Is being happy with yourself possible to learn?
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
United States
August 16, 2010 2:06pm CST
I have always been happy with me if someone else was happy with me. I have always appreciated myself if someone else appreciated me. Is it possible to be taught how to be happy with yourself even if no one else is happy with you? I have never been happy with me unless someone else was. I really have no clue where to begin. When I look in the mirror I don't tell myself wow your doing a good job with the kids, or with the house or anything like that.
So, is this something you can be taught? Or are you just born with being happy with yourself? Do you tell yourself good job sometimes?
Any help or thoughts are welcome because I am lost on this one =(
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19 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
16 Aug 10
One of the best ways actually IS to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are great. Smile at yourself and you'll find it's infectious - you get a smile back. Practice looking at yourself as if you were looking at someone else (we are always much more forgiving of other people's shortcomings than we are of our own).
Spend 10 minutes a day thinking of your successes (and write them down) and of all of your blessings. It may seem hard work and a little false at first but it gradually becomes easier to accept the good and let go of the not so good. If you are tempted to dwell on the things that went wrong, give those things the love and attention they need, realise that they are in the past (so you can't change them), learn from them ... and then let them go.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
First, I want to say you have an incredible way of writing things and I admire you, your very intelligent=)
I love to write so that isn't the hard part. The hard part will be thinking of my successes. I'm not completely sure I have any success in my life at all. I am just a stay at home mom, that's all I've done in my life.
I do have a hard time letting things go sometimes... I will try it, I hope it works!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
16 Aug 10
I used to have a great many 'stay-at-home moms' as students. They had spent, perhaps, 20 years raising a family and looking after their man and, now the family had flown (or was more or less self sufficient) they wanted to get out of the house, get jobs and begin to feel useful again (as well as, of course, earning some money). In those years of being mother hens, technology had passed them by and they found that they needed basic computer skills. That was my job - to make sure that they left our place with a little more understanding (and rather less fear) of computers than they had before.
Part of the process was, of course, to help them compile CVs (resumés, I guess you would say) and it was really rather sad to see that many of them couldn't at first see what invaluable skills they had learned at home. People management and time management, for example, as well as the ability to self-motivate are things that are incredibly valuable in an office yet, at first, they often couldn't appreciate how running a busy household had taught them all of those things!
Learning to value oneself properly is, maybe, one of the hardest things to do. We are so used to being undervalued and even criticised by our children, our parents and even by our spouses that we begin to feel ourselves to be 'nothing special' after all.
I have news for you! You are special, you are of value and you have skills and abilities that you, like everyone else around you, has come to take for granted. It is up to you to winkle out your 'specialness' and put those good things on top. It's as if you were serving up a dish of curried prawns (if you ever do). The ordinary, every-day way would be to ladle out the prawns and the sauce together and just expect people to eat (and enjoy): the chef's way would be to make sure that the prawns were singled out and arranged attractively on top of the sauce (with, perhaps, a leaf or two of garnish). The dish is the same but the effect is entirely different!
Thank you for your compliments on my writing. I hope that I write as I speak (or maybe as I would like to speak. I believe that I can thank MyLot, to a great extent, for encouraging me to do that. When I look back at some of my writing of several years ago, I am quite embarrassed at how stilted and awkward it sometimes sounds! As for intelligence, we have what we were given, I guess. I dare say that I am no more nor any less intelligent than anyone else. I know that I can be quite as stupid and dense as anyone else at times!
@subterfuge54 (207)
• Philippines
16 Aug 10
Being happy with yourself can be learned and you have to remember that learning is a process. It does not happen overnight or in just a few days. Maybe you can start appreciating the blessings the you have received and how well you have done with those blessings. Keep a journal on the things that you appreciated about yourself and what you have. You may want to list down the things that you have been thankful about yourself during the day before going to sleep. And when you wake up, go to the mirror and be thankful for you. You may not find these helpful for quite sometime but when you start making it a routine, you will just be amazed how you turn to be so happy with yourself and finally saying that INDEED HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE.
I've tried this myself. Good luck! :D
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I will try that. I always appreciate my blessings but I don't feel that I have anything to do with that. God does. Ooh, thankful about myself...That's a tough one. I am thankful that I'm a thoughtful person, does that count?
Thanks for your help with this, I'll let you know how it goes after a while =)
@yxinxin (467)
• China
17 Aug 10
Yes. I think so. Being happy with yourself is possible to learn and it is important in our daily life. It means confidence. With confidence you can do everything better. Certainly being critical with yourself is also necessary. I also frequently ask myself, Am I honest to my friends? Have I done my best?...?
Being critical with myself helps me improve.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yes, I think I am a little too critical of myself though. I'm not sure if that's good but I don't think it's to healthy.
