Do You Think Certain Pets Come Into Our Lives For A Reason?

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
August 19, 2010 8:38pm CST
Okay maybe this is one of those more metaphysical/mystical type discussions of mine, but I've been reflecting on the sudden death of my cat Pyewacket who passed on April 19th...four months ago now. Anyone who knows me, knows I've had cats ever since I was five years old, and I've seen the passing of a LOT of furbabies during the years. While I have loved all my "babies" some stick in my mind, heart and soul more than others, like Pyewacket did, so I'm still in shock by his sudden death where he literally died in my arms. Also, people who know me, know I follow the pagan/wicca path in life, and I decided to follow this path in 2001.....ironically the same year Pyewacket was born. So anyway, I've been reflecting if Pyewacket came into my life not only during the same time as when I began my studies into the pagan/wicca path, but he seemed to have come into my life during some of the hardest years of my life also. It's almost odd how I picked the name Pyewacket too. I had heard that name due to that old movie Bell, Book, and Candle, a movie about a group of witches yet the cat was a Siamese cat not black- However, the name Pyewacket wasn't just from the movie. I read in a book that the name Pyewacket actually dates back to Medieval England and associated with familiars of witches and usually black cats, like my Pyewacket was. It's also "odd" that throughout the years I've ALWAYS had black cats yet never once thought to name them Pyewacket until my "baby" came along. From the get go, I felt that my Pyewacket was in some ways a "magical" cat...he seemed to bring me luck even during the hardest years of my life from 2001-2006 in particular. During those years my plate was full, with one thing after another after another occurring, and I might add, very negative things--2006 was a particular "winner" year and to be honest with all that was going on then, it was a wonder I didn't have a complete meltdown. As a mother had been diagnosed with cancer in 2005, then in early 2006, we got an eviction notice due to the cat population problem we had (that my mother caused and I was stuck in the middle of)--then finding a lawyer, finding people to take the cats, the numerous court appearances, (the case was to last from March to Oct)--then my mother dying in August, then trying to find out if there was any money since my mother had no checking/savings and no life insurance, dealing with her funeral costs, trying to see if my SSI benefits would be raised since I was now alone...and on and on. Yet amazingly, I was very calm during that "fun" year. Things weren't completely smooth sailing either from 2007 and up--I even had a few "scares" this year, but things have calmed down considerably from those more turbulent years . So now I'm thinking...did Pyewacket make his appearance in my life to "help" me during those rough times in my life, and, now that much of the turmoil is over with, that's the how and why of why he passed on to Rainbow Bridge? I know some of you must be rolling your eyes and think I'm completely daft for saying all this, but those of you who are pet it POSSIBLE that some pets come into our lives for a purpose, especially when we are faced with hard times? And then when the turmoil in our lives ends, so do their lives? Any of you have a similar story?
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19 responses
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Absolutely, I do believe that pets can come along and enter lives at crucial moments and change everything. I have a friend who lost a bloved cat and then a short while later was suddenl widowed. For some reason, she had difficulty finding another cat. Eventually a niece she hadn't seen in awhile called and asked if she could take in a just born stray whose alley cat mothe had abandonned him. Well, in he came and he grew into the punyiest and nastiest little tom imaginable but my friend loved him to deat and he brought her back to the land of the living. Today, my friend is battling cancer and is in a rehab hospital. Her family wanted to put the cat in a no kill shelter but I took him and I'm so glad I did. I've taken the cat to visit her a couple times and she was able to visit him here the other day. She burst into tears when she held her little devil and buried her face in his fur. I really believe this guy is going to help her beat the disease. He doesn't especially like me but he gets along well with Humphrey & I'm growing fond of him in spite of the fact that he hisses at me constantly and scrathes me everytime I lift him.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I'm so glad you took in her cat irisheyes. I do a lot of crossposting of pets in need over at Facebook and one of the many reasons pets are "dumped" into shelters (and some don't realize that many shelters are high kill ones) is that the owner had to be hospitalized or go to a rehab. Every time I hear that I frankly get teed off--especially if the cat (or dog) is an older pet--can you imagine how frightened that animal is and doesn't understand why he/she was taken and dumped into a shelter I'm glad you take her cat to visit her...--I just bet she's overjoyed seeing her furry friend again
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
22 Aug 10
