My Mom said Noynoy is weak.... :-(

August 24, 2010 10:20pm CST
But I was actually laughing when she said that. Well, that's because during the election, she preferred Noynoy as the President. and only when i convinced her that she chose gordon instead. but not because he was qualified but because I told her so but i knew at the back of her mind she was Pro-Noynoy. So, i was quiet here and there moving on... Until this crisis came. that's when she started saying from the heart that he has weak leadership, criticizing him to the core (I was like wtf?). well, we all know what criticisms that has been bestowed to the President. I like him having that smile, showing his bravery and optimism. but such optimistisim had been blundered with huge criticisms.and arriving at the scene when it is all over. I told her, "at least you saved yourself from regret" . but i did not elaborate further since some of us who voted for Dickie knows that something like this is going to happen. we just didn't think it would happen one moment, i thought things will go as plan just like the Ducat case. Don't worry i didn't say any further, I just listened to her.. We all have for me, am just through being part of the burden. What is done is done. Let's just move on and help the President.He's all we got now. until 2016. i think. Again, Cheer up people.
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14 responses
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
It's a shame there are many people who still cannot move on even when the election is all but over. I dont agree that Gordon is the most qualified. For one, he could be facing questions in the near future for the corruptions that happened when he was still connected with SBMA. People build myths around him, yet he failed to connect to common people. During the election, he was a poor 4th placer. Even if Noynoy did not run, he would still have lost. He flaunts his disciplinarian ways too much, but most Filipinos dislike being treated like children. So what should be done? Continue admiring Gordon if you like, but dont blame the current president and put down your country just because your presidential bet did not win.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello greenpeas, Yes, i completely understand what you are saying here. but please do understand also that people didn't chose the other guy just because they were cool in commercials or had affiliates. there's a deeper meaning, most specially to me. Let me just put up something about Gordon since you have something to say about it. regarding the SBMA, if he was really corrupt then let the legislation investigate, how come there is still none? the last chair who had a suspicious large amount of salary wasn't him. in his time, gordons salary was only 25k, deductable. if you're one of those who prefers a winnable and not principled candidates, there's nothing more to be said. I have moved on. but mistakes such as this makes me wonder what could have been, same goes to whom chose the other candidates. well, most people are TOO sensitive, who simply can't take the truth. just like he said "we react" we don't see reason. You're obviously defending this person who sole arsenal was his parents and the Media that sided him. i never said anything about putting down a country, just what my mom told me, how can i put down a country when i was just listening to her. I would always admire Richard GOrdon, because he was the only candidate that awakened me and I learned seriously a lot from him. something that people like you refuse to accept. you know the reason people react because most act like children who likes to pampered by candidates. i understand completely, but you can't make me like our President Now. most specially this mistake. instead of you reacting, i asked the question back "what do you think, should be done"? since he has a public number anway. if this happens again, i wouldn't mind calling gordon,asked him to intervene. that at least i would do. for the cops, they all know what to be done not to repeat their mistakes. anything else?
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I agree with letranknight25. maybe his point was for you Not to put gordon on the topic when it comes to something negative because he won't allow, and will defend on gordon's stand. have you read the discussion, he even said lets move on and help the President. the point of this discussion is that "he listened to her moms ranting" and he said he couldn't further elaborate. but then you point out the gordon again? make sense. well, what can i say, it's life of another six years of surprises. this beats the hell out of me. men, too depress talked anymore.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hi LetranKnight, the comment about people pulling down the country and the Gordon loyalty above else was not intended for you. It was meant for some here and other forums which I observed seemed to hold a grudge and mock his fellow Filipinos because Gordon was not elected as if we owe him that much. My point is...Election is over, time to move on. No more need to nag everybody how wonderful this country could have been if Gordon was elected.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
A president is chosen not be endowed with such criticisms. I LIKE NOYNOY not because he looks nice/good/whatever. But I can feel that he is BETTER than the other presidential candidates during the election. We all have different points of view towards a specific thing/person, etc. If it's a negative feedback, why don't we just keep it in ourselves? FILIPINOS HAVE A CULTURE WHEREIN THEY ARE GREAT ON CRITICIZING OTHER PEOPLE, YET WEAK IN ACCEPTING THEIR OWN FAILURES. I know what you're talking about that "Noynoy's smile" during the hostage crisis. I've also seen that in the footage yesterday. Yeah, it made me also wonder why he smiled that way, but I didn't accuse him, for I think he'll not do it without any reason. I think he's smart enough to think that being happy in that event is such a NO NO. OPTIMISM was his response during the interview. And so with that, why can't Filipinos just stop talking about that nonsense stuff, right? FIRST ACCUSATION WAS ABOUT VENUS RAJ'S "MAJOR MAJOR" THINGY. AND NOW, OUR PRESIDENT'S "SMILE. WTH, I should say. POOR ECONOMY, POOR ETIQUETTE. How sad.