I don't have much confidence at all. I need to learn that.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I am pretty much the same way and personally I feel that when I am not appreciated, although I can tell myself that I am satisfied with myself it still lingers in my mind and does pester me to the point where I cannot not fully be happy.
I can pretend and I think I am good at it but deep inside it will bug me though.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I had no idea you felt the same way as me with this. You seem really happy on here most of the time so I thought you were confident and genuinely happy with yourself. I'm sorry your like me =( I don't really want anyone to feel the way I do about myself. I hope we can both figure this out and learn together to be happy with us! 

Good Luck with it =)

@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Your stronger than me, that's for sure. I cannot do that. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at hiding my emotions. I try not to tell people how I am feeling but emotionally I rely on other people to help me through. I know that's a bad quality of mine but that's the way I have always been...
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
17 Aug 10
A very long time ago I met this lady her name Christmas, funny name. Anyways she told me as a female we are not allowed to show the world when are sick and or not feeling well with our selves. It is amazing how she taught me well.
I am genuinely the type of person that does not tell and show the world how I feel, ya never know how destructive my life is as I unless I tell you would not know it.
It does not make me feel better but when my exterior side of looks good I feel a bit better.

@onichboy (134)
• Thailand
17 Aug 10
I don't think you can nor anyone can teach a person to be happy with one's self because it is a natural feeling. You feel it when you do something which you are satisfied with or like what you said, you are happy when someone is happy with you. So, for me being happy with yourself is just a matter of doing things which you like and things that make you feel good. I tell myself "good job" sometimes because it makes me stronger and pushes me harder to do things I never knew I could.
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@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
That's not good. I have never been to happy with myself. I guess I should start telling myself I did something good instead of pointing out all of the bad things about myself. Do you think that will help?
@onichboy (134)
• Thailand
20 Aug 10
I think that is a good idea. I always think this way "when everybody leaves you, you don't have anyone but yourself so, only yourself can help you"
It is good to be mindful of others but it is also important to remember yourself.
You should encourage yourself.
All people make mistakes, heck even those who claim that they are perfect. And I believe that everyone should make and realize their mistakes because from there we learn (and try to change), and life is a learning process, that's where we become a better person. ;)
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Of course you can develop pride and appreciation of yourself. Perhaps if you take stock of yourself and see how really talented you are, you will begin to appreciate yourself more. Take some of those hidden or dormant talents and begin to nourish them. As you accomplish more you will appreciate your true value to yourself and to others. As parents we tend to put everything behind us and concentrate on becoming the best parents we can be. But we are also individuals with individual needs. We wear many hats in society. Parent, wife, and friend just to name a few. Don't allow your identity to be dependent on another's validation. Validate yourself by your ability to transend.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
The only talent I have is singing and I can't do it in front of people so what's the point?
Yeah, I do focus more on my kids and what their feeling. I try not to think about my feelings much. I don't think I will be the best mom I can possibly be if I'm focused on what my feelings are.
I wish I knew how to do this...
@dont_pick_your_nose (2279)
• Australia
17 Aug 10
Yes of course it is. Life is all about learning and making the right choices. You can choose to make yourself by choosing to do things that make you feel fullfilled and happy. It's surprising good feeling to help out someone out just because you can and not because you are expected to or want anything in return. You can do things that make you feel happy with yourself to learn the feeling and how easily it can be achieved everyday.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I am always helping other people. That does make me feel happy but not with myself really. I am happy that their happy. I am happy that God gave me an opportunity to help someone else.
I'm not really sure that's it's so easy for everyone.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Aug 10
hi lilangelspreschool yes it can be learned and I taught it to myself'
in order to bear living here in a retirement center where you lose
so much of yourself. Example I have a weekly pill planner I have
always used, and being mentally competent at 84 I do resent them
taking away all my medications and doling them out to me at breakfast and dinner time like a child.Oh i was told I cou ld keep my own pills if Iad a lock box, well I did not have onw. Also I miss not cooking for my self and planning my own meals. coming here has made it hard to control my diabetes as I cooked with my blood glucose leverl in mind. Here they
do not cater to diabetes. we are are on our own. I am happy b ecause I taught myself that happiness is good for me, and being sad depressed will shoot my blood glucose level sky high.really nobody cam make us happy as we have to decide to be happy ourselves.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
18 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Why do they treat adults that way? I really hate retirement homes, I have never been in one but I just hate how people are treated! I won't ever put my parents in one.
I guess I have to figure out how I can be truly happy with me.
