Where do YOU stand??
By LaLa Leo
@mrscallands22 (2851)
United States
August 20, 2010 3:46pm CST
How do you feel about racism, prejudice individuals, discrimination and the like?? What would you do in the world to change it if you could??
I've experienced a great deal of racism living in a southern state of the United States for most of my life. I can't say whether racism has increased over time or is decreasing, but I know that it is a constant issue here in the United States and everywhere around the world. I don't know why people won't just accept other people for who they are, if not, get with it or get lost is how I feel. Underneath the different hues of our complexions, we have the same organs, the same inner workings of any other human being... why is there such hatred and where does it come from?? Why won't it dissipate and diminish?? Because after all, it's nothing but wasted energy and extra added unnecessary stress in everyone's lives. I just feel that if we could all get past that point, maybe we can go on to accomplish bigger and better things by working together. Maybe we can find an affordable cure for AIDS or a reversal cure for cancer... something wonderful.... something great that would benefit us all no matter what ethnic background or race or culture. After all, what did these people that fought for these changes die for?? For us to continue to add to the hatred causing it grow... instilling it in our children indirectly.... there has to be more love in the world than what is being shown right now. There just has to be....
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10 responses
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Racism, prejudice, and discrimination are completely wrong and should not be tolerated. The problem is that although many have taken this position over the years, these practices have been so ingrained into the fabric of society by the dominant cultures, that the practices have become a way of life. The United States is the perfect example of this. Although the Constitution promised freedom and equality for all, freedom and equality continues to elude American society. It is so deeply entrenched that it has become institutionalized in many forms. As one of the responders said, it is something that must come from within each and every one of us. Until every one of us cleanses ourselves from within of the attitudes that lead to these practices, we will continue to experience these practices in our societies.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
You are right. With the Constitution allowing the different freedoms in the 1st amendment, some citizens use it as a way to voice and promote negative things rather than positive things. Since there is not one race in the 140 (some) countries in the world that isn't in the U.S.... it does make the odds here considerably worse than anywhere else. Hopefully, even if we all never see eye-to-eye, we will at least be looking in the same direction.
Thanks for commenting!!
@wendyloo (184)
• France
21 Aug 10
Both my parents had terrible racist views,and 2 of my brothers followed their views.
I was so embarressed by what they use to say I am the complete opposite.
My children where bought up knowing that all humans are equal.
When my son was born and we found sometime later he had learning difficulties this caused a family problem in the respect that before all handicapped people shouldnt be around and then here was one in the family,still makes me smile now.
I hate all shapes and forms of racism,all discrimination and now having been on the end of cruel remark I could say I am definatly anti normal,if you are normal,Im not interested lol.Infact my reply so often has been define normal.
As for colour,who said what colour was the best,who made this colour the number 1 to think they can set about others who are not their colour.These people need to get real,grow up and move on,hate them all....
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Wow... I bet that growing up with that in your family definitely was a life changing experience. I'm just glad that it was for the better on your behalf. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that, though. No one should be subject to that... but just think... because of that... you stopped a "family tradition" (for lack of better words) and you are providing a better experience for your children. Kudos to you!
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@Rikogei (107)
• China
21 Aug 10
I've seen some movies about racism,I can't undertand how they could do that on other people,is that only light skin people can live on this beautiful planet?They did so many bad things to other races,sometimes i wonder if they were human?I hate all killers!World peace,it's so far from human~
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Yes.. so many acts of racism... from merely screaming insults to killing and genocide. World peace just seems to be too much to ask for, doesn't it?? No one really focuses on it as an issue in the world today. They ignore it and go on about with life.
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@sinaj292 (602)
• India
21 Aug 10
all are talking about against the racism..... but still it is very common in almost all the countries..... I think it is because of some people are not ready to get away from some activities that they are enjoyed before... they not thinking of the others... they only want to take care of their thinking .... Bad things can increase only it will never decrease as drinking and smoking.... but racism is a very dangerous thing to the existence of the society...All the govts must take some actions against that......
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I do agree with that. The government does need to set up laws against racism and have people actively enforcing this... because I fear that without some regulation, it will become worse than we ever feared.
Thanks for commenting!!
@Ceekay1989 (323)
• United States
21 Aug 10
I don't see color, I really do take people for how they present themselves. If you carry yourself sloppy and slack in your vocab. chances are I'm going to wonder about you. But if you take an interest in your wardrobe and I don't mean desginer labels, I mean clean cut, speak intelligently hold your head high and appear that you're heading somewhere. I teach my siblings the same thing, I know they look up to me so i'm sure to bring home good grades and talk about them and share them I have a diverse group of friends and show them that i read often and let them catch me reading. I dress appropriately and let them see that, I watch what I say and how i say it. Thats the only way to mak eour future better don't lecture them show them. they don't say monkey see, monkey do for nothing! so just lead by example. and the world would be a beautiful thing.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I do feel the same way in some instances. However, if every employer felt that way... much more of the population than what it is already... would be unemployed. Just because someone has dreads doesn't mean they couldn't work the job just the same as with tattoos or piercings. Society has created an illusion of what "professional" is supposed to be and how it's supposed to look. It's ridiculous. I wrote a letter to the editor who featured an article in the newspaper with a big picture of a guy sagging his pants (not even ridiculously low) on the FRONT page.... but a guy that had been murdered (ran over by a truck on a motorcycle) on like the third page. SMH! is all that I can say..
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
20 Aug 10
Hi, Mrs. Callands!
I don't see why everyone doesn't notice we're all varying shades of the same color. We all worship variations of the same teachings. As the planet continues to shrink, we all have to coexist peacefully, or we're doomed!
John Lennon was very astute -- Give Peace a Chance. All We Need Is Love.
We are our brothers' keepers, and we're all in this thing called life on Earth together.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
20 Aug 10
I definitely couldn't agree with you more there!! If only more people felt like me and you...
Thanks for sharing!!
@Gorillafootprints925 (3586)
• United States
20 Aug 10
Since there are many people are sensitive to the issue due to their parents, what they see on the media, music videos, or experience with your race so they think they must avoid other races. It's just a misunderstanding that many people are so sensitive they can't even talk about it so they remain ignorant of the things they should know about like what you said.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
21 Aug 10

@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
That's just terrible. I hate to hear things like that because it really burns me up. But I do feel like somehow it may be growing rather than diminishing.
Thanks for commenting!!
@edwardjoy2000 (2386)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Aug 10
I dont like racism and discrimination. I am lucky i have not been a vistim of it anytime. I walk with my head high. I have noticed that the victims of racism are people who carry themselves low. We are human beings with our own talents. We should never let ouselves down anytime. We become victims when we make the other person feel that we do not know anything or are inferior. I have seen asians being a victim of this. We need to show our talents and make ourselves feel important.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I can say that I don't agree with you there. I do NOT think that all victims of racism are people who feel that they are inferior to others or people that have low self esteem or any of that. In fact, there are LOTSSSS of confident, outspoken, intelligent, intellectual, renowned, prestigious people on this Earth that have experienced forms of discrimination and racism. I am a very confident, beautiful African American woman that has experienced racism firsthand. However, I do not hold it against everyone within that race as I would just be a hypocrit. But, in some forms of what you are saying, I do understand what you may mean.
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