By MarySWarren
@MarySWarren (4)
August 16, 2010 3:20pm CST
Hey guys, I just want to find out as much information as possible about dentists ..
I am really indecisive and can never decide on what I want to do in life, and dental assistant popped in my head, but so did dentist
I know you need to do math to do this and I've never been good at it at all and I'm very scared, it seems like everything I want to do involves math and I have really never been good. I plan on taking general arts course to get my grades up I will try and do very well ... I just want to do something successful that I can have a good life with
I've done research on this so I know a little but is there anyone out there who may know a little more about this.. I don't really know much .. If I do really well could I possible do this, I've never really thought of myself as brilliant but now that I'm older I am more determined.
Please if anyone could tell me some info on this I would appreciate it very much.
I just want to go into something that I know I could get into and not something risky.. usually I'm more interested in doing something in the television industry, or helping people on problems they have to do with looks and what not and just all around make people so happy, and feel good about themselves... I will have some time to think about what I want while I do general arts and sciences. Anyways Thanks!
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