Abortion - Do you think it should be allowed?

United States
August 22, 2010 12:23am CST
This is a huge political topic in which most of America is involved. Although majority of Americans are Christian, abortion is still legal in some states. Do you agree with abortion? When do you think the new life starts? I entirely disagree with the idea of abortion and would only consider it in the most extreme conditions. Say a woman was raped and if she has the baby there will be complications and she would most likely die. Then I would probably allow it.
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39 responses
• India
24 Aug 10
None has right to kill the one who has to enter this world...It's brutal and even its a case to do so and big sin..
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• United States
24 Aug 10
if you believe it's a sin, don't get an abortion. not everyone believes the same thing you do, and we have freedom of religion in this country, and a woman should reserve the right to choose what happens to her body.
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@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
in medical researches, there are no situations wherein you have to choose, the baby or the mother. It always ends with mother and baby both live. I forgot the website but it was written by one of the best Ob-gynes in USA. Who funded that research? Of course, the prolife groups. And if you ask me if abortion should be allowed, no way!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Aug 10
That's just not true. Tubal pregnancy can be fatal to the mother.
• United States
24 Aug 10
Gosh, I almost hate to post on this topic because I feel so strongly about people whom think they have a right to make decisions for everybody. Choice is a freedom. Holy rollers-it is a sin to judge people, you are presuming the position of God. God gave man free will and you are trying to take it away. Mind your own business, I personally would not have an abortion. But if I had a 10 year old daughter that was raped. There is no way in the world I would make her have a baby. Shame on those whom want to be dictators. Point being it is right, and a choice that each individual should be able to make for themselves, each person will be judged by God for decisions they make- it should not be you judging
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• Bahrain
25 Aug 10
I don't think it's something for us to judge at all, in the first place. You say baby this and that, but, seriously, the mother's entire will change forever as well, and most likely the people around her too, it's not just the baby. You say she could put the baby to adoption if she was raped and doesn't want it, but have you even taken a tiny little glance at those orphanages?? Even if in a rare occasion they're actually healthy dwellings, there's not a single orphanage in the world that is not OVERPACKED with so many orphans and 'discards' alike that it's quite ridiculous to even think of adding more. Not to mention orphanages often don't have the funds to cater to all these kids' needs, they may bring food on to the table but many of them are left uneducated and have little hope in a bright future. It's not just the mother, it's the kid too. What if he/she didn't want to be born in such a cruel unforgiving world? Being discarded and forgotten the moment he's born, and then having to suffer a lifetime just because his parents weren't feeling particularly responsible about their actions. Adults should really stop punishing their kids for their own incompetence already, it's getting overly ridiculous. Also, a little note, an unborn child's heart only starts beating after around the first 40 days of pregnancy, that's when the child starts to breathe as well, before that it was just an under-grown body, with no soul yet, not alive. It's your choice if you believe that, but personally I think it's not murder and it's okay to abort when you have solid reasons to do so and the pregnancy is not past the 40 days limit yet, beyond that yes it's murder.
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@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
22 Aug 10
I am prolife and I really dont like abortion. I think it shouldnt be done cause its life we are talking about here, life of a human being and as we all know, only God has the right to give or take it. if there are couples who wanted to have s3x, they should know how to play the game safely. Its stupid they do that and cant even accept responsibility when something happens after that.
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@gurka84 (66)
• Argentina
22 Aug 10
jajaja im not against abortions as a ultimate way, but i dont agree that abortion gets an birth control method... im afraid people will stop taking care during relations because they know they can go and make an abortion.
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@ellyse2003 (1463)
• Philippines
9 Oct 10
There are a lot of reasons for a girl to seek an abortion. But they should not forget that they are risking their lives too when they under go abortion. We can say that it it can be legalized to the extent that the mother really needs it. Perhaps she is not capable of doing it and let her child live.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Aug 10
Hi Nero, I am not for abortion and I think any woman contemplating it should be educated and given options before making her final choice to be sure that she is making the right choice for herself in the long run. It is legal where I live and I'm glad for that. Making abortion illegal is NOT going to stop abortion at all. What will happen is that it will just go back to how it was before abortion was legal. Women would be seeking out abortions from illegal doctors and quacks who work in poor and often unsanitary conditions and don't always know what they are doing. Women were dying and it was a dangerous situation. I think rather than to make it illegal that more education would be a better solution.
