Master Gardener, HA,HA!
United States
August 21, 2010 10:09am CST
gOOD MORNING. as many of u may remember me talking about planting me 2 tomato plants & 2 pepper plants . I also told u i have a brown thumb instead of a green one. U should see my tomato plants. One of them is at least 5' tall & NOT A STINKING TOMATO ON IT.
. tHE OTHER ONE HAD GROWN TALL & IS A REALLY HEALTHY , PRETTY PLANT, NOT A stinking tomato ON IT EITHER, y'ALL CAN QUIT LAUGHING NOW, LOL. The pepper plants have hardly grown tall at all but they do have little peppers on them. Shock! It's really funny to me. I go out everyday & look for just one tomato, no luck so far. Did u get a laugh out of my gardening?? I hope u did. It's been fun watching them grow tho. Any suggestions??

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17 responses
@riyasam (16556)
• India
23 Aug 10

• United States
23 Aug 10
Good morning, i have never been known for my patience, lol. I do have alot w/children tho. I love kids especially my grandson. I think a 'brown club' would be very appropriate, lol, good idea. I watered them last night.Pretty soon i want be able to see the top of one, lol. It's already out grown me. My boys would say that didn't take alot of doing, lol.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I share the brown thumb with you....I know if I planted something it wouldn't do squat! So I quite trying. I don't even really plant flowers except in pots! They have had it now for the season but this is the first year they looked really nice! Maybe there is hope for us yet!
2 people like this
• United States
23 Aug 10
hI jILL, THANKS FOR RESPONDING. mAYBE THERE IS HOPE FOR U, I HOPE SO. tHIS IS MY LAST HURRAH for trying to raise something, lol. when these are gone so is my gardening. Hope u have had a good sunday.
@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
21 Aug 10
HI lady! I sure wish I could send you some of our tomatoes and green peppers right along with the green beans! There is only 2 of us and I can't find nayone to give them away too! My husband has this nice garden that he keeps puttering in and I just watch him then he brings in the produce, I am not sure what he thinks I am suppose to do with it.
I had a great fear here this week. We have had no mail for a week! Not even the junk mail. Why has all our mail stopped? I thought of identy theft and have to admit it really scared me. Yesterday I called the postoffice after 5 days of no they delivered a big package of mail....they had been holding it! Got me mixed up with someone else by the same first name!!!!! Would make a good topic don't you think!!!! Not sure I have time to answer them anymore.
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• United States
21 Aug 10
I sure wish u could to. That would be great.I can't believe people don't want it. I love freash veggies, go to the farmer's market every week, some time more than once.
that is ridiculous about your mail. would make a good discussion. Mine can't read sometimes. Every once in awhile he puts a guy 's mail from up the street. I always wonder where mine has gone. Our names aren't anything alike so don't know why he can't get the mail in the right mailbox. Thanks for responding.
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@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
22 Aug 10
We live in a small farming community so everyone has it. We all take our extra produce to church and put it out and anyone that wants it can have it. Makes it nice for those who would like fresh and not have to buy it.
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• United States
22 Aug 10
I would be your best customer, lol. That's nice y'all share w/everyone. Happy sunday to u, lady.
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• United States
24 Aug 10
U will have a bump on your tongue tomorrow for telling stories, lol. I know u were laughing. It is pretty hysterical to me to.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Don't give up on gardening. Maybe next year the weather will cooperate and you'll have tomatoes and peppers for the whole block.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Aug 10
Good morning Bellis, this is it. i WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THAT MANY & WOULD LOVE TO CAN SOME TOMATOES. hOME CANNED Ones are so much better than what u buy but i imagine i'll still be buying them, lol. Tahnks for responding & happy sunday to u.
• United States
22 Aug 10
Thanks sagar, i try not to give up then but it's getting to be funny, lol. Thanks for responding. Hope u are having a good sunday.

