Do you think the world is a cruel or a lovely place to live in ?
@wildlittlefan (4680)
Hong Kong
August 16, 2010 11:04am CST
I am not sure how do you feel living in this world?Sometimes,I think it is lovely place to live with but sometimes it is just a painful world to stay in.I think we can enjoy the nature of this world and it is just so beautiful.But when we have to deal with any relationship ,it's going to be painful and full of hurt.I think we have to admit that living the world is just flipping a coin with two side.One side is good and the other side is bad.What do you think,share with us .
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42 responses
@smacksman (6053)
17 Aug 10
It's a lovely place in my book and I'm very happy to be alive.
When you sail over vast oceans you have time to think and time to put yourself in perspective.
Yes - we live and die like every other living thing on this planet, but that is necessary for the balance of life.
We sail over huge mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes that occur every day below the waves and think nothing of it because they don't affect us directly but they are there and part of our world.
@melmabb (579)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
To some the World is the best place to live in,why because they have all the Material things in Life, Money and some they live the other Way, they hate the world because of its cruelty,and scarcity...In fact we Humans create our own world...if we accept that Life is just a passing, or short, then we should not only Live our Life,but enjoy the things that we have,and be not affected by our status in Life...Enjoy Life...Live the fullest..
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@visaseetharaman (232)
24 Aug 10
Yes the world is a wonderful place when we are happy but when we face any kind of a difficulty the world becomes a cruel destination .It is true that we admire nature and everything else as long as we have no problem with our health .Once we fall sick or our children are down with sickness or we have financial difficultiesw or we problems with relationships then the entire world becomes a horrible place.So according to our situations we feeld the world.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
17 Aug 10
The dialectic or contradiction between the forces of good and evil are crucial to our life here on earth.
God created a spectacularly beautiful place for us to live in. If you remember His admonition to Adam and Eve, not to eat of just that ONE TREE of the knowledge of good and evil, then you can understand how things came to be this way.
Without going into a long discourse, the root of the problem lies there and the conditions of our lives, even today, eminate from there.
We were meant to live innocently, in beauty, and in relationship with God. He totally provided for us, and conditions were certainly ideal. Nobody had to work and toil for food, etc., and life was good; some might even say perfect.
But, in superimposing our human will over God's, all of perfection was lost.
The result is the pain, loss, conflict, violence, fear, and uncertainty with which we live today.
The struggle between good and evil is what defines our life and the choices we make between them our very existence.
Reconciliation with God, through His Son and Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua), will allow us to have a heavenly place to live, wherein there will be no more tears, loss, pain, struggle, etc. These will be subsumed under the peace which only God Himself can give us.
And, by the way, I hear there's also good food!

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Thank you for sharing your insights. As a baby Christian, I thought being born-again meant life would become all sweetness and roses, but God lets us know that we will be beset with various trials and adversity, as was our dear Savior.
While I'm not a fan of pain and suffering, He let's us know that He is "Immanuel" (God with us) by our side through all our trials, and, that if we persevere in His righteousness, He will one day say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
I sure long to hear that. I, personally, am weary of adversity, yet God is the GLORY and the "lifter of my head". He has given me "legs" to stand when I fall and faint. His strength gives me joy, when I've none left. He tells us to"lean not to our own understanding", but to trust Him in all joys and sorrows.
Without Him, I am nothing, but when we abide in Him and stick really close, He shows us "great and mighty things".
@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
18 Aug 10
For sure heaven is always a better place to live in and the fruit in there must be great.Well,we haven't been there before but we can get to know thta from the Bible.Frankly speaking,I can't wait to go there since living on earth is just so tough no matter what kinds of Biblical answers we already have.I mean when we experience pain,then it is truely pain and we just can't deny it. I mean it will not be a matter of explaination and rational stuffs anymore,it is a matter of experience.There are times,even a righteousness person like Job will still has tons of questions,and I can never compare myself with this great character of the Bible.I am just a sinner and even I am washed by the blood of Christ already,but I am still struggling and whestling with the power of sin everyday.As long as I am living as a human,I still have to experience all those painful experience in this life.For sure we have hope in Christ but we just can't avoid all those cruel experience from this world.I hope that God's love and grace will always be sufficient to us when we experience tough time in life.And I hope God will always reveal Himself to us in a new way through all those painful experience.Have a good day.

