Do you spoil your pets?
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@BambooPanda13 (867)
United States
August 21, 2010 8:15pm CST
How spoiled are your pets? I can easily spend $50 on them at the store. I just bought one of my dogs a collar that is studded with three rows of Swarovski crystals with a cute crystal princess crown on it. Bling bling! My dogs each have their own dog beds, which in the winter their dog beds go in our human beds so they sleep in their beds in our bed. They always sleep in our beds. They are allowed on all furniture. They get treats every morning. They always have dog cookies or bones to eat. They have a cardboard box FULL of dog toys. They have their own blankets and pillows. We hardly use the living room so it is basically theirs. They have their own comforters laid out in the living room for them to lay on. In winter they have cute little sweaters to keep them warm and even jackets for when it rains. We share our people food with them, talk to them, etc. Thats just everything beyond normal care like grooming them, which I do myself. One of the dogs who is my mum's, will talk to her. Not just barking or anything, she will just make little noises when my mum talks to her, its hard to describe but very funny and cute. My dog cries if I leave for even 5 minutes to throw the trash out. When I come home from shopping my dog wants me to pick her up and she gives me kisses, which is the ONLY time she ever does that, she never wants to any other time, just when I am gone for the day and come home.
So, do you spoil your pets? If so how spoiled are they?
4 responses
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I have three Chihuahuas. They are my babies. One of them is napping here next to me right now. The other two are snuggled on a blanket on the other end of the couch. My dogs have it better than a lot of people in this world. They are spoiled rotten. They get treats throughout the day when I am home. I spoil them because I love them so much. They keep me going, and they always give me a reason to laugh. I look forward to coming home every day, because I know they are going to meet me at the door and go nuts when I come in. I can tell they are happy to see me, and I can tell they have missed me during the day. We usually spend our evenings relaxing and watching TV. Then we settle down for the night. Sometimes, they will sleep in the bed with me. Other times, they will settle down on the couch and sleep here in the living room. I keep the door to the bedroom open so they can get under the blanket with me if they get cold during the night...
I really can't imagine life without them...

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
24 Aug 10
They are spoiled rotten. They are curled up with me on the couch right now as I am posting on mylot. They are each taking a nap, without a care in the world...LOL
@BambooPanda13 (867)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Awww how cute! I'm sure they love living with you and getting the pampered treatment, plus they have each other to play with, super cute! I love animals and have always had pets in my life.

@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
22 Aug 10
Since I have so many (4 dogs and 15 cats) it would cost to much to really spoil them. But my dogs do have treats everyday, plus a little food from me. ;-)
The cats get canned food periodically as a treat. Right now i have had a cat on antibiotics for a week so she and whoever else shows up will get canned food twice a day. And I recently found one of my "lost" cats and she came home with 3 4 week old kittens so they are getting canned food too. It's getting a bit expensive but to keep them healthy, it's worth it.
I used to spoil the dogs a lot more when I had money. but I am sure they have more things than some other dogs. They have a couch of their own, a dog bed they all share. we have tons of leashes and I have bought special collors suited to each of them.. but no crystals.. lol Although for my old dog (R.I.P.) I had bought him a wide swede collar with spikes all around it.. THAT was a big splurge on my part. He only wore it out on special occasions. :-)

@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
24 Aug 10
Wow, that is spoiled, and probably not all that healthy. the dog will probably suffer from weight problems soon.
My Aunt did this with a dog of theirs, we would go to high stakes bingo at the casino. And there was so much food being thrown out that her and her boyfriend would go around and collect some of the food, mainly dinner rolls or hamburgers/cheeseburgers (they were free- so people often got them then didn't eat them) the dog got so fat and already suffering from Lyme's Disease and in pain a lot, soon he couldn't even get up. They had to put him down at a much too young age- if you ask me.
@BambooPanda13 (867)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Your pets are lucky to have you! True, many people can't even afford to feed their pets anymore so even if you can't really spoil them they know they are happy that you feed them. Though when my dogs see me eating food they act like they haven't eaten in days and will get so excited they will literally be shaking, they are crazy. Sometimes due to weight gain or just them misbehaving and being too spoiled we cut back on the extras. They only eat canned food on occasion because if they eat more than a few chunks they get upset stomachs so canned dog food is a special treat and I usually end up getting those coupons for a free can or buy 1 get 1 free or something of that nature so by the time they run out I get a good deal on some more. Our pets love us even without all the extras. Even if they just lived off table scraps!
My cousin's dog doesn't even eat dog food. They spoiled her so much as a puppy that she won't even eat it and she only eats human food! They even bring her sandwiches from fast food places and make her her own plate of food! Now THAT is spoiled!

@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
we have cats right now and one of them is really spoiled.she sleeps in my bed when I'm gone in the office.right now,as I type this,she is sleeping in my bed.she stays inside the house as opposed to the other cats who are in the patio.I don't want kids and I prefer over kids,so probably if I get dogs they will be spoiled.
@BambooPanda13 (867)
• United States
24 Aug 10
lol. Very cool. Pets enjoy sleeping in our areas with us because most of them are social creatures and would naturally sleep together. I don't have kids either so my dogs get all of my attention, but they absolutely act like children!
@BambooPanda13 (867)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Aww that is sweet. I bet they have a very comfortable life.