I'm Sorry But This Is Just Too Hideous For Words :-(

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
August 23, 2010 10:37am CST
I really don't know why this woman had to do such a cruel act. That is one reason why I'm not a big fan of wheelie bins. In fact, a person once slept in a wheelie bin whilst drunk and was eventually crushed to death. The binmen thought the wheelie bin was a bit heavy but chose not to investigate so the wheelie bin was emptied like any other. As for this woman throwing a defenceless cat into a wheelie bin for no apparent reason (well, there ARE no reasons for doing something so cruel) someone should do the same to her..and make sure she's never rescued, see how she likes it! http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20100823/tuk-woman-caught-on-cctv-dumping-kitten-45dbed5.html Does cruelty like this make your blood boil? It does mine!
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11 responses
@jugsjugs (12967)
23 Aug 10
I have just read all about what happened thanks to you giving the link.I hope someone tells the rspca who the woman is aswell as name and shame her.People like this make me sick.There are alot of cruel people out there and even when caught they do not really get punished.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Aug 10
I saw the full report on Sky News at tea-time, along with the video of her doing the nasty deed. Even hubby said, "Bloody hell, what's she playing at?" He couldn't believe his eyes and neither could I. I dread to think what would've happened if that camera hadn't have been installed. Would the cat be discovered in time, I wonder? The cat shows no ill-effects but that's not the point, is it? I really hope the woman gets a custodial sentence, as she's been caught red-handed. No excuse whatsoever for what she did, it's pure evil.
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
26 Aug 10
I found this discussion while preparing to start one on Lola the Cat,after hearing her story recently..I see they've done a bit of "Naming and Shaming" on Facebook,with calls for everything from denying the alleged Woman's employer business until they sack her,to putting HER in a wheely bin for that length of time! I can accept some people don't like cats,but her motives in stopping to pet a sociable and obviously friendly,trusting animal (looking at Lola's body language in the CCTV Still photos!) only to do THAT to it speaks to me of a darker side of her personality..a mean person,IMO..
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
26 Aug 10
That's the thing that gets me. Like you say, Lola is very trusting of this woman, allowing her to pet her..then this human suddenly dumps her in the wheelie bin after looking round first to see if she was being watched..which she was of course, on CCTV. I should imagine she is seething inside because she hasn't got away with it. Can you imagine if she HAD got away with it? That doesn't bear thinking about because I reckon she'd do it again if she wasn't caught.
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• United States
24 Aug 10
I am a cat lover. All cats want to do is love you. I had one that was a stray. I brought her in the house in the winter to help her, she was long haired and her fur was totally frozen! It had gotten in the snow, melted then froze cause it was so cold. She would love you one minute and ATTACK you the next. She was extrememly vicious, I ended up putting her back outside. At least the worst of the winter was over. I just never understood her, but I couldn't walk anywhere near her with out her ATTACKING me, I couldn't reach over her. Someone had abused the poor cat and she had no trust of anyone. That was my worse experience with a cat, but still, I didn't hurt her. I made sure she always had food and water outdoors. WE live in the country so she lived in our barn for a long time. No I can see no reason for anyone mistreating an animal. I really don't like dogs but I would never hurt one. We never have stray dogs show up here but I sure do collect cats!
2 people like this
• United States
25 Aug 10
I saw that on tv too. I don't see any reason for the woman doing that to the cat. The cat clearly couldn't of been hissing or anything at her if she was able to pick it up w/o any consequence.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
25 Aug 10
You could tell that the cat was so trusting of this woman if you look at her tail sticking up in the air. She enjoyed being stroked but - obviously that joy turned to terror when she couldn't do anything about being chucked in a wheelie bin.
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23 Aug 10
Hi Janey, Wheelie bins are for rubbish and hygenic, as before animals used to get into bin bags and all the rubbish used to be all over the place, but now with the wheelie bins it don't happens, it the cruel stupid people who do things they shouldn't with it and as for this woman, she should be shown the same treatment, and it does makes my blood boils too. Tamara
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Aug 10
Hi Tamara. It's all so sad that someone could stroke a cat one minute and throw it in a wheelie-bin the next. The fact that the woman was middle-aged as well was the most shocking thing of all. She is someone's mother or sister. I only hope she has no siblings.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
23 Aug 10
Yes I have just Shared this on Facebook. The owners are trying to find this woman to make her pay... http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=141384382564790&ref=mf here it is - if you have Facebook you can share and make this viral- so they can catch this sick evil person!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Aug 10
I don't have a Facebook account anymore but I'm very pleased this has been brought to the attention of the social community. I share your wish that this woman is caught soon. Who's to say she's not done it before or will do it again if she's not brought to justice? Many thanks for sharing it on Facebook, I appreciate it.
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• United States
4 Sep 10
if that were my cat,she'd have to leave england. all i have to say.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
4 Sep 10
I know what you mean. The owners are quite restrained under the circumstances. I wouldn't be!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Aug 10
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
25 Aug 10
That just sums up what I feel about this too.
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@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Cruelty to any living things is really something that I resist. It is not that I am taking this to the extreme but why would I treat something cruelly especially when it is helpless and defenseless against me. what did this creature do that it was treated this way. I have the same wish, too. Let the woman and the cat exchange role in their lives and see if she will love what she is doing. She might curse the cat to rot in h3ll.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Aug 10
What shocked me the most was the woman looked so..well, ordinary. One minute she was stroking the moggy, the next she chucked it in the wheelie-bin. It was pre-meditated too because she looked round first in case she was spotted. No way she can come out with ANY excuse for what she did. I would disown her if she was a mother of mine.
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• Canada
23 Aug 10
We live in a very cruel world Janey. Everyday when I watch the news, I always see something that makes me turn my eyes away from the tv. People are cruel to each other and to animals also. They say we'll be facing the judge at the end of our life and justice will be done then.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Aug 10
I believe in what you are saying. There seems no end to it. Day after day, like you say, there is always SOMETHING, either on the news or online that we just can't get away from, no matter how hard we try. I don't want to be a person that never watches the news but, sometimes, I wonder why I upset myself like I do. Hopefully, this poor excuse for a human being will be thrown in prison for what she has done. Obviously, she has to be caught first.
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@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
28 Aug 10
Have they identified this woman yet? What is happening with her? Please keep up updated. I would love to hear her explanation, her side of the story, even though I can't imagine what could motivate such an idiotic action. Grrrr.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
4 Sep 10
She said something about being under a lot of strain because her Dad is really ill, blah-de-blah and that it was "completely out of character." However, when she was confronted the FIRST time she said "I don't know what all this fuss is about..it's only a cat!" The woman is deranged and I don't believe her when she said it was out of character. If she knew right from wrong then she wouldn't have done it..she did it because she thought she'd got away with it. She should be locked up in my view. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere near animals...or people come to that!
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• United States
4 Sep 10
Totally bizarre. I have heard of some really disgusting behavior when it came to cruelty to cats but they were always teenage boys...the original jerks...not someone's grandma!
• United States
28 Aug 10
Did she have any explanation for her actions at all??? That's what I'd like to know is WHY ON EARTH would she do that???