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I think the world is unfair. We live, we struggle then we die. Yes there can be some enjoyment in between but in the end we d.i.e. 

@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
16 Aug 10
Wow,you are the fastest response that I ever have,just within one minute.Super and thank you.I think you must gone through many unhappy events in life before you will said so.I think many people in this world surely experience lots of hard time and unhappiness.Look at the news in everyday life: killing,earthquake,war,hatre,suffering,etc.It really makes this world a cruel place to live for lots of people.But all these just because of we are living in a sinful world.I think there are still another side of the coin.We need to see love action that offered by many people as well.Look at the donars to many charity foundation and we will know that we need to appreciate for people who cares.Well,thank you for your response anyway and have a good day.

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
16 Aug 10
You are very welcome. I had just logged in and noticed this in my interests as this is where I first start as soon as I am done with my email alerts.
You have a great day also. 

@xenachinah30 (597)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
Hi,i still do have there still a safe place to live until and we can have piece of mind wherever we go.i have search in the net that the safest country to live at this days is in new zealand.LESS crimes and safest place for now in the world.
@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
20 Jan 11
Oh, I just love to talk about new Zealand.Since I have just received another 17 cents with the mylot search engine by searching new Zealand.Ha ha ha, alright,oh oh....Anyway, I went for a trip to this lovely country in November, 2008 and this place was just so good in everything . I enjoyed going to the zoo and played with theb animales or just to see them in a near distance.I enjoyed my trip to search for one of the smallest dolphins in th world with the tour boat.I also enjoyed the special dinning experience in Aukland where I ate one of the best Angus Steak that I have never had before.I especially enjoy the gondola experience in Christchurch. The view was just so lovely.I still remembered the railway trip to pass the alpine and seeing more nice view through out the country in only one day.It was quite an adventure for me since I was travelling alone and everything was so perfect except one thing. One day I was taking a local tour and see things around in Aukland. I was in the upper seat with a well covered tour bus. I oepned the windown and wnated to see things clearly and breathe in some fresh morning air. Unfortunately, some kinds of bird pass by and lay an egg on my head. The egg york and everything about egg has hitted my forehaed and the guys head behind me. Although it was an accident but it didn't cause us any harm. We all laugh in the bus and said , " it was truely a fresh egg in the morning" We then all laughed about it and finsihed our trip well.

@joey_matthews (8354)
30 Oct 10
It's a mixture of both, things in life can be very unfair to some but at same time be very enjoyable for me. Life for myself is very much a bit of both, times things are great and others well are worse. I generally try to look on the brighter side, as the media focus to much on the doom and gloom.
Personally I hate hearing about things which are going wrong, such as disasters but I very accept it's a part of life and what we make of it.
@derek_a (10873)
18 Aug 10
I think the world is whatever you make it and think that it has become too complicated. No many people stop and look at the simple things in life, like a beautiful sunset or get up early enought to see the dawn. Or just to stop for a while and look at a beautiful view or sit on the grass and feel the earth's energy below.
Whilst it is true that there is a certain amount of pain in life, this pain can be used to focus the mind more, so that when it passes, you have had a full experience of it, and can appreciate more, the pleasant things in life. They are there, if we just but stop and look for a while

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
17 Aug 10
This world is cruel or loving is a matter of our own interpretation which is a by product of our attitudes. As one of the most famous clergyman once said: “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.” - Charles R. Swindoll.
So, “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” Scott Hamilton.

@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
17 Aug 10
Oh,Charles Swindoll.I know who he is .He is the principle of Dallas Theological Seminary at the moment if my memory is correct.He is ine of the well respected pastor in the United States.I agree with what he said about attitude.However,to maintain a positive attitude towards bad times in life is not that easy at all,especially when it is a self-related issue.I think it really needs lots of training before we can build up such an positive attitude.I think the bIble does give us all the guildline to positive thinking but still human cannot act it out by his own strength.That's why we need Jesus and His Holy Spirit to help us in such a cruel world.By looking at this life,it will alwyas be frustrated as a result since the Bible had already told us that this world and everything in this life will be past away.We only enjoy this life with a heavenly attitude,not just positive attitude.Because oince we know that there will be an eternal life after this life,and justice and judgement will be totally fulfilled by the everlasting God,we then truely have hope and strength to keep on living in such a world.Otherwise,seeing the world is getting worse everyday and it is a fact and not just only an attitude issue,we are just so hopeless.Thank God,He is still in control and everything is going on according to His plan,even the devil wnated to make the world a mess but he can never win,since Jesus has already won the battle on the cross.As what the bibke said in JOHN 3:16.For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son,whosoever believes in Him ,shall never die but have ever lasting life.Well,I think that's our hope and the only hope and comfort as human.Thank God for his hope and His word,no matter how tough the situation it seems to be in this world.

