have you been in a long distance relationship?
By jhyan007
@jhyan007 (467)
August 20, 2010 2:27am CST
...being in a long distance relationship takes a bigger risk and face a greater challenge both to yourself and to your partner...temptation is always there...they say, a key to testing someone's faithfulness is when his/her partner is not around...although the fact that we are living in this high-tech world..where web cam, internet, chats, voip and other devices that connects us to the other side of the world is present, we still cannot ignore the fact that sometimes loneliness is a traitor partner..constant communication is necessary to let the one we love know that we are there always for them...be it distance or temptation that stands along our way, as long as we have the commitment and loyalty, we can surpass it..have you been into such kind of relationship? how do you cope with it?
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20 responses
@lealuvy2j (1986)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Yes I have been in a long distance relationship. It is when my boyfriend accepted a work project for his company in the US and of course, I need to stay here in the Philippines. However, despite the long distance, we were pretty happy and the missing each other so much actually help make our relationship stronger but we did this through constant communication and a lot of love and trust. Trust is really important because with it, any long distance relationship will crumble. 

@lealuvy2j (1986)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Oops, I had a typo. I meant "Trust is really important because without it, any long distance relationship will crumble." lol 

@aldawn22 (224)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
I had been in this relationship before and trust me, it's not really easy. You're right that even we are living in a modern world, communication gets better than before but it can't ease the loneliness that you felt towards the person. It requires a bunch of trust and commitment that you will wait no matter what happened. But like me that we already survived from this situation I can say that our relationship is strong and our love gets stronger as well.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Good to hear that you surpass the temptation in a long distance relationship. However, even though we could say that we had passed this kind of test in the relationship we can't still say that we are secure with our partner because these days even though one's partner is just seated next to you they still cheat in front of you.
Yet, how bitter and sorrowful it maybe but if your love to each other is pure and true then..."you can move the highest mountain".
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
25 Aug 10
My wife and I were in a long distance relationship for almost a year before we got married. It was not easy, but we got through it, and we have now been married for almost 10 years, so it is possible to make it work if you are willing to work at it...
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I have been in two long distance relationships. one that did not work and one that has. the first one was with a girl I meet online form the phillippines. we e-mailed everday and were able to talk on the phone aobut once a week or so. i got to see her only two times. it did not work out, she met someone elase and never told me. I found this out in a round about way.
the second one is much more sucessfull. I was a distace relaionship up untill last month. I now live with my gf in her home. I met her on the internet last year and we have been seeing eatch other ever since. she lived only 2 1/2 hours dirve from where i lived. things are very much better with her. we emailed, IM and talked and texted each other on our cell phones. she acculity got me into texting.
@mauie0918 (337)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
Long distance relationships are becoming more and more common and I once experienced this situation, but unfortunately it didn't work! There were so many reasons and it's too hard to admit that we both made mistakes. And when I came back in my country, we had time to talk again,reminisced the old days and we're together again! We learned from our lesson and our love now is getting stronger everyday.
@czanwell_30 (717)
• Philippines
21 Aug 10
Yeah...It was six years back then and until now, my husband and I are separated by miles because of his work in the cruise ships. It is very hard because I trust him, yet I have seen his pictures with many foreign girls and I have proofs that they have a relationship. He got tempted as I may say and I told him that I know all about it. Not only to those foreigners but to other Filipina as well. I've read the emails, I've seen all the pictures, he can't even say anything maybe still surprise on how I find out. I told him also that enough is enough and I don't want to continue our relationship like this, I'm ending it right now. He called me so many times yesterday, I don't know i kept my emotion. He's coming back on November and he will ask for forgiveness he said. I replied that saying sorry is so easy, and I don't believe it anymore.
At this stage, I don't know what will happen to us. One thing I know is that I've loved him and trusted him... but he is not worth it.
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
I have been in a long distance relationship and in fact, I'm in another long distance relationship at present. Yes its hard, challenging and stressful at times but if both of you are willing to work the relationship out, then it will definitely work. Its never easy but if you both love each other no matter how far you are, it will work. All you need is patience, understanding, faith.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
21 Aug 10
I had been in a long distance relationship and it last only for 1 year and 9 months. We only see each other every month and I always missed him. It came to the point that i want to stay in his place but I cant because i was still a student during that time just like him. I often thinks that maybe he is flirting with some other girls becasue im not around but he always told me that i am the only one. I belived in him so our relationship took 1 year and 9 months but I decided to broke up with him because I want to focus on my family, and studies. things are not getting well and I have to loose him so that i could give my self a chance to change.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
my husband and I had a long distance relationship before we got married. his hometown is 5 hours away from my hometown so he gets to visit me once in a month. I also get to visit them at least once in every three months cause I was busy then. Anyway, it worked out. It depends on the couple if they are going to let distance get in between them.