@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Well you might have brown thumbs, but mine are BLACK!!! I have the worse luck with gardening so don't feel bad. I am sorry you didn't have any luck with your plants. :-( Maybe it is all this heat we are having down here. My parents usually have tons of tomatoes and peppers (the only two things they grow) and I know this year that have had terrible luck! Better luck next year ;-)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Happy sunday morning to u. That's o.k. i wasn't expecting a whole lot but 'a' tomato would have been nice, lol. We have had some awful heat but i think it's just me.
& my brown thumb. Hope u have a great day. Did u get to go junking yesterday? that's what i always said i was doing.

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• United States
22 Aug 10
well poo, i thought of u yesterday & thought i bet she's having a big ol' time. I haven't been junking in so long. I know i couldn't hold out anymore. Hope u are having a super day to.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Good morning Jo! No, we never got to Bell Buckle ;-( The kids didn't want to go and the hubby decided to fix the car (which took all day long) argh!!! Anyways, we were going to go today, but most of the stores are closed on Sunday so I think we will just wait until next weekend. :-) Money is kind of tight these days anyways, so it is probably good that we didn't go and end up buying stuff we don't need. Have a super day!
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Tomatoes are one of the hardest plants to grow. You have to put stuff on it to keep the bugs away. Plenty of water, even stakes so the plant won't tip over once it starts growing. Give it time, especially if you planted late in the season. My dad normally has little buds in make shift pots in the house before spring planting even starts. Peppers on the other hand are fast growers and are easy to deal with. I remember growing up and helping my parents in the garden. We had corn, tomatoes, squash, peppers, egg plants, etc. It was a huge garden with every area planted with something.
So, you don't have a brown thumb. I should know at least you got little peppers and flowers on the tomato plants. I couldn't even get carrots to grow. Only thing I could manage to get to grow was garlic and I was only able to get 2 bulbs, and from what I seen of my neighbor's garden. You just need to have a few planted and you will get more garlic than you started with each year.
So this fall, you should have ripe tomatos.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Aug 10
Hi, thanks for your response & encouragement. A couple of people told me to talk to them, lol but i forgot to do that last night when i watered them. They may not like what i have to say, lol. One friend suggested we start a brown thumb club, u wanna' join, lol. Hope u are having a good monday.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Aug 10
Jo, You'd be a great gardener if you had the knowledge of what to do so don't beat yourself up!
Next time you get a tomato plant, go to Southern States or some other farmers store and get some good soil. Usually the store brand is much cheaper than miracle grow. Put the soil in the hole then put your tomato plant in and cover it up with good soil. Once your tomato plants get about knee high, you're to cut off the very top part, about 6 inches or so because it'll make your plant grow outward instead of straight up. Pick certain days to water it and continue doing that so your tomatoes will grow and not have cut like edges on them. You should water them at least 2 times a week if not more. As for your green pepper plant, I'm not sure about that however, I'd use the good dirt to plant them in so they'd get the nutrients that they need and water them as well. I have 5 tomato plants and tomatoes are growing out of my deg gone ears!!
I've had to get rid of a lot of them and hubby's been freezing them too. I wish so much I could send you some!!

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• United States
27 Aug 10
tHANKS FOR YOUR ENCORAGING RESPONSE. i DID PUT GOOD SOIL DOWN. i WAS FILLING UP THE HOLES MY GRAND DOGS DUG OUT IN MY YARD. I bought about 30 bags of topsoil. I have watered them religeously probably too much. I didn't pinch the top out of them. Guess that's why that one is taller than i am, lol. I wish u could send me some of them to. I would love to can some tomatoes. I did can one pint. friend of mine from church brought me a few more than i could eat. They are good to cook w/frozen but i like to eat the canned ones. U are a sweetie to want to share w/me. hugs.
@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Aug 10
Yes I must admit I did have a bit of giggle
at your situation but then as you read my response from your last discussion I am not green fingered in the slightest so I am in no position to advise you in any way, shape or form haha

• United States
24 Aug 10
i'M GLAD I MADE U LAUGH , WAS HOPING EVERYBODY WOULD. I get tickled everytime i look at the darn thing. I have to look at to one of them.
but still not a darn tomato to be seen. GRRRRRRR. Thanks for your response.