My dog, GAleena came along when I needed her most. She was in a humane society with both front legs broken and we became instant soul mates. She and I don't stray too far from each other now. The vet even wanted to keep her over night to check her kidneys and I refused saying I'd have to stay too. She knows my thoughts I do believe. She knows when my heart aches and she knows too that I am happy. She must sense in me a part of her as we both needed the care we gave each other. I believe in God and I believe he sent Galeena to me to help me thru a particularly bad time in my life and is still with me. I guess when I die, someone better euthanize her and bury us together ... She's my baby...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 10
That was so great that you adopted Galeena, a "special" needs dog in a sense...did you ever find out why her legs were broken??? So many times people will pass up a pet at a shelter that has some special needs or health concerns. Yes some may need a lot more extra attention and costs involved in their care, but they can give out the same amount of love if not more as a "normal" pet @minx267--sounds like T.K. and you really did have a special bond. That would have been my first thought, about seeing her "spirit" in the room far away from where she actually was, that something had happened to her--must have freaked you out no end
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Sep 10
@pye.. yes. I was a bit freaked.. But she could also see "spirits" as well.. around the same time as this incident.. My roommate who can Astral Project (I can't for the life of was in the midst of doing this and said he had left his body and was coming down the hall of our apartment and as he neared the door to my room where I was asleep, both of my dogs T.K. and Ka'vik, with me.. he tried to enter my room and they wouldn't let him.. he said they threw up a barrier or force field if you will blocking him from walking over the threshold of my room and stared right at him.. (and they considered him their daddy) I found it reassuring that they wouldn't let any spirits near me even when they knew who it was. From then on I knew they would always be my protectors. And they proved it to me a few times, even my gentle T.K. who growled at a man who was suspiciously standing in front of our apartment staring at us while we were sitting outside.. I felt nervous about what he was doing and apparently so did she.. she had never growled a day in her life -Hell my siamese Soleil ruled over her.. lol But she growled and stood right next to leg and alerted Ka'vik (OUR protector) and he came running over and the guy turned around and walked away.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
25 Aug 10
T.K. and Kavik  - my Little Collie/shephard mix T.K. and My Malamute/lab mix Ka'vik (ka-veek)
I had a dog that was so like this - she shared my thoughts. I always found it amazing that I would no sooner think a thought than she would get up from where ever she was and walk over to me. She once even astral projected and appeared to me when I was away from home and staying at my mothers house. She missed me horribly. I was sleeping on my mothers couch and I woke up -the lamp on the table next tom me was on. so it was fairly well illuminated in the room. I opened my eyes and looked across the room and I saw there the face of my dog just floating in the air.. Of course my first thought was that surely I am asleep still. So I picked up my hand and put it in front of my face.. I looked at it- looked at the dog -nope I was awake. Then I worried that something happened to her.. so I quickly called my roommate to check and make sure she was fine. Another time, she answered the phone (twice actually) when I called home. the phone sat on the floor(as we had recently moved in), so it was easy to do. I had to walk somewhere in town. And I called home to talk to my roommate as I listened the phone stopped ringing.. so I said his name.. nothing then I hear T.K. I started talking to her and she was whining.. and I could here her walk away then come back to the phone and cry. I was so amazed- I thought it was funny but then I was sad that I had to hang up and she would wonder where I went. My roommate thought I was crazy when I told him what happened until she did it one other time when he called.. After that she never answered the phone again. That was ONE truly special dog! she is the little one laying down in the photo.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
20 Aug 10
I really do not have a similar story, other than the fact that I knew my current husband was a good catch by the way my sister's cat reacted to him. No one could directly pet this cat, or hold her.My sister had gotten her off the street. My sister was dying and I took in the kids, my sister and her cats for awhile. The cat did not want to make eye contact with you. I had one really nice young college student friend who would walk backwards across the room so he could pet her. I met Bob through a country singles newspaper. He drove six hours to meet me, and we spent the day together. He decided to stay over, I had room on the sofa, even though I had five or six cats, and six other people living at my house.(He actually offered to sleep outside in his car). We rented a movie and this cat came up and crawled in his lap. I knew he was a good soul and a keeper. That was thirteen years ago this week. When my sister moved in with our niece, Lotus Blossom ran away. I believe that people and pets and relationships all have purpose, even though we are on different paths.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Aug 10
I've heard stories of the opposite, and even in my own life. Over the years none of my cats liked the super of our building...he IS a jerk LOL---and the cats always sensed it and would hide the moment they heard his voice (which is loud and could shatter glass) sorry to hear Lotus Blossom ran away though