@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
16 Aug 10
Depends on the place, time, and people around you.Right place, time and people make life wonderful.As for bad things that happen everyday in every corner of the world, we can choose to see it or not.Some people don't even care what's happening outside their door and I have to say they're happier than me who's worried about global warming,wars and dangers.I should learn from them, I think.
@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
4 Sep 10
Hey, i like the image you are using as your icture.I forgot about what kind of coin is that .Tell me what coin is that if you will because I think I have one but I can never figure it out what country this coin belongs to.On the other hand,I don't think you have to be like those who won't care about anything in this world.I think your caring attitude should remain.Why? Our creator,God is a caring God.As the bible states that "For God so love the world,that He gave His only begotten son.Whosoever that believes in Him(Jesus),shall never die ,but have ever lasting lif." (John 3:16)I think God really care about this world,otherwise He would never send his son to die for all of us(including you and me).Remember when He first created the world in Genesis Chapter 1 of the Bible,he always said "it is good" right after each creation day.It was the sin of human who destroy all the good ness out of the human will and making everything a mess in this world.Will this world be any better,No ,this world won't be a better place and war,pollution,terrible thing and unjustice will always be there until the Final judgement day arrive. Howewver,who will accept God's saving grace (Jesus) will have their way out and live in eternity with a great a beautiful new world in the future.Our body will end but ouR spirit will last forever.Where our spirit will go ,namely heaven and hell is our own choice in this life.I hope you will make the right choice by accepting Jesus as your lord and saviour now,THAT'S God 's plan and that's the only way out to mankind.I hope you will enjoy your life much more after you have make that decision.God bless you.

@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I think the world is both a cruel place and a lovely place to live. Most of the time it's much easier to see the bad things than the good. The bad things seem to outweigh the good at times.
@honghu (2)
• China
17 Aug 10
To some extents, I cannot agree you more.We may have seen so mang bad things about the world, but, survival the fittest, as human beings, we have no choice but try our best to make the world a better place to live.What do you think of it?
@edwardjoy2000 (2386)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Aug 10
The world is a lovely place to live. "When we change the way we look at things the things we look at will change." It does happen that we see a lots of ups and downs in relationships, but thats not the end of the world. How many time have we given up and how many time have we taken things positively and tried to put things in place.
@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
4 Sep 10
Thank you for your response .I lik it when you said : How many times have we given up and how many times have we takem=n things positively and tried to put things in place."Yes, There are certainly up and down,loss and gain,right or wrong in this world and in this life.How ever,we should never give up even the situation is not that positive to us.Some how,I think our lif eis jsut like a battle field,and we are at war at all times.Who are combating with.Probably the devil and also ourselves.The wrose enemy is "self".It is an enemy that You have to lve and hate aat the same time.How many times,we hurt ourselves and fail ourselves.For sure people in this world will hurt us and make us upset too.But if we can fix up ourselves,then the outer influence can not disturb us that much.How can we have victory over ourselves?I think it is hard and we cannot do it alone.Without the help of God,we can never be able to win over ourselves.Thank God that with Jesus our saviour,we can have a way out and actually it is the only way out.Human jsut keep on changing all the times and people will betray us in times.Only God Himself and His only begotten Son ,Jesus can win our trust.For God will never fail us.So ,I would encourage you to think about accepting jesus as your Lord and Saviour today.And your life will be different and full of hope in this hopeless world.God bless you.