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@kylina (178)
23 Aug 10
I am of the opinion that life starts after birth and I think that abortion should be allowed, not made illegal. Making it illegal, makes it taboo which has a profound emotional effect on women who do have abortions to save their life. There is also the question of how the child would grow up if it was unplanned, unwanted or an accident. Orphanage? Placing more burden on the government - there already are orphans. I just have to say, I find it cold that a woman has to have been raped and with complications for you to 'probably' allow abortion.
• United States
23 Aug 10
I respect your opninion that life starts after birth, but in reality, the mother is feeding a being inside her stomach. That food is going into a living being. And it's human, not elephant nor roach nor bird. And orphans have a right to live too. Some orphans have turned out to be some of the world's greatest humans.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
15 Aug 11
I am glad that it is legal. There are different circumstances in every case but when a woman gets an abortion it isn't something she takes lightly, whatever the reason she has one. I would never judge someone for their decission when it comes to something that important in life. We don't know their reasons for doing it. It might be the timing in their life, it just wouldn't be a good thing for the child or the parents of it. The mother might be too young. The mother might have medical reasons. The child might have medical reasons that a doctor recommends it. The mother might have troubles with the father of the child and it would complicate things too much in the babies life. Whatever the reason for the mother to have an abortion, again it isn't something that is taken lightly, some women regret it, yes, but we can't judge them for it. If it wasn't legal then women would be dying for botched abortions like it was in the earlier days where they had to go to backroom doctors to have it done. It is best that it is legal and that our medical system is for it.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
22 Aug 10
I am a pro-abortion person. There are many reasons why a person can't turn into a mother in certain moment, and that person has the right to decide if she will give birth or not. Like the case you stated, a raped woman, and many other cases, like health risks, not being able to support that kid, being an unwanted birth... The mother has the right to decide
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• Philippines
9 Oct 10
No it shouldnt. Abortion is a crime in my opinion. What's the difference between killing an innocent person and an innocent fetus in your womb.
@ranajo (3)
• United States
22 Aug 10
I think abortion should be allowed , a lot of woman choose to not have a child and the option should be made available to all of us woman.there are many who have been raped and dont want that child also . so i say yes.
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• China
22 Aug 10
I agree with abortion .For a boby birthing , there are a lot of things must to be prepared . Otherwise it is unlucky for that child .And I think a life starts since it can cry !
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• United States
24 Aug 10
Legal or not , abortions will happen. I am pro choice, meaning it is up to the woman if she has a baby or not. The State can't force a woman to have a child or , like they do in China, force a woman to have an abortion. Me/ I never wanted children. I take ever precaution Not to have a baby. If a mistake occurs and I gt pregnant, I will have a abortion.If you see it as murder, that's ok. All that means I will kill to preserve my life. call me selfish, I'll say thank you. It is my choice an no one will make it for me. If it were illegal I would have it done anyway.so making abortions illegal wouldn't stop me. Abortions are legal because there were so many women who were risking their lives having underground ones And The Surpreme Court Recognizes a Woman's right to Not have kids. My wish is there would be better birth control so abortions would be necessary. Even in rape if there were a way terminate , it would great.
@Hellenli (25)
• China
24 Aug 10
Yes, some special conditions, we allow the abortion. Normaly, I think abortion is seriously killing event, because when the sperm-egg binding, it means the new life is created. In our country, because of 1 baby policy, many people have to do the abortion. So, contraception is most key to avoid the killing event, and to control the promiscuity is also very important.
@iridium (431)
24 Aug 10
i'm in favor of abortion. It's the only thing that i'll be able to do should i have the misfortune to get pregnant. i think it's the only way to prevent women being slaves to their wombs. Women are more than brood machines and should never be treated as simply breeding machines. not having access to abortion reduces them to simply that
@iridium (431)
1 Sep 10
i'm pro abortion. for me it would be the 1st thing i would do if i found out i was pregnant. i don't need to think about. I simply cant stand the idea of pregnancy, i find it horrific.
@Boyetski (986)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
People that undergo the proces of abortion don't really know nothing about how it looks like and how it will differ when they really know whats been done. To all of you out there that think of having an abortion, think again. watch this. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=148846905128102&ref=mf maybe this will teach us the true nature of abortion.
25 Aug 10
I think this is a difficult topic to comment on without angering people, I believe that its not all black and white there are a lot of grey area's in this subject. While I myself would not personally have an abortion I think under some circumstances it is understandable why woman have them done and to most it must be the most hardest decision they have ever made in their lives. There are lots of reasons why people do it but I strongly believe it doesn't make you a bad person to have an abortion and we should look at all the facts before we judge and condemn it.