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
20 Aug 10
I absolutely agree that a cat can be made (sent) specifically for one person in life. I, too, have had cats all my life and have seen many pass. But I was particularly close to one named Chitaun. When he was killed by a huge cat-hating dog that got loose in my home I was devastated. But I had one of his children whom I named Teddy. Teddy displayed all of the same characteristics as his father, in fact it was as though Chitaun was reincarnated in Teddy. Then when Teddy passed in my arms I went for several years without any new cats. One day a woman brought me a tiny ball of fluff and asked me if I would take him since her children had already drowned his brother in the bathtub. I did it and we bonded so closely that he (Buff) has become my constant companion. I cannot even go into another room without him following me and staying with me. He has gone from a tiny white ball of fluff to a 23 pound guardian angel in the past 7 years. My husband insists he is heaven-sent. I don;t know what I will do if/when his time comes to pass. I don't follow the wiccan path, although my daughter does, so I understand a little about it. I hope you are blessed with another cat who can pick up where Pyewacket left off. One never expects to find one like that but it can happen, believe me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 10
It's funny that you mention that you had a feeling that Chitaun was reincarnated into Teddy. Back in the 1970s I had a cat named Biddy. She was a stray cat that quite literally walked into our apt one day when the door was opened and right away she made herself home. She had a very aristocratic and regal manner about her that was almost funny at times. Then she passed on...years later another stray cat came into our lives, and honestly, she had the exact same regal royal personality as Biddy. Yes I'm hoping another kitty will come into my life soon. For now, Kissy, my one remaining cat seems to like being number one and follows me all the time just as Buff has for you
@knewfy (82)
• United States
22 Aug 10
All I can say is that Newfoundland dogs have changed my life in so many ways. After I lost my husband I was so destitute and so lost and I happened to go to a dog show, because my daughter was showing her German shepherd do in Obedience. At the show I saw these large black furry dogs, they made me just want to hug them and so I did. I buried my face in their beautiful big furry necks and sobbed. I realized how I really needed a pet, and managed to scrape up the money to buy one. At that time I knew absolutely nothing about buying a dog, got one out of the newspaper. Her name was "bear" (of course!! everybody names their first newf "Bear"!) Anyhow as the years went by I showed her..and she ended up being a top winning newf and my foundation female. From her bloodlines I bred 17 Champions. and many many puppies that went on to live happy lives as family pets, therapy dogs, obedience dogs, water dogs, etc. Two of the offspring from her first litter became multiple Best In Show winners. I entered the world of showing dogs. Spent a lot of money...(which of course I regret now) but at the time I said to myself: "What difference does money make? It will never bring back my love." And so I went ahead and spent it. Made a LOT of new friends, travelled, showed dogs every weekend...and so on. My kids kind of took after my interest and now one raises and trains hunting dogs and the other raises old fashioned German Shepherds...both are successful at these endeavors. Now I am officially "retired" and have a small house and one newfy left. (/but another one on the way if/when she is born..from my old bloodlines.) I know in my heart I will never be without a newfoundland dog. They have given me so much that I can never replace.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
25 Aug 10
I loved your story.. I saw on your profile that you are in deep river. is that CT?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 10
What a wonderful story knewfy---it really does sound like your Newfoundland dog Bear came at a time you needed her the most with the passing of your husband, and wound up in you embarking in a new and different chapter in your life
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Aug 10
I don’t think you’re daft at all in fact I feel the same way about the cat I lost not too long ago and the new cat I adopted in November last year. It is uncanny that both times my husband who is not particularly ‘cat minded’ said what colour cat he would like and both times there was just the cat for us! When we decided to get a cat 13 years ago my husband said he wanted a black cat and I guessed we would have to wait until one came along because the shelter we visited didn’t have any black kittens. We left the shelter and drove past a pet shop; I went in and asked if they had kittens for sale, the man said no but he knew where we could get black ones! The rest is history and Friday came along. Hubby said he wanted a black and white cat and there was Hewy the only black and white kitten at the shelter! I don’t know what any of this means but to me these are not coincidences; these pets were meant just for us! Friday was my life line when I was going through fertility treatment and failing one time after another, it was so tough and my fur baby was always there; I cry as I write this because I still miss him so very much! I believe that animals, just like people come into our lives for a reason for sure…I also like to believe that we may see them again one day…
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
25 Aug 10
BTW.. I cried too..
