My grandmother taught me.......

@celticeagle (172115)
Boise, Idaho
August 23, 2010 3:06am CST
the allegiance to the flag and several patriotic songs. She told me secrets about the dollar bill and taught me a joke to play on people, she taught me how to treat the Flag and the Bible. She was a very patriotic woman. People like Abraham and Ben and Thomas and John and the list goes on and on, they started all this, set down the rules and made it a pliable working union. Do you feel we are still on a good path or have we gone astray? Do you believe in the conspiracy theory? Do you think big business and the Bilderbergs have taken over? Do you believe in our government or have you lost faith? I for one have lost alot of faith in this country. What five things need to happen to bring back faith in our government?
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4 responses
• United States
24 Aug 10
My grandmother taught me the Patriotic Songs, how to read, and how to pray the Catholic Way. She taught me all about "The Great Depression" and WWII, and she taught me how to use coupons because they save you money when you shop. She taught me how to cook things on the stove, and she taught me how to knit and crochet even though I stink at it. Well, a lot of people have the notion that family values have always been great in America, and sadly, that couldn't be further from the truth. Sadly, you want something that isn't going to happen. Faith in this country has been shaken because this country is divided, because this country had no trust for it's fellow man. You, and many other America think that we are, or were, on a "path". America has never really been on a path. We have just been all about freedom, but lately, I wonder what freedom in this country means anymore.
@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Aug 10
Ya, I think the path is to distruction. I was taught about the depression and the world wars. My grampa was in the first one. We really don't have faith in our fellow man do we?
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• United States
24 Aug 10
This country is very divided, and yes, we will destroy ourselves if we do not learn to get along with one another.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Aug 10
NO1: get rid of imposter inthe White House Put God back in the system. yup there is a conspiracy out there just dont know where to go to stopo it. All Americans unite and get the bad government out and put new in really fire all the ones in
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Mar 11
thanks for BR
@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Aug 10
Yep. Yep. Yep. Fire them all and start over!!
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
23 Aug 10
I was taught some stuff, too. Like we had tariffs for items imported to this country so that our items could fairly compete with item imported from countries that didn't have the fair labor laws that we have, insurance, etc. So now we have no tariffs and we have not insurance or jobs. So the first thing would be to reinstate tariffs on imported goods. That would hurt poor people in the short-term, but would help us in the long term by not having so many poor people. We used to have 6% interest on a savings account and double-digit interest used to be considered usary, now double-digit is the norm for credit cards. 9% interest on credit cards, at the most 10% would help us out. When I was a kid, we saved money because interest was a decent amount. Once it went down to less than inflation and then .5 and now .05 some places, why would anyone put money in a savings account? Tol have forf an emergency like car breaking down, insurance not covering an entire hospital bill. No three or 4 generations of welfare. Wefare was meant to help people in hard times like we have now, not for generation after generation. NY State is a welfare state. We have 3rd, and now 4th generation welfare people. A woman can have a baby every 3 years and never work as long as she can keep having the kids. Then when she can't have any more, go after the children for child support. Meanwhile, people with jobs aren't having more than one or two kids. So the welfare kids don't see any reason to work or even bother learning in school. It isn't all welfare people, many welfare people only use it because they have to and only as they absolutely have to, but many are abusing the system. In NJ, first kid they'll take care of, second one is your problem, you could havve used birth control, you can go after the Father. One might be an accident, after that, it's a pattern. NC, they only give you a few years to be on welfare and after that, they cut you off. They'll send you to college, take care of your kids for you, do everything to help you get back on your feet, help you get a job, but then you're done. So no more welfare states. Everyh state must show a limit, no lifelong cradle to grave welfare. Esp. no multi-generation cradle to grave. NY has really high taxes and it's because many people aren't pulling their weight and don't see any reason to. I don't know that we need 5 things. I think those three would do quite a bit.
@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Aug 10
I especially think that the generational welfare is one that really needs to be addressed. I have had hard times and wished I could set down with someone from welfare and set up a contract that I would just get help for afew months and get back on my feet and that is all. People tend to get lazy when they know they can get welfare and don't even try to better themselves. I have seen women years back that would keep hitching up with a man and have another kid just so they could get more welfare.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Yes, that's true.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 Aug 10
if anyone has lost faith it surely is me. up until our people elected someone with no experience in any of this and may not even be a citizen, just because he was part black, i really thought our country would pull out of its problems. but i think so many things we need done are just being met with adversity. one thing is to have ILLEGALS kept out and not be sueing the only state thats giving all they have to keep them out. AZ where i live and have seen the problems. also, stop with the putting down our christian background. keep God in our schools, buildings, etc. its what founded this country and stop rewriting our constitution!
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@celticeagle (172115)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Aug 10
I think you just said a mouth full there, bunny.