal but it has to be an specific kind of bag, so I can`t use them for that. However, they`re always useful to carry stuff, so I tend to keep the plastic bags I get when I buy something so I can use them again instead of throwing they away
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
Hi, madtea - I guess not all countries have the same practice when it comes to garbage disposal. But I also like your way - like you're government is specific with a a certain particular to be used of.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
15 Aug 10
I keep them most of the time. I put the plastic ones in the bathroom trashcans. We do not get paper bags that often when we shop, so I really don't have a whole lot of those around the house, but I really don't have any need for them the way I do for the plastic bags, so it is not really a big deal...
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
Even if we know it's accumulating, we still keep it. LOL. Our box is full of plastics already. At least we have more in store just in case. :D
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Yes, same thing that you do. All plastic bags are kept to be use for garbage disposals. At least it is useful for something else. In other country you get paid for those. I saw a video at youtube where you get paid for cardboxes. Then they recycle it. I think that will help not only the environment but encourage people to recycle.
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
I really want that kind of way to be implemented here in the Philippines because floods here are usually caused by plastics who are not disposed properly.
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
yes, we do keep paper/plastic bags. Just like you, the not so nice plastic bags are used as garbage container. Sometimes mother will bring plastic bags to market and recycle it as a container for the fish they're selling. In this way, she save money from buying new plastic bag, minimize waste and have our own little way of helping save the environment =)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Yes. My mom does that a lot like that like re use the plastics we got in going to the market. :D It does help save the environment. :D
@cjsalas (109)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
Yes, totallyundecided, I also keep paper bags or plastic bags after shopping. It do help us to have more container for disposal or carrying items. But let's say for example, I got the paper bag or shopping bag from a travel, I keep it as a remembrance. :) Have you tried that?
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
Yes!! LOL. Whenever my mom comes here in the Philippines from KSa - I usually asked her to take the paper bags and other stuffs she could for souvenirs. Though she's quite hesitant but she does it anyway. :D
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
18 Aug 10
I have cheap cloth bags that I usually take with me so I don't have so many of those little plastic bags around. When I get too many I either find a store here that recycles them or I use them for different things. I clean my car, I use a plastic bag. I clean different rooms in the house, I try to fill up one bag for each room, either garbage or stuff to give away, I write who the stuff is for or where it is going with a permanent marker. I quit getting paper bags unless someone needs them for book covers for school, then I get a few and give them to who ever needs them.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
18 Aug 10
I usually save all the plastic bags i get from shopping and use them for trash bags or something else, why are we going to throw away something we can reuse right?
@aevans (255)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 10
I keep the paper bags and plastic bags during shopping. It shouldn't be just for the one time convenient and we just throwing it away. Disposing the rubbish especially the plastic bags has causing many issues on the environment problem. So, I seldom use plastic bags right now,I won't ask for a plastic bags unless it really necessary. If things that I bought are tiny, I can just put inside my pocket or my bag of course with the receipt or we can use ecobags to keep the stuff. There is lots of anti plastic bag program in my country, during weekend most of the shopping complex they won't provide plastic bag for the customers. I think it is great, we should more concern about the environmental problem right now.
@Bellapop (1279)
15 Aug 10
I always keep all the bags, whether they are paper or plastic. We usually use the plastic ones for re-use in the rubbish bins and the paper ones for the recycling rubbish, these ones are the best! :)
• Philippines
15 Aug 10
True. Best ones and it will always be handy no matter what. :D
• United States
16 Aug 10
Use Both plastic and paper. when i'm done taking the groceries out the plastic bags are used as garbage bags. and the paper bags are used as yard work bags to gather leaves and sticks and what not. sometimes i bring plastic and paper bags to the grocery store with me, but i dont use those reusable eco bags, i don't think its sanitery to use them over and over again on grocery shopping trips i dont think compromising my families health is eco, so i minimize how many plastic and paper bags i use and be sure to reuse them.
• Pakistan
16 Aug 10
I prefer paper bags. but here in Pakistan mostly shopping center don't have paper bags so at that time we have to adjust with plastic bags.. but in India government start new legislation that all shopping center use paper bags instead of plastic bags. i think every country should adopt this. its really great
• Netherlands
16 Aug 10
i always trow them away after unpacking
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
16 Aug 10
I'm a collector of Nice paper and plastic bags too.. Whenever i'm out shopping, I will be sure to keep a lookout for those nice bags that come together with my stuff. I have lotsa of them at home right now but I dun really wanna use them as I don't want to dirty them. When it comes to plastic bags, it all depends on what I'm gonna use for.. If possible, I will use the plastic bag to shop because plastic is not recycable, can't be burned etc..
@nancy0618 (477)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
i do keep them. we could still use it in the future, so i just set it aside where i could easily get it especially when i am in a rush to go elsewhere. as for the plastic, i use them again for garbage, instead of buying a trashbag, i use them instead
@reetu3 (262)
• India
16 Aug 10
mostly i take jute or cloth bags whenever i go for shopping and yes i keep the bags i get from shopping may be of plastic or paper....i keep them for later use ...
• United States
16 Aug 10
We keep both paper and plastic bags.We use the paper ones for empty pop cans and pop bottles to return to the store.The plastic ones are good for small trash can liners.
@BigTips (304)
• China
16 Aug 10
From the perspective of environment protection, paper bags or cloth bags may be a better choice. It is obvious that using plastic bags will do harm to our environment. So, when we realize of the importance of environment protection, more and more choose paper bags or cloth bags. Of course, for me, I tend to go shopping online, which is a better choice indeed because I don't use any type of bags. Happy myLotting, friends.
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
yes, definitely! we reuse the boxes, paper bags and plastic bags when we go shopping or to the grocery. Actually we have a closet for those things. we also use the not so presentable ones for garbage disposal...:D its a good thing to recyle!.. go green!.. :D
16 Aug 10
i usually do that. paper bags are convenient to use and sometimes i keep them because of its design .heheh .. for the plastic bags . i usually use those for garbage disposals.