• Pasay, Philippines
25 Aug 10
I totally agree with you whereas we have a MAJOR MAJOR problem here. There are other important things to deal with especially our fellow Filipinos are being criticized and discriminated by the people in Hong Kong. I've already heard that some of them being fired because of our only one fellow man who killed tourists. Noynoy have been humble enough to apologized for the people who were offended by his facial expression. I believe he does not intend to offend anyone and yet he is also serious about the crime.
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
i believe due to cultural differences, we couldn't really say if it was a bad thing. but noynoy's smile really cause the crowd to get angry.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I am a big fan of Noynoy's parents, Ninoy and Cory, but I voted for Gibo and Bayani because I thought Noynoy was nothing like his parents. I thought Noynoy's sole credential was his parentage. However, since he is our president now, I think the best thing we can do is support him and pray for him. We should give him a chance to prove himself. I hope that he will not put his parents to shame and that he will not tarnish their legacy.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
@blindmoongoddess: My sentiments exactly! i really really wanted to add more substantial comments, but... ...Can i go off topic? look at ninoy and cory (win?) then look at kris (epic fail?) then look at presi... can i be banned for this post?
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Well dear, a perfect President is yet to be born and I think he will never be born. Actually I voted for Gibo and Bayani during the last election. But as you said let's just move on and help the President. Let us stop criticizing or if ever let's just do it the constructive way. Noynoy is now the center of everyone's scrutiny of course. Indeed his weaknesses are being manifested little by little but at least I admire him for he is trying his best to be a good President. But for as long as he could not stop smoking, I could never fully admire him. This is my personal opinion. Smokers out there...don't be offended. I am just being honest.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I am a smoker, well you are right, the perfect one is not yet born, but i do not think so there is one! At this time, let us give the chance to be the one! There is no perfect being though, as long as we know he is trying to do his best for our country, such crises would come, it is inevitable.
@diogz22 (516)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I think criticisms may it be good or bad will help the president a lot. This will be the basis of his future decisions indeed. So we'll just keep on criticizing.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
You have the point there, critisisms somehow helps him do better!
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
He is, he even made the Philippines weak
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
Hello Lien, you mean he made a huge bad impression about the Philippines.
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
28 Aug 10
He's our president now. We just have to guide him and do our job.
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
Hello mspitot, well, i don't think i am in that position but i hope he chooses the right people next time.
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
My hope for his presidency is actually same during election day when i opted to vote the most qualified (gordon) till now, I am the doubting Thomas lurking whether he can live to his dreams and promises (well so far he is on to a good start) on his core vision on corruption but was taken a back slash when that tragic incident occur as we all know the deeper cause of that situation is still corruption. A new breed of corruption is now showing its force (the media).