@malihat (216)
20 Aug 10
My boyfriend and I live in different countries, but we go to the same university together. While we are at university everything is great. We see each other a lot and talk every day. However, we are both at home for summer vacations right now and it is very hard. We haven't seen each other for over 2 months now but we do try to talk everyday. I feel that it is becoming harder for me as time progresses as if we do not talk everyday I get upset. I also get angry at him when he is busy and does not have time for me. I am trying to be patient, but it is very hard and I cannot wait for university to start again so that we can be physically together again. I haven't really been tempted to cheat on him though.
@elims15 (69)
• Philippines
21 Aug 10
Ive also tried a long distance relationship. Its very hard for me that my partner is not in my side in time i need here. Its a challenge for us if we have problems because we cant fix it personally but only in phones. It also challenge our loyalty to each other and be faithful. But these challenges are the key to be strong to each other and now we are in one house and waiting for a baby.
@alokkumar803 (325)
• India
20 Aug 10
in fact i am but its really hard seems like i am going ti lose this ..
@Sakura24 (175)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
I am now in a long distance relationship. Yes! it is a risk but if you both really love one another, you will really wait. Yes! there maybe temptations but just keep in mind that these are just obstacles so that you will truly appreciate the one you really love. In my case, my boyfriend and I are both in a profession where we really need to go abroad in order to earn money. I can understand why he is working and sometimes he doesn't have time for me but I am not lonely because I have friend and I am working. I don't feel alone because I have friends in which I can talk to if I am sad. If I want to go to the movie, they are there. It is just a little distraction from depression. Sometimes I am also busy with my work, so I don't have much time thinking about why am I alone. Yes! there is an internet in which both of you can chat or you just leave him a message if he is not online. New Technology really works wonders today. It can really bring people closer even if both of you are in different countries! What is a good thing of being apart, it is just you both can find your self and you will really realize that you really love that person because even if with all other guys, he is still the one in your heart.
@gallardoedgar (2)
• Mexico
21 Aug 10
I've been once but it's still very difficult. I definitely can't recommend this. You might better be going to the real world budd.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
20 Aug 10
I am in a relationship that seems like it, though.
My father is against my relationship and that is keeping us apart most of the time. If we go see each other, we first try to make sure my dad won't find out about it.
It sucks, but it's the only way.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
You are right that long distance relationship is never easy because the relationship could be tested and sometimes, this kind of relationship doesn't last long...
Yes, it is the reason why my husband and I have our issues concerning trust. He works miles apart from me. Though, all the technologies you mentioned are best tools still they aren't enough. He was weak , this was his own word,that he couldn't resist being tempted.He wasn't able to cope and dealt with our relationship fairly.
How was I able to cope? I remain faithful and loyal to him.I constantly thinking about our kids and that I don't want to taint the beautiful love we used to have. But, my efforts were all in vain because he decided to play fire and get himself burned....
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Undoubtedly the hardest part about long distance relationship is the distance! A sizable distance creates more challenges. Logically speaking, you're here, she's there. Late night phone calls just aren't enough anymore. But for me I think commitment is the key. Don't be afraid to speak up for fear, discuss what each of you is willing to invest into the relationship. Determine if your relationship is to be monogamous or if you will both be seeing each other people. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Remember, you do not have the luxury of daily face to face contact so always be honest. Work hard to dispel any doubts or fears your partner has about the distance. Give of yourself.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
20 Aug 10
Yes, it was very hard, but if you trust eachother and both parties are completely honest with eachother it can work. It was well worth it for me!
@onichboy (134)
• Thailand
20 Aug 10
Been there, done that. You said it all. Being in a long distance relationship really beats all of the problems you can encounter in a relationship. I was able to surpass this seemingly great trial in my life by finding any means to communicate (like what you said) with my partner because I know that it will keep two people together and it will also take you away from any temptation. As long as you and your partner keep the wood burning, you won't lose the flame in your relationship.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
I was in a long distance relationship for two years with my present boyfriend.., when i graduated college.., i moved with in with his family because i applied for jobs in his city and his family thinks it would be convenient and safe for me if i stayed in their vicinity.. so it all went well for both of us.., but it wasn't a piece of cake when we were still far from each other.., we constantly communicated.., but there are times that we had misunderstandings.., due to failure to answer a call and such.., yes., temptations were there but i resisted it and i believe him when he said he was loyal to me.., =)