When a man decides to stop courting you... How are you supposed to act/feel?

@laydee (12798)
August 19, 2010 10:25pm CST
I have a friend who has been ranting in facebook about how this guy suddenly tells her that he doesn't that he's ready to continue courting her because of some problem. She told me that it was because there might be someone else. I mean, they're not yet together, they're in the 'courtship' stage then he decides to stop. Is it right for her to be angry? What are your thoughts?
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5 responses
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Hello there, I am a guy, there's no way that a woman would court me, besides who the heck am I? as for that i think the guy lost interest in that girl, so that's why he just stop, that's the way it is.besides, it's the guys problem anyways, am sure the girl is starting to like him and just want her to be courted more before they get into the relationship.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Hmmm.. Perhaps you should look it at another angle. Now, you as a man, could then answer this question: "What would cause you to just suddenly stop continuing to court someone?"
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
20 Aug 10
Hi, From your friend's position,she should not get angry about this issue. In the first place,they are not TOGETHER yet,just in COURTSHIP stage and if the guy decided to give up ,then it meant this guy is not serious in relationship yet. His mind is still flying around. Your friend should be blessed,at least the guy never broke up with her halfway after they have started their relationship. Just tell your friend to forget this GUY and walk forward for the rest of her life. They are still many good guys out there and why she should make herself suffer for this GUY.Not worthy!!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Hmm.. Exactly my sentiments. I'm just wondering what could make a guy decide to just stop seeing or dating you? Perhaps he has seen something or have thought that you're not worth the effort. Regardless how they put it, it still hurts knowing that he doesn't see you worth the effort. Whew! But you're right, perhaps she's blessed.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
10 Sep 10
i don't think she should be angry. GIrls make guys wait.. and if they cannot wait then its his lost not yours. when you become angry that would prove to be a liablity on your part - showing a weakness that you might already be attracted to him but is just only prolonging the courtship stage.. so i guess she can just stop talking to him too.. like he's not courted her or shown any interest. There is no need to react for the girl.
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• United States
20 Aug 10
First thought, courtship??? what is this 1850? Flirting, or dating is the in word these days. Secondly, I don't think she should get upset if they were just flirting or having fun. If he met someone that he enjoys more, maybe she should too. Have fun, don't read into things too much. If he sees here having fun maybe he will flirt with her again. Being clingy and needy is not attractive. Being fun and seemingly unavailable is.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Well, call it anything you want, it still falls under courtship.
@kurumi (85)
• Singapore
21 Aug 10
There is not enough information given. Did the guy tell her that he has someone else in mind? Or its just her conjecture.? It takes two hands to clap. There must be something going on that makes him want to stop. Its best for your friend to ask (or sit and talk face to face) what's really happening.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Hmmm.. He just told her that he's got something on his mind and that he's thinking that it's best the they stop seeing each other. She has found that he's been talking to someone online who is in another are but she didn't tell him about it. She's thinking that perhaps he has found someone else.