I have decided I will run for president in 2012! Who can I count on?
By EvanHunter
@EvanHunter (4026)
United States
August 19, 2010 11:27am CST
So who is going to lend me your vote? My campaign promises will be to cut off all foreign aid until the unemployment rate is below 3%, Immediate action to end illegal border crossing on Mexico/U.S.border, Abolish the federal reserve and investigation into past practices which would probably bring RICO charges against a lot of bank officials and federal reserve, total repeal of the (un)patriot act.
My campaign slogan will be I am better than the other guys...lol
Anything else I should throw in there that needs to be taken care of?
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14 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
19 Aug 10
If you'd refund Social Security from Social Security payments and make it illegal to take those funds for other things, and if you'd create a policing agency for the welfare agencies that could work to eliminate welfare abuse, and if you'd agree with the majority of Americans on things like not allowing a mosque to overshadow the site of the Twin Towers among other things, I'd vote for you.
That's in addition to what you've already mentioned.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Well since forcing them out would go against the constitution and I am a firm believer of individual rights I would just buy it out from under them and build the largest USO club for veterans or something in that nature. but since we are on the subject I would reopen another investigation into 9/11 and this time you can bet some people would be getting their butts fired like should of happened nearly 9 years ago. Oh and we just might bomb Saudi Arabia as a warning....LOL

@reeree63 (27)
• United States
20 Aug 10
Yes, if you can elevate minimum wage to $12.00 per hour in every state and the total maximum federal/state taxes taken out of an individual's payroll check per pay is $50 dollars, than I may consider voting for you. Minium wage and the price of salt hardly ever seem to go up. If the things I mentioned are not realistic than the 13 Trillion dollars U.S. National Debt I keep wishing to go down is not either. However, I wish you all the best with your campaign.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 10
laglen is right if you raise minimum wage constantly it creates inflation but we could just shoot for hyperinflation and make everyone millionaires although millionaires would be the new poor.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Do what it takes to bring back our manufacturing industry. Reduce the power of unions. Instead of a flat tax as some one suggested a sales tax on every thing except food and medication. Stop all pork or any thing else that gets added on to bills. Do away with a lot of those so called entitlements. and you have my vote

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
19 Aug 10
I prefer charges of treason for any American company that moves its base of operations to a communist country, that would put an end to the trade deficit with China nearly over night in my opinion. Or force them to reform to a democratic society.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Sure, but I would like to reiterate abolishing the IRS and go to a flat tax.
Then take all of these fabulous entitlement programs and put them back on the states. Such as education and welfare.
I agree repeal the patriot act as well as ax the Department of Homeland Security, its an oxy moron.
I am on the fence with term limits, why not just stop electing them.
I would also shred the pay/benefit/pension package for the "civil servants" and ONLY pay Congress when they are in session which should be two weeks a year!
I dont see why they have so much work to do when they have the perfect template (The Constitution).
Otherwise, you can count on my vote!

@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Aug 10
You are both right. Regarding elections, here we have a guy running for Governor. He won the Republican Primary, never been a politician so people feel they need to step in and run against him on another ticket
Maybe they are missing the point that we WANT somebody new
Evan - good point about corporate loop holes. You as President I am sure will dot your Is and cross your Ts!

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
19 Aug 10
I am for a flat tax also as long as we can make sure there is no loop holes for corporations and etc.
I would probably have to reform homeland security because by the time I did a few of the things I said there would be some powerful people looking to assassinate me.
LaurenInLA just for me to register to run in a state election I think it is like $5,000 to $10,000 so it would be impossible for the average Joe to ever really get in to a political office.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
19 Aug 10
I think that the reason that we keep electing them is that the system itself makes it almost impossible for those who are not entranched to run a campaign. It costs a huge amount of money to be elected and unless you have the financial support of one of the two major parties, it is almost impossible to get elected. Really makes you wonder why candidates spend millions of dollars to be elected to a job that in the scheme of things doesn't pay them a whole lot of money. That in and of itself should tell us something. I am in complete agreement with you on shredding the pay/benefit/pension package and paying Congress when they are in session. What are they doing for 200 plus days a year? Stimulating the economy? Passing legislation that creates jobs? Keeping a good eye on the banking and economic system? We all are painfully aware of how well that's working for us, aren't we?

