The Vacationing President
By sonofmercury
@sonofmercury (407)
United States
August 21, 2010 7:50pm CST
Some familiar nicknames in history: Alexander the Great, Ivan the terrible,Richard the Lion Hearted and Obama the Absent. Is that how Obama is to be remembered? The Nation is in turmoil, we inch closer to WWIII and our President is on another "well deserved" vacation lets face it is tiring forcing threw a health care bill that the majority did not want, driving up the National Debt to levels never believed possible, doing nothing but spouting feel good words to help unemployment, and driving a spike threw the American Constitution. ya I know... " but Bush did blah blah blah. so what, get over the fact that Bush was a DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT TWICE. remember the childhood advice that we all heard, "just because johnny jumped of a bridge would you?" Contrary to popular belief just because we voted for the guy does not mean we are Kool-Aid drinking lemmings. Most people I know are able to think on there own and do so quite well. I know right from wrong and ethical form unethical true going on a all expense paid sight seeing tour of the United States is not necessarily unethical but it is wrong and obama the Absent should be held accountable after all he is our employee
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6 responses
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
22 Aug 10
When did President Obama go on an all expense paid sight seeing tour of the US? Did I miss it? To the best of my knowledge, the vacations he and his family take are paid for my his own private income. And, is he ever really on vacation? He is in constant contact with his advisors at all times. The vacation is mostly to spend a little family time, and probably very little at that.
By the way, someone else once posted stats here in mylot that show that prior presidents took way more vacation time than Obama has, including Bush.
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@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
22 Aug 10
as stated in the post just because johnny jumps off the bridge does not mean billy should. as for Bush he had 8 yrs to rack up vacation amounts lets wait for the end of Obama's term before we compare God willing we can do that in 2012. Obama is on the currently on tour. it has not ended if anything he took breaks from that. do you honestly think that ANY President goes on vacation with our the American Citizens flipping some if not all of the bill. It should be 0% paid by the taxpayer
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Aug 10
The president pays for his and his family's expenses...their hotel rooms or rental unit. It is a requirement that the Secret Service accompany him...he has no say in that...the staff member who also go are necessary because a president is never really "off duty" so their expenses should not be paid by him.
@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
22 Aug 10
how ever you want to state it then fine. WE PAY HIS SALARY! WE ARE HIS EMPLOYERS! sure he makes decisions but the people who carry out his decisions (the US MILITARY)only get 30 vacation days a year and they cant take them all at once and the days they want have to be APPROVED BY THERE EMPLOYER. I am his employer and I say he gets 30 days a year he can take them in 1 week blocks. every time he fires up the jet or chopper or limmos we have to pay it

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Aug 10
So your excuse for the record number of days Bush spent either at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David is "just because Johnny blah, blah..."? You cannot give the *title* to the one who is not the record holder so the correct title would be W the Absent. Since I definitely am able to think on my own I do not begrudge the First Family their summer trips while the girls are out of school. They're children who live in a fishbowl.
Also, keep in mind that it's Congress who introduce, debate and vote on legislation so do you also have a problem with them taking a "well deserved" summer vacation? They certainly don't take little individual 3 or 4 day trips.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Aug 10
No, actually, my argument is that this is nitpicky bs, if you want to know the truth. If every other president could decide these things for themselves then that's how it should be with Obama and all furture presidents...unless Congress legislates a work/vacation schedule. You can award the title to whomever you choose...but it's incorrect. If you're not interested in accuracy, that's fine and dandy with me. 

@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I am not excusing Bush for anything he did. there is plenty that I disagreed with that he did. so your argument is Bush did it so Obama can? when do we hold these morons accountable for anything. Besides I created the title so I can award it to whom ever I choose.
@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
22 Aug 10
congress is another post. they more corrupt and worthless than obama

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I'm sure Florida also appreciated the revenue those visits generated. 

