Are You a Junk Food Junkie? Healthy Eater? or a Mixer of Both?

United States
August 22, 2010 7:14pm CST
This is the very same question I asked myself several hours ago. Why? Well maybe because at that time I was about to munch down on some greasy fried chicken wings and white rice (actually I prefer brown rice for health reasons, and it's good too.) I can honestly say that I've never really been a healthy eater growing up,or as an adult so to speak. But just this year, around 4 months ago, I made a decision to start eating more healthy food than I was eating. But hey, I wasn't a junk food junkie, but there were days I had my junkie munchies, and I wasn't so good at ignoring that "munchy signal." But the good news is, I was more like a once a week junk eater. But now I eat salad almost everyday along with fruits and veggies (not many veggies.) I also eat wheat/whole grains a lot, like oatmeal and wheat germ. Okay here's my verdict: Am I a Junk Food Junkie? Healthy Eater? or a Mixer of Both? (yes, I copied and pasted the question from the title.) As of now, I am a "Mixer of both", but leaning more towards the "healthy eater" Okay, what's your verdict?...
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26 responses
@eden_shii (506)
• Australia
23 Aug 10
I used to be a Junk food Junkie. But then I converted being a Mixed of Both as I grew up. It is because I had much acne and someone told me that I should have a healthy lifestyle and I should stop eating lots of junk foods. Since I can't totally stop eating junk foods, at least I try to lessen my junk food intake and I always see to it that I eat more healthy food than junk foods. :D
• Australia
23 Aug 10
I think Junk Foods are just too delicious. And mostly, these are more delicious than the healthy foods. So, when I first tried to make it a habit in eating healthy stuff, at first I felt like vomitting it. But thankfully, I managed to learn how to eat the healthy foods. But I still eat junk foods at least once a week. :D
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Smart choice. I did the same thing. I find it a struggle to avoid junk all together. I guess I may say I'm addicted to it. Not bragging though.
• United States
23 Aug 10
I was pretty much raised on junk food. So I guess that explains why I'm addicted to it. I was always resistant of veggies, except for broccoli (and cheese) but can't seem to enjoy it without the cheese.
@AutumnGold (1056)
23 Aug 10
Hello Miraclefreebies. I'm a healthy eater. I eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and I usually have cereals for breakfast with semi skimmed milk. Healthy food can taste just as nice as unhealthy food. I do treat myself to the occasional burger and I like a takeaway once in a while but I like to eat healthy food in general.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Good for you AutumnGold! I need to take some lessons from you on that. I want to get to the point where I don't crave junk anymore. That would be wonderful.
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23 Aug 10
It's just a matter of training your taste buds and developing different eating habits. tell yourself you can have junk food once every week and look at it as a reward for eating healthy food. We all love junk food but eating healthy food just takes determination and it's actually enjoyable, I feel much fitter and I have more energy that I did when I ate a lot of junk food I hope you manage to achieve your goal
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@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I would say that I am a healthy eater who occasionally is a mixer of both, but I lean toward the healthy. I need to practice portion control, however, or it does not matter how healthy I eat.
• United States
23 Aug 10
You're right. Portion control is very important. That's always been my biggest problem, but I think I'm getting better at it.
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
23 Aug 10
portion control.. I'm it...but I do have healthy diet..and do exercise properly thanks..
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• United States
23 Aug 10
I eat the food I like. The food Nazis can call it junk but I don't care. I rather eat what I like and die sooner , than eat what others deem " good for me "and live longer and never eat what I like ever again. My favorite food is pizza. I have it at least once a week.I never eat vegetables.I rather have a burger than Any fish dish. And I love sweets.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
The best thing about pizza is you can make it healthy.
• United States
23 Aug 10
I like how you worded that, and my favorite food is pizza too by the way. I can't imagine life without pizza. Yummy!
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Iam a mixer. I usually eat healthy. However there are those time when ya just gotta have it. Junk food that is. For me its the fried cheetos. I think fried chicken is not really a junk food. Although there are better ways to cook it than frying. Occasional frying is not bad. I eat popcorn alot as a snack. As its believed to be healthier.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I do not put butter on my popcorn. I pop it with yellow coconut oil. Which is what they use at the movie theathers.
• United States
23 Aug 10
Would that be popcorn without butter? The popcorn I usually eat is cheddar or straight up butter. But that's because my husband goes and buys it and I have trouble resisting it.
@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Aug 10
I go through cycles. For the most part I eat alot of junk food. Especially right now since I live alone and don't care to fix something just for me so I go out alot. Soon I will be back with family and cooking more. In the Summer I seem to eat healthier with fruit more prevolent. I eat richer foods in the Winter.
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@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Aug 10
It is hard when the junk food is so readily available. I like that alot of schools are not allowing junk food machines and such. Every little bit helps.