@urbandekay (18278)
19 Aug 10
Remove US military from British soil
Remove restrictive US trade practices
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
20 Aug 10
Excellent, glad you can stop these Germans reproducing. Hmmm, your special forces operations don't have a good success rate though, might be a bit tricky.
all the best urban
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
19 Aug 10
"Remove restrictive US trade practices"- which ones would that be? Since you don't get a vote I will do something for you as a favor, I will put together a strike team to kidnap ALL the royal family members and perform forced sterilization on them...LOL Forgive my morbid humor its been a wacky kind of day.

@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
19 Aug 10
I think that you should also put term limitations on Congress. We need people with new and fresh ideas to stir things up a little bit. Enough of these people who serve in Congress for 20, 30 and 40 years who are so out of touch with what is happening in the country and even in their own states. I also think that you should get rid of the IRS in favor of a flat tax that would be based solely on income with NO deductions. No filing of returns. Bo refunds and no short payments. Let's also incentivize those companies that create jobs and hire people that are on unemployment by giving the company an amount that is equivalent to what they would have collected on unemployment for a period of time. Let's do the same thing for those who collect welfare payments. Finally, let's promise some health care legislation that gives all of us the same kinds of benefits that those who are on welfare receive. My husband had an extreme emergency and was taken to a county hospital. I learned from families there that their loved ones who HAD health insurance and needed transplants were put BEHIND people with Medicaid ostensibly because of the difference in payments. I could go on and on with my "brilliant" ideas but I'll leave some for other posters. LOL!

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Aug 10
The only part of your campaign platform that is not too radical it the border part. The rest is too radical. You would have to do a little work on the rest and moderate them a little. You cannot just Abolish the Federal Reserve out of hand. Banks would fail all over if you did that. Investigating and restructuring might be a better idea. As far as foreign aid goes, there is a place for it. There are countries that do deserve it. There are a lot that do not.
@wizdomheard1 (5)
• United States
20 Aug 10
You seem to be just like all the other politician. You have a lot of contraversial Views and initiatives. GOOD LUCK RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2012!
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 10
LOL, aint no way the average Joe could ever really run for president, this is more about what people would really like to see out of a candidate or see our elected leaders do.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
20 Aug 10
You could get my vote....but I have a question...why give out foreign aid at all. Even at 3% unemployement that money is US TAX PAYER MONEY and should be kept here in this country and for our use.
Also...what is your plan about the national debt and the budget deficit?
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 10
There wouldn't be a budget deficit after I took of the federal reserve. As far as the trade deficit with China goes we just wouldn't pay, there you go problem solved if you refuse to pay than there is no deficit anymore...lol
@thedataminer (515)
• United States
19 Aug 10
I might just vote for you. I don't know much about the fed reserve bank thing you're speaking of. I live in a neighborhood that 100's, maybe even 1,000's of Mexicans live in. Most of these people are friendly but most of them do not speak English or hardly any English. I notice an elderly hispanic lady waiting for the bus and she had a medicaid card. She also did not speak English so it looks like American workers are paying out tax dollars on people who might not even be citizens. I just wonder how that is happening. My son and I are low income and we don't have a car. I see allot of Mexicans that seem to have money and nice cars; they are doing much better then poor Whites and Blacks I tell you. The US government built a very short fence on the border of 1 US town so I wonder where's the wall they were suppose to build. In the Southern states unemployment and especially crime levels are high and it's probably going to get worse.
@thedataminer (515)
• United States
19 Aug 10
When I said fence I meant fence on the border of a small Texas town. And I said medicaid when I meant "medicare" card.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
19 Aug 10
As I said above I would put an end to it asap. As long as we have the two major parties we have now we will never see and end to illegal immigration.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 10
Most of the foreign aid goes to starting wars anyways and since the united states is the largest arms dealer in the world that should help put a damper on wars.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 Aug 10
The sad fact is the people on mylot probably know my beliefs and views better than they know the current presidents. The presidential election is a joke for the very facts you have pointed out it requires a great deal of "money for the campaign" and people don't really have a clue what the candidate is about, the whole system has become so corrupt it is impossible to get a decent candidate who hasn't sold his soul to get where he is. There is no way I could ever get on the ballot just having fun talking about it.
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
20 Aug 10
And how exactly do you plan to take immediate action on ending illegal border crossing? What new system would you implement to replace the Federal Reserve, and how would you pay for the many expenses of starting up a new system?