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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Aug 10
I think they were only up there (I'm down here) for a couple of days...and so were a bunch of other folks who hoped to get a glimpse of them. The only cost that I've read about was some overtime by local law enforcement described as costing "a little extra cash."
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I'm no fan of Obama's and you won't catch me defending him often, but his job isn't normal. He is literally on duty 24/7. I'm not sure how many people out there work 168 hours a week. The vast majority of us have 2 days off each week. He does not. There really isn't anyone he can pass the buck to when he feels lazy. He can NOT call in sick. If we are attacked while he is on "vacation" HE must deal with it. Biden is not in charge when Obama's on vacation the way a manager leaves an assistant manager on charge when he's away.
Even on Obama's laziest day he spends several hours in meetings, getting briefed, and may have to handle a disaster.
@marixworld214 (9)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
I agree. He is on duty 24/7. Even when he sleeps, he's probably dreaming Gulf Oil Disaster, or the War in Afghanistan. He may be in Martha's Vineyard physically, but he's mind is at the nation and the people, thinking of how to clean up the mess that was left by the previous administration.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
22 Aug 10
...Heyyy With all due respect, if you worked as hard as this man reportedly does in this office you would need a vacation every week. He needs to vacation to reduce the stress, take all you want Obama. Next of all the deficit was busted when he was in the Senate. What's with this spending that he is doing that seems to grit people? Didn't you hear Chegney say deficits don't matter? Ever look into what they did during the depression, tried to cut spending and made it worse. Health care? How about 40 years of trying by 7 presidents and nothing? He came in and yes pushed with Nancy Pelosi's help and they did it. The majority were said to not want it, ask them now. As they understand what they are getting they are happy. People opposed Social Security as well, try to take it from them now. The people were fed propaganda about the health care plan, just like you are feasting on. Yeah W was duly elected twice and look what he left. .....unspeakable... The people around Mr. Obama think he is extending himself too much with all the work he does, and they want him to lighten up. He wants to help the country and is trying to do as much as he can. You can begrudge him his vacations, but you should go down to Washington and ask to go with him for two days as he works. You couldn't keep up at all. Maybe your eyes would be open to a different prespective then again maybe not? Take it easy.

@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
23 Aug 10
fine I get it Bush was bad,ST. Obama did not and is not contributing to the deficit. Obama did not quadruple the national debt. health care, people love it and 13 States are not suing over the health care with another 39 amending their constitutions to block parts of the health care bill. He can take vacations fine, but cut down we cant afford his vacations his American Express is billed to us.

@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Either you forgot or didn't know that Bush was not "DULY" elected the first time. The Supreme Court trampled "states rights" and overuled the Florida Supreme Court thereby giving Bush the presidency.

@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
22 Aug 10
If it weren't for the Supreme Court, Bush would have very obviously lost because he would have lost Florida. You obviously have your information wrong. Many people were not allowed to vote because the polls closed while many were still in line. And then there's the "hanging chads." It has nothing to do with who was stupid or ignorant nor anything else. The Supreme Court went over States rights and gave the election to Bush.
@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Florida could not continue to count until Gore was happy. there dates and processes to go threw before the president is officially elected. first we do not vote for the president directly we vote for electors who cast their vote for the candidate. the November election date is set by law its the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. those votes have to be counted in time for the electors to cast their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December that is when the President is officially elected... hanging chads were the last desperate attempt of a poor sport grasping on to dreams. how can anyone know what the intent of another person is simply because there is an indent in a piece of paper when the choice was clearly marked. that's where Gore said " that person obviously meant to mark there but was confused because bush was listed first". everyone knows if you screw up on voting your out of luck, its a secret ballot so how can you prove you screwed up?
@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Bush won the first election by the Electoral vote along with Presidents Hayes and Harrison. the Electoral is the only vote needed to win. he still won the election the second time. If Gore had not been such a baby and excepted his delete the Supreme Court would not have been involved. As for States rights, Gore demanded a recount ( believing the people of FL were to stupid to count or check the right box)a state court stopped it because the vote would not be certified by the date in the FL constitution . still believing the people were to incompetent he petitioned the FL supreme court who over turned the previous decision and extended the date. The US Supreme Court halted the process because the vote would not be certified by the Constitutionally set date, by the way the vote was 7-2 that means the democrats on the bench wanted the Bush too, or were they being fair?