Why do people keep on criticizing other people?

August 24, 2010 1:02am CST
I just wonder why do some people loves criticizing other people who they do not even know. I am into a situation wherein two girls keep on talking about me and keeps on judging me. They are making a bad image out of me. I don't know them personally. We never had the chance to meet. They are the friends of my ex-boyfriend. I feel so irritated by their actions. I wanna confront them but I don't wanna go down on their level. What I keep on mind is maybe they are just insecure and have nothing left to do with their lives. Oh God. I really hate them.
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12 responses
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
It's because they have something to say about you. Regarding criticism, it's only natural for humans to criticize. Everybody criticizes everybody, that's why it's best to just accept that they do. Anyway, with regard to your dilemma, I used to have those kinds of people around me. They talk about nasty things behind my back. I just ignored them because I don't want to stress myself about what they're thinking about me. After all, they really don't know anything about me, so why bother stressing myself out? What you're doing is right. Just ignore them. Their opinions shouldn't matter to you since they don't know who you are. Just let them be and do what they want to do and just pity them because they don't seem to have anything to do with their spare time.
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
Thanks for the response jerikjames. You are right. I pity them.. ^_^ I feel much better now. :) Have a good day! Happy mylotting!
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
When people criticize, they usually want to cut people down to their size. They usually feel small that's why they also want you to feel small. They have to bring people down in order to build themselves up, at least in their minds. My great grandfather used to say, "You are only as small as the things that bother you." So don't let those who criticize you cut you down to their size. You are better than that. You are right, you should never stoop down to their level. They are not even worth a minute of thought -- not even a nano-second! Remember what Booker T. Washington once said, "I will not allow anyone to belittle my soul by making me hate him." You're better off ignoring those girls. As for your image, don't worry so much about it. The truth always prevails. If you can honestly say that you haven't done anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear. If people spread lies about you, remember this -- a lie needs a thousand other lies to be able to stand, but the truth can stand on its own. Soon, those lies will be disproven and those rumors will die down, but people will see the truth about you once they get to know you. Cheer up and be happy!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 Aug 10
i think it is because it makes the person dealing out the criticism feel more superior to the person they are being critical of.
@betlynfrnds (4069)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Hi, I'm so sorry that you have to be going through this. Before I finished reading your post, I had already had my thoughts as to why people criticize. You already answered it. I really believe it's because of insecurity. Many, many people don't feel good about themselves, so they have to put others down so that they can feel better. It's very selfish and shallow. I think that you can confront these 2 without lowering yourself to their level. By simply asking them why they feel it necessary to criticize, you're giving them the chance to explain themselves. Let them do the talking. One of 2 things will probably happen. Either they will realize that they were wrong in what they have done or they will continue to be insecure with themselves and continue to be critical. Either way, you come out as the better person. If these 2 can be approached and you feel comfortable in talking to them, you may want to consider it if an opportunity presents itself. I wish you well.
@ehsanji (503)
• Pakistan
25 Aug 10
You get criticized because whatever you are doing attracts people, whether it be positively or negatively. I believe criticism is good if it is intended to bring a positive change into something, not 'criticism just because you hate or dislike that person'.
• United States
25 Aug 10
You have to seriously get stronger in that sense, although it is not easy you have to put these friendships to rest. As a friend you are suppose care unconditionally not hurt with no end. Sometimes when people are like this is because they envy and insecure with themselves, I would suggest to keep away from that for a while and if you find that they do not change their ways then I would make it a permanent thing.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Aug 10
Hi mzbunnylove, They are friends of your ex-boyfriend? That's probably it right there. He has probably said some things and that is why they might feel that they know something about you. Let them talk. The people that know you and that really matter in your life would not believe rumors and gossip anyway. People that spread nasty rumors about others are insecure and usually think that it makes them look better and gives them something interesting and juicy to talk about. To them it doesn't matter whether it is truthful or hurtful. Ultimately it makes them look worse than anything they are saying about someone else. Ignore them or try to anyway. Don't stoop to their level. They are being petty and childish.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
People tends to take a closer look on people that has attributes that they don't have.., They will criticize you behind your back.., probably because they are insecure of you.., Have you heard about the joke that.., You should thank your enemies for they are your no. 1 fans because they keep track with every move you make looking out for little slips that they can start picking out and make fun of you..=) got what i mean? be proud my friend if people talks about you.., just as long as you are not doing anything wrong..that's ok..=)
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
There is a nature in some people to put down other people. Though it is not their intention to do so. They just love to point out the mistakes of others rather than look at their own mistakes. This gives them a feeling of superiority over those whom they criticize. So if I were you, I would just simply ignore them. Giving them attention would only make them happy and fuel more of their desire to put you down.
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
Criticizing even if they barely know someone - this is just illogical. There are really people like that. Best way to deal with it is to ignore it. :-)
• India
24 Aug 10
This is the nature of human beings and especially girls to tease others even if they are not familiar to each other... you must not listen to what the other girls say about or criticize you .. they are not going to help you in future .. so it is better to neglect and avoid their sayings.. you just stay cool since you know rthat you are good in your part..
@jailo12 (332)
• Philippines
24 Aug 10
mee too , i hate those kind of people that keeps on criticizing other people .. why dont they criticize their selves for their own good .. shame on them .. ^^