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
20 Aug 10
We meet people and animals in our life for a purpose. I believe that when we send vibrations, the same vibrations are responding. Animals are helping us to calm, they sense us more than we can imagine. My pets where here for me during my difficult time in 2008....I wouldn't recover that fast without them.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I think animals can be a better healing balm for us than people are at times--when we're depressed they don't tell us to "snap out of it" or if we're sick/ill they seem to sense it and cuddle up to us even more than usual
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Aug 10
with this cat maybe this is the way to thinnk of him helping you thru the bad years. 9 years old IS pretty old for a cat. or dogs altho ours all lived way beyound what thier breed was surpose too. live 15 and 16 years old they were. Mine were just old and had to leave this world to be with each other up there at the bridge
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Aug 10
wow long lives and I didnt know that all the cats I had growing up got killed. and yup I do beleive that was his purpose hugssssssssssssssssssssss
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@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
20 Aug 10
Who was it that had a routine "Things that make you go 'hmmm' "? Your discussion certainly is one of those. Hmmm...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Sep 10
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 10
It's hard to say really. I know that God brings to us no more than what we can handle, that's for sure but maybe animals/pets do come into our lives for one reason or another. No pun intended but, does it really matter? I mean, the fact that they do come into our lives is a miracle in itself because there's so darned many out there in need of homes. I have ten cats and wouldn't even consider parting with any of them or my dogs. They're the reason I stayed relatively sane during our hard times.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Yes our pets can definitely keep us sane during rough times. I guess too since they are a "distraction" if you get my meaning...since we have to take care of them and love us as if they were our children, it gets us away from dwelling on our problems, don't you think?
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Sep 10
@pye.. I totally get what you mean.. my mother always used to "rag" on me about having too many pets.. and I would say to her you don't understand.. they are the reason I am STILL here.. without them life would be a bore and I really would have no reason to strive and continue to get out in society and work to support them. Hell, I BOUGHT my house because my animals needed a bigger place and a safe place and I was tired of always wondering if I wouldn't be able to find an apartment that I could sneak a dozen or so cats into.. LOl I would have never even thought about becoming a home owner if it weren't for them. :-) They do keep us sane and keep us going.. :-)
@celticeagle (171999)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Aug 10
I believe in fate, my freind. Things do happen for a reason. I could tell you the story of Ten Dogs, my favorite cat. He was a terror. Black and white. The runt of the litter that I always went for. I had been sick and could hear this scratching in the kitchen. I knew it was a cat and under my grandma's table was a box I was sure he was scratching on. I thought it was a grown cat, sounded like one. Come to find out it was one of the new kittens came in from the porch and was scratching that box. Sounded like a grown cat. I named him Ten DOgs cause he was a terror. He would scrap with the other cats twice his size, get himself into more trouble. He got me well. I got up out of bed to go check on the little mite and he became my companion. He slept with me. Kept me worn. And I feel he got me well. I think certain animals are real characters and stand out from the others for one reason or another. And think of the familiars some witches have to help them too. Maybe that is being fanciful but I have had several cats that were better companions to me than people at times. Animals are outstanding. They ground us with their love and companionship. And animals seem to know when we are in need of help too. Help or a little TLC. They just know.
@celticeagle (171999)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Aug 10
I made the comment to my ex once that I liked animals more than most people and he was dumbfounded. He is one of those types that just push animals around and don't have much respect or interplay with them. I petty him. Now he has a cat and lives alone. Go figure!
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
25 Aug 10
@ celticeagle.. I loved your story. TEN DOGS is an interesting name for a CAT.. lol re: liking animals better then most people. I tell EVERYONE I know that.. because it's the GODS HONEST TRUTH. There are way more animals deserving of my love, respect and friendship then there are people. I got a few good friends and though they like animals too and one or 2 are "animal lovers" I think they know they can easily be replaced in my friendship. So they better be on good behavior. LOL
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• Philippines
21 Aug 10
I believe that things happen in a certain point of our lives.same as with animals who come to us for a reason at a right time.I am always amazed by pets.they can easily relate to humans and can feel what we feel,even if they can say a word.they know when we are happy.they know when we are sad.they can communicate well,even if they can't talk.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 10
The whole thing I love about animals in general is the unconditional love they can give us--no mind games, no fault picking....they just love us without really expecting anything back
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
20 Aug 10
I do think pets come into our lives for a purpose. I had one cat that helped me through my divorce just by being around. When I was depressed, which was a lot, he was always there. If I would just hug him, I would feel better. He wasn't usually affectionate, but if I was really upset or crying he would come see what was wrong. He would get upset if I was crying. I guess he knew I didn't do it much, so whatever it was must be really bad! However, he didn't die when things calmed down, maybe I was still upset but to a lesser degree. It does sound like Pye came into and out of your life at distinct times. He came when you needed help and left when you didn't. I think most pet owners would agree and I don't think it has anything to do with magic.