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@trishasantos (1297)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
Hi there Antiquelady!
I was not laughing till I read on "y'ALL CAN QUIT LAUGHING NOW, LOL". haha. I really wish your tomatoes will show up soon. It makes me excited too. I was reading on tomatoes last time. How long since you planted it? From what I read, it takes a lot of weeks. Try putting natural fertilizers, like compost. Make your own compost, it's not difficult. I really hope thoe tomatoes will grow soon.
• United States
22 Aug 10
Good sunday morning & thanks for responding. I was hoping everybody would get a laugh out of this. Laughter is such good medicine & this is definitely a laughing matter here. When u have to look up to a 5' plant w/nothing on it , it makes u laugh & shake your head. Hope u have a great sunday.
• United States
22 Aug 10
I'm still waiting, lol. I didn't put mine out till late but can't believe i have a plant over 5' tall & not a tomato. Thanks for responding. U have given me hope, lol.
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
22 Aug 10
We have clay for our ground, so not a lot grows here either. I've put tomato plants down every year. I usually get lots of cherry tomatoes, but the big ones just wither and die. This year was weird through and through.
My hubs went to a lot of trouble bringing good dirt up and putting it over the garden. So I planted lots of tomatoes, sweet corn, lettuce, green beans, peas, and onions. The lettuce was so horribly bitter, I gave it to the chickens. They loved it. (No accounting for taste)
The green beans did nothing. The peas gave us about 20 little peas in all, and they were over. The sweet corn grew big and tall, with nothing else on it. We mowed it down eventually. The onions only got a bit over quarter sized and then rotted. The big tomatoes are strange. They will look orange one day, but the next they're rotting on the vine. The cherries are fine, but tasteless. It's been a strange year.
We're in Iowa, the Land of Eternal Rain (or so it seems). That might have something to do with the weirdness. Or it could be just me! 

• United States
22 Aug 10
That's alot of hard work to not get results. I don't feel bad at all now, lol. I'm just thankful we have a farmer's market & they have alot of good things all summer. Thanks for responding. Hope your sunday has been great. I'm in Tennessee & we really need some rain. It will start in one of these days & not know when to quit if it does like it usually does. Don't guess anyone's weather is like they'd like it but we sure can't do much about it but gripe like i do, lol. Have a good one.
@sallyj (1225)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I know what you mean. I have been told that it is often the soil compound and the fertilizer. some keeps plants green and rapid foliage growth. It maybe that number is high, while the others are low. Fertilizer has 3 numbers, not sure what they mean, but know the first is foliage growth.
We have some planted in pots, others in tires and others down on the ground. I find my tires do tomatoes quite well, i think because of the extra heat.
Good luck.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Aug 10
Good sunday morning & thanks for responding. My cousin in ga. has a tire garden & she puts pictures on facebook all the time of all the good things she has grown. Hope u have a great sunday.
• United States
22 Aug 10
I'm really not sad & i didn't have to put that much work in them either, I never expected them to grow, lol.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
21 Aug 10

• United States
22 Aug 10
Oh well, Bon, we have other talents, lol. I don't know what mine are exactly.
. Thanks for responding. Hope u have had a good sat.

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Aug 10
Yes, I am laughing so very much at the picture of you looking for tomatoes each day. Did they flower? I do hope that the peppers grow bigger
Did you fertilise the tomatoes? Many blessings and I think that I should say a few prayers for the tomatoes too

1 person likes this
• United States
21 Aug 10
I knew you'd be laughing at me. well, i'm good for something just not raising tomatoes. Yes, they did flower. gOOD GRIEF, IF I HAD FERTILIZED THEM tHEY MIGHT HAVE GROWN 10' TALL INSTEAD OF 5'.

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@rameshchow (4426)
• India
22 Aug 10
onekilogram tomato how much in USA(in tennesse).
Here in unseason reaches to one dollar.
Now it is rainy season the rates are in normal.

• United States
22 Aug 10
They have been selling them at the farmer's market for $1.50 a lb. I haven't bought any anywhere else this summer. They get higher at the grocery in the winter & they are not nearly as good as homegrown ones are. Thanks for responding. Happy days to u.