• United States
23 Aug 10
Since I have a family to feed, I try to cook more healthy foods than junk food for them. I'm getting better at the health food thing to the point that it bothers me a lot for my family to eat junk food. If it wasn't for me, they would be junk food eaters 100%, because my husband is a junk food eater himself when he cooks for himself (he likes to cook)
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I think both I like raw veggies but oh man put a bag of jalapeno potato chips in front of me but alot of times when I have the munchies i go out to my garden an pick either cherry tomatoes or some cucumbers an slice it an munch on those
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Ha ha! jalapeno potato chips!! LOL! I'm not too fond of cucumbers and tomatoes, but I'll eat them in a salad or something for health benefits.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
23 Aug 10
give me junk food.. lol. i try to snack on things are good for me. it depend what we got in the house or not
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• United States
23 Aug 10
My house has a mixer of both. My husband buys the junk.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I'm a little bit of both, junk and healthy, except for the wheat and whole grains. Give me the bad for you white bread any day.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
I just recently atarted eating whole wheat bread and wheat spaghetti. I know it sounds yucky. But I actually like it.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Aug 10
I guess I am a mixture of both. I try to eat healthy but I am rather keen on fast food and convenience meals too! I do try to have a good balance and not overdo the junk food but I am not always successful. I don’t usually eat enough vegetables so I drink a glass of veggie juice to compensate a little. That and a few vitamins help me get by. There certainly is room for improvement!
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Fast foods are convenient and addictive..I know from experience. I haven't been in a while, but I'm tempted to. Somebody stop me before it's too late.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Howdy Miracle! Congrats on improving your diet. When I married my husband 6 years ago, he and his daughter were total junk-food junkies. Their world revolved around McD's and pizza...with Hamburger Helper thrown in once in a while. It's taken a long time, but I've turned them around, at least to a 'Mixer of Both' level. Since I'm the one who grocery shops, I just don't buy much for junk food. Well, other than Oreos. They've gotten used to more salads, fruits and vegetables, too.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
When I met my hubby he was a 100% junk food junkie, but now he eats a little health food here and there, but still a pretty much junkie though. I'm just trying to make sure my daughter don't end up like that.
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
23 Aug 10
I think I'm on healthy diet... I hate junk and fast food.... but I do include both veg and non veg in ma diet... good, healthy food and regular exercise makes me a healthy man... both mentally and physically... thanks for asking... have a great day/night...
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Good for you sagar!Keep up the good work!
@aurorastorm (1131)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I am a junk food junkie stuck with eating healthy food for my health and to not gain weight. I wish I could still eat junk food all of the time, however as I get older it just is not the smart thing for me to do anymore. So as much as I would like to I have to go the healthy eating way. Every once in awhile I still give into my inner junk food junkie.
• United States
23 Aug 10
I have trouble keeping my weight in check, which is one reason for me to straighten up and fly straight. I also want to be disease free and stick around a while.
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
I'm both..i love eating health foods and i do also love junk foods..i just enjoy what i eat.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
At least you have it good for health foods. Many people won't touch it with a 10 inch foot pole...if I said that right.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Well, for me I think I like many others go thru spurts on how I want to eat. A lot of it really depends also on what type of $$ I have at the time, and where I am going to be at the moment as well. Lately I have not been eating as well as I should since I am diabetic, but there for a little while I was having a lot of salads and such but unfortunately I ended up getting burned out on these.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
For many people it's easy to burned out on eating certain foods all of the time. I ate fruits, veggies and soup a full 7 days a few times, and I couldn't wait to eat something else that has some taste to it.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
23 Aug 10
I'm a mixer of both! haha =D BUt actually not as well, because my healthy snacks are considered junks too!! haha =D I do have proper meals, but my meals often consist more of deep fried food rather than greens?? haha =D When it comes to snacks, i'm often munching on almonds or yogurt, occasionally on ice cream and chocolates?? lol =D However when it comes to drinks, it's always either green tea or plain water, but never fizzy drinks.. hehe
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Aug 10
I like the idea that you choose to drink green tea and plain water a lot. I hear a lot about green tea but don't think I've ever tried it, but I know it's healthy. I might go and try it. It would do me some good.
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@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Hi Miracle, I used to be a junk food junkie before.. i always make sure to grab bags of lays, ruffles and other local brands of junkfood... yahay! however, when i got sick i stopped eating them frequently.. i am still a junk food junkie but not as much as before.. i am mixed of both and just like you, i am leaning more towards the healthy eater.. i am more into vegetables, fish, chicken(without skin), whole grains and other rich fiber foods..
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Yay!!! I'm glad to hear that you are making an effort to eat healthier. I tend to avoid eating the skin on chicken myself. I love fish and try to stack up on grains too.
• China
23 Aug 10
A mixer of both. Usually, I am a healthy eater, I will choose the healthy food for me and my family. No Junk food in my house. But when I am in a bad mood, many thing I do will be out of my reason, and then I will become a junk food junkie.
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• United States
23 Aug 10
Sounds like what they call "emotional" junk food eater. That also sounds like me. When I'm stressed or depressed, I turn to junk food, usually chocolate or pizza or something.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
23 Aug 10
My diet is a mix between junk food and healthy eating. I do my best to eat healthy foods that are good for my body. it isn't always easy. so many junk food temptations are there. I can't always resist them. I do eat my fair share of junk food. Hopefully, i have a good balance between the two.
• United States
23 Aug 10
We're in the same boat here. Junk food is all around us, and seems impossible to avoid. I feel that if I don't get some junk in my trunk at least once a week. I would explode and be unhappy. Sad huh?
• India
23 Aug 10
I am junk food lover and i never care what i eat is healthy or unhealthy. Since i have not discovered any health problems yet i carry on with my same diet.HAPPY POSTING....
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• United States
23 Aug 10
I can relate to that. I was the same way at one time.