@rameshprabhu (190)
• India
17 Aug 10
oh god so much research for being happy, nothing can make you happy unless you real feel to do happy,
everything lies in you
awake your conciousness to be happy always.....
laughing at sad situation can make you stronger
@luisadannointed (7302)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
Hello! Of course it is 100% possible. You have to be happy in anything that God gave you in life, because if you don' only means you don't appreciate his blessings. Second thing is you cannot be happy with others if you don't learned to be happy about yourself even if no one praise you (it is enough that you know God appreciates you more than ever),they you cannot give what you do not have, how can you be happy to the people you love if you never learned to be happy and satisfied with your own self.
Matthew 22:37-39
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. (vs38) This is the first and most important commandment. (vs39) The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, "Love others as much as you love yourself.)
So it is very impossible that you will never learned to love and be happy about yourself because that is the second commandments of God. And how can you not be happy about yourself when you are created for greater things... God bless you.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I am very happy with all of my Blessings. I am happy with everything that God has blessed me with. My blessings don't really have anything to do with how I perceive myself, does it?
I do love God. I love others more than I love myself. A lot more. So, I definitely obey the second commandment, probably more so than other people.
@dreamkeeper (455)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Yes of course it is not impossibe coz where ever you are there you are.And happiness must comes from within yourself and you ahve to learn it. If there is a will there is always a way.
@superman0523 (40)
• United States
16 Aug 10
it can be self taught, try looking in the mirror every morning and smiling. or even have your kids in the mirror with you, just seeing your kids smile and play and say "i love you" is a job well done.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Your right, that would be a good idea. Thanks for your help with this =)
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Your lucky that you feel that way.
@marvinmacs (15)
• Philippines
17 Aug 10
The answer is an absolute YES. We are born happy about ourselves, but we just somehow unlearn it along the way, thanks to classrooms and peer pressures, not to mention pressures at home in some cases. I have learned to be happy with myself the hard way, but it paid off. The key is to recognize the person inside you and to acknowledge this person's uniqueness in the world. Yeah, you do make sure that you congratulate this person *every time* it does a good job. When this person says thanks, you say she's welcome. When it does wrong, accept this person nevertheless, and coach this person on how she can do that job better next time. Lastly, have some connection with the greater being, who is always good, regardless of how you perceive him to be.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Hmm, I didn't think about the fact that we could be born with being happy with ourselves. Since I got picked on a Lot as a child, my parents pretty much ignored me and abuse has occurred in my life-I would guess these things have a lot to do with it.
It's really hard for me to pat myself on the back, I have never really been that type of person. When I do something right, I usually think I could have done it better.
Thanks for your help with this =)
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Hello, I understand how you feel, because I feel that a lot about myself too. I often need to be approved to approve of myself. But I think it is possible to learn to get to be ok with yourself. Someone I know told me that they knew that their life was ok, when they were around forty... and for some it will take longer. Just keep listing all the great things that happened and will happen because of you. I believe that eventually we will learn to accept ourselves. Best wishes.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I'm sorry you feel the way I do. I don't want anyone to feel like I do about this. I hope eventually I will learn to be happy with myself with or without anyone else's approval.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
20 Aug 10
I used to be like that. I could never be happy with myself without validation by others. But lately, I think I've learned to teach myself how to be happy. I am just starting out, so I'm just slowly finding little things that pleases me. I find that it helps with my sanity sometimes. Little things like treating myself to lunch, finding a few minutes all by myself without the kids, etc. That's how I tell myself I did a good job.
@rameshprabhu (190)
• India
19 Aug 10
well help me too, in finding the solution of this , because even i feel the same everytime but feeling happy lies in us , in what way we take things like that,
try enjoying doing things whatever you like.
a smile in a kid we see the god in that.
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
16 Aug 10
I think all is not lost and you can learn to like yourself regardless of if someone else does or not.
I am not sure but I have never relied on anyone else to make me feel good about myself.
However I think you just have to decide within yourself that you deserve to be happy and appreciated no matter what. One idea you might want to try is to keep a journal that you write down everything that happened that day that you think you did well. Then when you are not feeling happy with yourself, you can look at it to remind you that you are worth being happy about all on your own.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I have never really been happy with myself. Since I was young I had low self esteem. My mother mostly tried to change that about me with no success, obviously. I am going to try the journal idea. I hope that works =) Thanks for your help!
@Ceekay1989 (323)
• United States
16 Aug 10
you have to learn to love yourself thats the only way, once you do that then other people will love and accept you. its ok to tell yourself and talk to yourself about how beautiful you are and how much potentail you have and what you're worth its really is! Its the only way you have to learn to love yourself.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
16 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I will learn one day I hope that I can be happy with myself whether anyone else is happy with me or not. I will have to try different ways to figure it out. Thanks for your help with this =)