I think this is a bad,very bad joke!What happend here???????

@thebest1 (658)
August 23, 2010 9:00am CST
Yesterday I started a discussion about people who post reflink in my lot!and guess what:I have been "punished" with 2 points for answers that I'm reported!LOL!! Also I get minus 1 point coz someone respond me in a discussion which I'm started,but his answer isn't relevant.So i asked again.Result?I get minus 1 point! LOOOL Is that fair?
5 responses
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Aug 10
thebest hi this happens all the time. you comment on a response on your discussion, the response is is not relevant and because you commented on the response that is bad you also lose earnings on that comment, the way mylot explained it to me is that your comment was okay but because it would not make sense when the response was deleted they had to delete your comment too,not a bad joke as you still have your good discussion and you will get more responses and you will comment on all the new responses so you will make up the few points you lost.you were not punished and were not reported. when we comment like that or respond on a bad discussion we also lose as they cannot keep our comments or responsses floating in air as there will be no discussion so the comments and responses would not make any sense. yes its fair as we should not comment on a stupid response to our discussions and should refuse to respond to bad discussions.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
23 Aug 10
thebest1 please calm down and try toi understand that the reason for your loss of points does not lie there. It is due to something else. Go and check to see if you have other notifications for further deleltions in your mail.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Aug 10
Thebest - I think that you are putting more importance on the user rating (the number in parenthesis next to your user name) than there really is. You do get benefits from achieving certain "milestones" in your user rating, such as you get your star reputation after reaching 100, you get to use emoticons after you reach 200, and you get the privilege of using copy and paste after 500, but really that is all the benefit you get from your user rating, so it is not a big deal nor is it "unfair".
@thebest1 (658)
• Romania
23 Aug 10
how can you tell me that is fair?My discussion has more comments.Why my rate is down?Because there is 1 single people who breack the rules?Then "punish"him with 0 points and let me.I.m not talkinkg about 1 or 2 points...or about earning...I'm talking about FAIR!
@johnnykay (1056)
• Hungary
23 Aug 10
I don't think the "punishment" is fair... It was a regular discussion about the mistakes of newbies on MyLot.. I think you shouldn't have been punished, because with this logic, every 2nd discussion shall be deleted and punished with the same reason... Oh, wait a minute.. there is no reason!!! Just move on, my dear romanian neighbour and focus on other discussions! Have a nice day!
1 person likes this
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
23 Aug 10
thebest1 I really do hope that we can get you to understand that YOU have NOT been punished for anything and that there is a logical explanation.
1 person likes this
@thebest1 (658)
• Romania
23 Aug 10
Thanks jonny.Yes,there is no reason and I hate when I have right but I lose. Life isn't fair!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Aug 10
it is f air you just do not see it. she made a comment on a very stupid response to her own discussion and as the stupid response was deleted as not adding anything to her discussion she should not have commented on it, as she must have seen it was a bad response. they explained it to me that my comment was not bad nor punished but because they had removed the bad response my comment if left would make no sense so its deleted too. she should not be upset, she had a good discussion and will get more r esponses and when she comments on them she will earn three times the point she lost at least. do not you see she was not punished.
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@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Do you really believe that the decrease in your earning is really a punishment. The admin has a system of how they compute our earnings. Sometimes, I get surprises from them, too. like a decrease or an increase but I don't know for sure the reason for the fluctuation.LOL Why don't you try to as GAA. Maybe she will give you a minute of her time and explain why.:) Have a great evening, thebest.:)
@thebest1 (658)
• Romania
23 Aug 10
I don't talk about earnings!I talk about points.And notifications from myLot. My discussions don't breack rules.
• United States
23 Aug 10
I think that the "points" you are referring to is the user rating, which is the number next to your user name. When you respond to a discussion that is a violation of the Guidelines and the discussion gets deleted, then your user rating will go down by one if you responded in your own response box and by one if you commented in the response boxes of other users. The maximum amount that your user rating can go up (or down when the discussion is deleted) is two for a discussion started by another user. Also, if you commented in the response box of someone else on a discussion and their response is deleted, then yours will be as well, because your comment cannot stand on its own, since it was in response to something that someone else said. If that was the only response box that you commented in (other than your own) on that discussion, then your user rating will be reduced by one. If one of your discussions was deleted and your user rating had gone up from the discussion, then when it is deleted it will be reduced by one. Basically, anything that adds to your user rating will also detract from it if the content is deleted.
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
that was a great explanation. i got it. at first im also confused.
• United States
23 Aug 10
Thank you, Pinoyexcellent. It can be very confusing at times, so I am glad that my explanation made sense and helped to explain the increases and decreases in the user rating.
@thebest1 (658)
• Romania
23 Aug 10
I think I talk alone here. I started a discussion.I get more answers.For this discussion I get 1 point. Someone post an answer with a reflink.This was an"old"member.I reported him. Conclusion: I lose 1 point,so i lose point that I get for my discussion.In this way I will not report anymore,coz I lose points. It's my fault that in my discussion a member post reflinks?
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
24 Aug 10
Hi thebest1, Let me see if I understood well what happened: 1. you started a discussion 2. one old user posted a response with a link within it 3. you commented back that response 4. you reported that response as "breaking the rules" 5. myLot admins deleted that response - and, of course, your comment at that response (they couldn't let your comment orphan...) 5. myLot admins sent you a notification about your comment being deleted 6. your rating went down by 1. Did I understood well? If so, you have no reason to feel wronged. Your rating went down because one of your posts (the comment to the deleted response) was deleted. It's nothing wrong or unfair in it, this are the rules on myLot. This may happen to all of us, all we have to do is be more carefull when you choose who's posts you should comment.
@thebest1 (658)
• Romania
24 Aug 10
ok,thanks,i understood now.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
24 Aug 10
Ok, I'm glad you do. Any time you have a question, feel free to ask, everybody here want to be usefull. By the way, yesterday I receive three notifications from myLot. I had three comments deleted...