@mariiaana (26)
• Portugal
16 Aug 10
It depends on the kind of people that your are surrounded by. There are amazing things but really bad people. If we take a look in our world nowadays we see people killing each other, stealing wich other and hurting each other. That is the bad side, the ability that the human being has to forget what's right and what's wrong and act out of the rules. On the other hand there are people that help the others and that is, without any doubt, a very good side of us.
@wildlittlefan (4680)
• Hong Kong
4 Sep 10
Yes , there are just so many people in this world who will do things to harm others and there are also some other people who will help others and be ablessing to others as well.I rememeber I involve in a volunteer work once to help to play with some kids and help them to make some craft in a Ymac social services.It waas quite an interesting experience to me and I have also leart how to make an Indian Kite with the kids as well.Helping other is such a happy experience and most of the time,we are growing with all this experience as well.I give and I also receive. I teach and I also learn in return.Whow is a real blessing to who? Maybe we are blessed by those peole we help. Actually they are the on whose helping us in understand ourselves more and more everyday.Well,the wotrld surely need lots oof help,and I don't think I can do everything all by myself.I am not even trying to act like a saviour of the world as well since Jesus already took this role.But I think as long as we don't miss any opprtunity to help other s, we can at least have some positive contribution to this world.At least ,this world will be abetter palc eto live for many others whose life surely needs more help than others.I hope you and I can at least be a part of this helpful team.Enjoy your day,God bless you.

@pemulabanget (142)
• Indonesia
13 Oct 10
Life is only unfair because we deem it so due to our outlook upon the world. There's inequality because people still can't understand that people are people, built the same inside, just maybe a different model, but connected to one another nonetheless. Why is it that everything people work hard for means they deserve credit? If you work hard for something you'll get it, the credit may be a plus but it only had significance because of human insecurities. We're not happy enough to know that we've done something, we want everyone else to know about it. People die, this is not unfair it is just reality-life is short, live it like you'll die tomorrow because everyone or anyone can literally die tomorrow. 'Bad things' and 'Good things' can be brought down to a matter of opinion, say it as a generalized bad, as in someone gets a disease, and a generalized good, someone is cured, that's just the journey of life. No one gets to pick the hand their dealt, one must learn how to play it and build off of it. Those who truly understand this can realize that life isn't unfair, life is whatever you make of it; you control your life. If you think it is unfair, than make it fair. Things just happen at times however, but this is life, there are no boundaries of what's fair and what's not, there's just today and possibly tomorrow-you decide what to make of it all.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
17 Aug 10
I think the world is a lovely place to live in. It is the many cruel, selfish people who spoil it.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
17 Aug 10
I think the world is a lovely place to live in. It is the many cruel, selfish people who spoil it.
@derek_a (10873)
18 Aug 10
I think the world is whatever you make it and think that it has become too complicated. No many people stop and look at the simple things in life, like a beautiful sunset or get up early enought to see the dawn. Or just to stop for a while and look at a beautiful view or sit on the grass and feel the earth's energy below.
Whilst it is true that there is a certain amount of pain in life, this pain can be used to focus the mind more, so that when it passes, you have had a full experience of it, and can appreciate more, the pleasant things in life. They are there, if we just but stop and look for a while

@mauie0918 (337)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Life is full of surprises and it's a matter of choice. If you go to the right track then everything will be in good hands BUT if you choose the other side then you suffer the consequences. Let's admit that relationship is not perfect but we can make it better in our own way.
At times we're sad with what's going on with our life, BUT let's remember the permanent fact: EVERYTHING CHANGES, TOMORROW MIGHT BE DIFFERENT =)
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
20 Aug 10
This life can be considered as an opportunity, challenge or something fortunate that has happened to our soul.
To elaborate on this, I would say, life is a challenge where god has provided us a purpose and its upto us how do we focus on the purpose and find out the oppotunities in this life.
As you have mentioned, sometimes it is good and beutiful, that happens when you realize your purpose and try to find the opportunities in the challenges of your life.
Life is painful if you are distracted from your purpose & lost your focus and as a result of that, you dont see the opportunities and bend your knees in front of challenges in your life.
Whether a relationship hurts you or not it depends how you think about it and how much you love people (ur relatives). If I say "Love" it is always "unconditional". If your part in a relationship is unconditional you will not expect anything and you will be happy in giving (love, affection or anything else that they want) others.
So I would say Life is always same, its u, who has to focus and then only you will find the purpose and will always be happy.
E.g. If you are walking and you fall down you will feel bad after that, even if you are not physically hurt. (That's becoz you lost the focus and that was not ur purpose)
If one of your relative is in hospital and you donate 1 bottle of blood, you will feel very satisfied. That's becoz you know the purpose and you found the opportunity in the challenge of your life.
In one line, try to love others "unconditionally" and try giving others what they want, once it becomes your habbit, you will come to know that there isn't any other side of the coin...actually life is not a coin :)
Read it twice you will understand it better !!! Be happy always !!!