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• Anguilla
20 Aug 10
I think from creation God made Animals for a particular reason particularly to protect human beings. A very important pet for any human being is a Dog. A dog knows when you are happy or sad, he knows when the enemy is nearby and he also knows whether a Visitor is genuine or not. What makes the dog even more important is that they can be trained, and once they are well-trained, they will do whatever you say, they will protect your house or home while you are away, they will alert you when an intruder is around and they can also assist you with certain things when you are sick in bed. Interestingly, they can also carry messages in critical and urgent situations. Overall, I think every pet, in particular a dog came in our life for a reason, whether it is for protection, comfort, company, friendship or love. They can't speak like us, but they are very sensible and caring and deserves to be treated with respect.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Sep 10
It's not only dogs though that can sense our feelings. My cats have always sensed my moods, and when down have cheered me up
• United States
20 Aug 10
yes.i also believe i am entrusted with them by a higher power so to speak. because as soon as one crosses,sometimes within weeks a new waif arrives-my bro can tell you how quick it # 13? black.i felt so honored my blue was definetly my ex was abusive toward me,and i can't tell you how many times that cat launched himself at him and bit him if he had the wrong tone in his voice.he also was quite sensitive to people and animals who were about to have seizures.he saved mom's life most likely the one time alerting me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Good for blue protecting you and that was great he sensed your mother was having a health problem and saved her life
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
20 Aug 10
I do believe pets come into our lives for a reason, we just don't know why. My cat Lucybell was born from a homeless cat that me and my daughter tried to take care of, though to no avail, because we could not make the momma cat an indoor cat. I love her so much and I have had her since almost day one. Funny she is not spoiled or anything, just laid back, but when I am in a mood she is there for me. she is the most quietest cat you ever met. So ya just never know. Sometimes things can just be a mystery to us.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
20 Aug 10
Schmeb came into my life when I was very sad that I and my family all have disabilities. He was blind in one eye and did everything other cats did. His only problem seemed to be depth perception, which showed up when I opened doors. He didn't seem to know which way the door was opening or when or if he could go through it. Plus, even after he lost his site, he didn't mope, cry or feel sorry for himself, he just kept on being a cat. So I can keep on being me no matter what arthritis does to me. I don't think you're nuts, I think animals are here to teach us lessons and in Shamanism, the books on it often tell you that animals teach a lesson.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Aug 10
Hi pyewacket, I feel certain that pets come into our lives for a purpose and I have no doubt but that was the case with you and Pyewacket. I got my pet cat Rusty in 1995 when I was living alone. I picked him up at the SPCA shelter and the moment he saw me, he started berating me (or so it seemed), for not getting there earlier. He was my only companion for three years and lived for thirteen years. I have a large framed picture of him hanging in the hallway in what I always refer to as his "meditation" pose. Blessings.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Sounds to me that Rusty picked YOU out rather than the other way around..some of the cats we adopted from shelters seem to do the same thing
• United States
20 Aug 10
I see where you're coming from in a way, and although my story isn't similar, I believe Cleo came into my life as a gift from I wouldn't have to be totally alone and would have some other being to care for. It's been a good five years since Cleo and I have been together. It's a good thing I love her or I'd get rid of her in a hot minute because she sheds so much. She's about 10-11 years old now and seems healthy, so I'm blessed. I think Pyewacket served a purpose in your life, especially when you faced challenges. He was there to comfort you and help you put things into perspective. Furbabies are like that. I don't get any sense of wiccan or pagan significance.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Aug 10
I think I added that mentioning of the pagan/wicca significance since it just seemed strange that he came into my life when I began studying Wicca, and also the fact that I named him Pyewacket...I've had black cats all my life and never thought to name any with that name--just struck me as one of those odd coincidences