Do you think We have "SOUL"?If Yes then Answer this............

August 21, 2010 2:24am CST
do you BElieVE that we have Soul,If your answer is YES then "why cant we exchange our souls..?" Or "why cant we Heal each others body"
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8 responses
@sarath49 (761)
• India
23 Aug 10
we do have soul, and we can exchange them. the only problem is we don't understand them fully. what you think is that is the true passion and love that resides beneath the soul, and that's what Buddha was looking for his whole year of nirvana at patli putra. If you understand this you will not be here at my lot you would have beena great preacher, so well i and you are far from knowing soul
• India
22 Aug 10
yes, I do believe that we have souls. If we can exchange our souls there is nobody should remember God and nobody will afraid of him so God is all over the above so he did not give that power to us..
@srganesh (6340)
• India
21 Aug 10
Yes, we all have souls. Even animals should have it. But souls are not separated by the bodies. I mean to say that nobody has an unique soul. When we can understand what our soul is, then what we see in all others is exactly the same thing. Our soul is identified with god's soul too. So, there is no question of exchanging souls. And souls need not required to be healed. A soul is not affected by anything. It cannot be wet by water or harmed by fire! Read Bhagavat Gita to learn more!
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
21 Aug 10
OK Let me give you reality then you can determine what labels you choose. We are all spiritual beings in our true natures. We are installed in these physical bodies after birth at the point when long term memories are possible. These physical bodies are no more than our transportation in this physical world. They are not who we really are.The very youngest people can tell the difference. The longer we are in these physical bodies; the more seduced we are into thinking that is who we are. Ask the very young. Some of them still know.
• United States
21 Aug 10
Yes we have a soul, but we cannot personally change and or heal with our souls. That is the job of God, I personally believe that God heals our souls and when we die our souls get exchanged by God into either a new life and or living thing.
@aamir007 (129)
• India
21 Aug 10
haha, SOULS are special creation by God for everyone's body. We cant exchange our souls. Souls are not like sim can fit everyone cellphone. They are specially designed by GOD for everyliving particulars. When soul and body mingled they start to feel. Body describes for worldly things and soul describes hEavenly things.We have a mechanism of healing our body itself there is no need of other soul to heal any others body.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
21 Aug 10
Yes, I do think that we have souls but I don't quite understand where you are coming from with the other questions. The soul is not an "add-on" that can be exchanged or swapped around and nor is it a physical thing like a body part. Part of its function might be described as the essential part of us which is a communication channel with what we call God. Everyone has this facility but not all of us use it. As for healing each other's bodies, I am not sure quite what that has to do with 'soul'. In some Eastern philosophies the idea of an energy flow or life spirit - called 'qi' or 'chi' or 'prana' - is well developed. This relates a flow of energy through us to physical well being. The soul, I believe, is also a channel of energy but, while all energy shares certain properties, the energy channelled by the soul is as different as the energy flow called 'chi' as the transmissions from your wireless router or your mobile phone are from the energy produced by your microwave oven. Another analogy might be the difference between the way we perceive a work of art or a landscape and just the light from the sun or a light bulb. Both are essentially composed of light of different wavelengths but, in the first case, the light is arranged so that our perception of it carries meaning of some sort whereas in the second example the light is just 'light'. I don't know if I have explained that very well (and, of course, the way we use the word 'soul' is far more complicated than just the one function I describe) but maybe you will have to ponder on those ideas for some time (possibly for years) before you understand what 'soul' is and why the two questions you ask are due to a misunderstanding of what 'soul' is.
• Philippines
21 Aug 10
Animals and plants have spirits that die with them but every man has his immortal soul. As the body returns to dust the soul begins his journey either to be purified before entering heaven or to eternal fire. Souls are not exchangeable for the Creator breath one unique soul to each new born. Man doesn't own his soul, rather the soul controls the body. Most of the time a sick body is a result of a sick soul. We can heal each other's body unless the body is meant to suffer for the good of the soul.