Are you satisfied?
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
United States
August 21, 2010 1:06pm CST
I found out today that my uncle had no food to eat for the last 3 days. I cannot believe that he has had no money and no food to eat. I am feeling so bad. I sent him some money but it wasn't a lot and I just wish I could have done more. He lives 12 hours away so I can't just go there and help more.
I just feel like the best I could do wasn't enough. I want to do more but I can't.
Do you ever feel that way? Are you satisfied with your best or is your best not good enough sometimes?
Thoughts Please =)
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10 responses
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Hi lilangel, I am sure that in his situation whatever you could send will be appreceiated. Sometimes it is not the amount of money or help that we give but the willingness to help that matters most to others. Perhaps finding him resources in his home town and advocating on his behalf may help more than the dollars you send. For example, if your uncle is a senior, do they have a meals on wheels program in his town. If not, are there any religion based food programs that you may be able to contact that will reach out for him. Many times we are not even aware of the resources society has to meet the need of the most needy. Also, many cities have some form of seniors task force that one can contact that will send workers to check on a senior that is homebound of disabled. If he is not a senior but disabled or otherwise unabled to find services for himself, find out if there are food pantries either publicly funded or privately funded that can assist him. Many of these food pantries actually have workers that are assigned to outreach and will make a home visit if needed. I hope this helps. I will pray for a positive solution to this problem.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
I know he will appreciate it, even though I wish I could have done more. Yeah, he lives on Long Island still so it's hard to do anything for him but I can look into that stuff for him. He lost his wife a year ago, she was in her 40's to a brain tumor. So, he has been depressed for a while and he can't hold a job because this depression makes him lack the motivation to want to help himself. I feel bad but I don't know what to do for him. Even if I could afford to buy him a home he wouldn't want to keep up with the bills and everything because he is still so heart broken from losing her. She was all he had. His son is in jail so he has nobody there with him. I don't know if he qualifies as a senior, I think he is 55 now.
Thank you, I will look into that for him.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
22 Aug 10
he does not qualify as a senior but there are programs in Long Island that will help him. He is suffering from depression and that is a diagnosed condition universally accepted. Sometimes the best help we can give is to find resources. Let me know how your search goes, I will begin searching also on this end.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
22 Aug 10
My goodness me, you and your uncle live in the richest country in the world where untold thousands of tons of food go to waste every year, where obesity is a growing problem that causes thousands of people to die of heart disease, diabetes and strokes and yet some people have no food for three days. I notice you live in a sizable city, surely there are food banks there and you could enquire if there are any resources that would help your uncle where he lives. Maybe you could do your best not with sening money but with providing information as to how your uncle could best be looked after.
I live in Canada and volunteer at a food bank. The philophy is that no one should go hungry. I am sure some people abuse the system but others need it. There are usually also social networks even in small communities without food banks. There are churches, and service clubs, community organizations that provide assistance to seniors, shutins and poor people. You could be a great help in doing research to find out what source of help would be available for your uncle. Good luck.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Yes, we do live in a wealthy country, to bad not everyone is rich. I don't live in the same state as he does. But, yes I have been looking into resources for him. Not everyone is overweight or obese here but yes that is a problem with some people.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Hi Lilangels,
What you did for your uncle was so sweet and I'm sure it meant a lot more to him than whatever dollar abount you sent him! Times are tough and people everywhere are struggling just to get by. I'm sure your uncle did not expect the help from you and I'm sure it meant a lot. He is lucky to have you in his life!!

@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Thank you for cheering me up too! I know he will be happy with it but I just can't help but to want to help more. I can't help more right now and that kills me! I am not happy with myself with just helping a little. When I give a lot then my heart says okay you did good, right now I don't feel good...
@bloemart (222)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
As I give my best foot forward, I feel satisfaction. Whenever other people do something but not too good for my standards. However i feel that satisfaction because they give their very best. I give two thumbs up. I always salute those people who give their inner best
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
That's awesome! I don't ever feel like my best is good enough. I try so hard to change the world for the better but I know logically it will never work.
@zaugis (81)
• Lithuania
21 Aug 10
Of course this is very sad. You have done what may. Chat with uncle if it is poor.
Let them seek social housing, the church where they could get eat. I think there would help, maybe even find a job. As far as I understand it's quite bad. We're having a tele project sought the homeless charity. Well-known actors, musicians, even politicians, change clothes, make up and go to the streets to ask money for food. Most people ignore them, trying to distance himself. Searching for a solution to such a position. He wants to interview the homeless to work, it is good to eat from rubbish. Not know what happened to your uncle, but I suggest you talk as much
as possible while to find the even change the location, living place.
Success and strengths of you.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yeah, I am going to look into some resources for him. Hopefully someone will be able to help him. Thank you! =)
@adeadey (19)
• Nigeria
21 Aug 10
well sometimes my best can be less okay i mean not enough,but most time it enough it enough i just want you to know that it okay,if you are feeling what you are feeling and what i would say to you is this,you've done the best you could do and if you fell it not enough,then you have to try more harder.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
No matter how hard I try whether it's my best or not I still usually feel that I have not done enough. I want to change the world for the better and it irritates me if I can't. I know logically and in my head that I can't possibly change the world but my heart won't stop trying!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Aug 10
lilangelspreschool Hi I have also been in a situation where all the
help I could give financially was not to my thinking good wnough. but
I learned that you must just do your best, and if you have really given
it your best y ou must move on. the other person usually knows you
are only doing what you can do, and he or she loves your for whatever help you could do.So do not beat yourself up because you could not do more.

@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yeah, I know he will appreciate what I did for him. It's not that I'm worried he won't be happy with it, I'm not happy because I wanted to do more for him. I just don't have the money right now to do more =(
I'm just the type of person, if I won the lottery tomorrow I wouldn't take any of it I would help everyone who needed it. That's just me, that's what makes me happy, helping others. And when I can't, it hurts and bothers me.
@hari1111 (238)
• New Zealand
21 Aug 10
I am never satisfied especially if I know I can do more! Im sorry to hear about your uncle, hope he will be fine :). I find myself angry at myself if i felt I didnt do aswell on an exam as I was expecting to do(sorry for the horrendous over use of personal pronouns) I think it is tied with the conscience, we feel guilty especially in situations we know we could have done better. Or if our best was just not good enough.
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Well, I think I have done everything I can do for him. I still feel like I want to do more for him. I'm so far away and there's not much I can do since I am so far away. I don't really feel guilty, I just feel like I wish I could possibly somehow do more.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
25 Aug 10
I am never satisfied with what I do. It's just me. Whenever I try to help somebody, I would always feel that I could have done a little bit more. The sad part about it is that I feel that my hands are tied with the limited resources that I got, and the pressure of providing for my family. So, it is always never enough.
I hope you're uncle hits better times.
@ridgewang (19)
• China
21 Aug 10
i have to say it is not the worst for him.if he is healthy,he someday may be better off via his hard work and i think he will get over it.
2 of my uncles,living in Chinese country, were paralyzed in their 30s.they were not rich and had no insurance.i used to live with them in summer holidays and i do love them.when they were in hospital i could do nothing but pray.Now, i'm in one of the best universities in china,and i am doing my best to learn as much as i can to get a good job so that i can help them more,financially and mentally.
May god bless your uncle and mine!
@lilangelspreschool (1129)
• United States
21 Aug 10
Thanks for your response =)
Yeah, I have been praying for him. Guess I have done all that I can do from here...