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello grayxenon, Well, He is still working with the red cross, i believe he can still do something even if he's not the President. I don't know about the media, they dont' seemed to care if they make a mistake or not. what they want is the story at all cost. if media is the new breed of corruption, who could we trust now.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
25 Aug 10
We once had a Mr goody goody prime minister who has clean record in politics. He was nice and govern the country in fairness. But he is too soft and that speaks loud of his leadership. During his tenure, the governing coalition suffered a great blow which nearly fell to the opposition. He was forced to resign due to the poor outcome of the election. A leader of a nation should be strong and powerful to lead the country to its highest level on par with other progressive nations. A soft leader will only become a puppet on the string that can't command the respect of the citizens as he lacks the leadership quality of a strong and powerful leader.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello Zandi, Well, in my opinion it's too early to judge. but i must admit, this is his first major blow since he took office. but i think he was trying to be different because the past administration tends to show up to media all the time, just to show her presence. but i guess his approach fired back at him. in this country, No president has ever step down from power because of a mistake. unless they are impeach or people power again, they won't step down.
• United States
25 Aug 10
We wouldn't really know him if we don't test him out first. He's new so we don't him as much yet.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello Gorilla, well, this i believed is a first major blow against his administration for such a failed assault on the bus. because people did on that hostage situation. well, it was kind of disappointing, but i hope this doesn't happen again.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
We can't really blamed Nonoy for what happened. The hostage drama that killed many lives is very horrifying and it happened with our two eyes glowed to the tv. That's the reason there is a hostage negotiator to do the job. It is his job to make sure that no one will die. but some things didn't go easily and it was bound to happened. President Noy has been trying hard to do the right thing. Let's give him our support...this is just an isolated case that should never happened again. Let's just pray for the souls for those who perished in the hostage nightmare and we have to move on.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello reckon21, I agree, but some how my mom didn't like what turned out. but i never believed her to be a gordon type because she had always been a noynoy fan. until yesterday. yes, it's true, he is trying his best to do the right thing. but i hope when this time again comes, he would intervene, at least with a call. i couldn't even mylot because of the incident.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I believe these are sensitive times. i suggest you make topics that are not flaming heated debates or arousing sensitive people around here. well, you're mom is right and as far as am concerned, only the people are defending him. that's normal.
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
hello greedymoney. I guess you're right. it ain't easy doing so knowing that people aren't aware of it most of the time. and sometimes i get to do this because some people gets to know the news from mylot. maybe i should just be neutral and talked things that every can agree on.
• Spain
25 Aug 10
Hi Letran! Correct he is all you got now! so, therefore, be proud of your president that when they talk about him, (whoever they are) it is of admiration and not derision. i am going to be extremely disappointed if somebody is behaving playfully againts my president because he looks and gives the impression of being weak. take care now..
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
Hello Kumar, thank you so much for that. well, i can understand that you have loyalty on your president. but i could say that try to understand if others have a different view. of course, going against them would cause the flame to go high. again, thanks.
@vhings_88 (294)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
It's not the President's fault that the hostage drama happened. Circumstances happened though police enforcements could have managed it, but sad to say they failed. President have no control of things happening in the country but he can manage our relationship to the affected nation to be stabilized. Proper negotiation, quick rescue operation, good plan and strategy and proper equipments is the best solution for that hostage drama, Sad to say, PNP lacked all of these things which in a very bloody ending.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello vhings, Well, the way I see it. they lacked proper strategy, even in crowd control. they allowed media to scoop mendoza's brother while being arrested. and that prompted the shots from him as the hostage taker. i think media should be banned while the negotiators and hostage taker are talking.
@diogz22 (516)
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
I think Pnoy is yet to prove his worth. This is an unforeseen event that may have tested him during his first year as president. By the looks of it he handled it quite cheerfully. One wrong move can't justify the next move of the president. Definitely if he thinks that his reactions were wrong he will try to correct that next time. All you know he might be trying to be the smiling president of the Philippines.
• Philippines
25 Aug 10
Hello diogz22, some believed that this is President Noynoy's expression in the face. but i think the people abroad most specially from the chinese people misintrepret his expression. i don't think he's smiling perse. but that's how it look liked. but you know if he is, at least he's doing his best being optimistic into these situations.