So I heard Lord of the Rings is based off the Catholic Bible?!? Is that true???
@MisterApropos (288)
United States
August 25, 2010 8:27pm CST
My classmates and I were talking about this and I heard Lord of the Rings is based on Religion!! I was pretty shocked, but then in kind of made sense... so is this true???? I wasn't sure if I should believe it??? Can you give me some details on it??
I can give the best answer to someone.
9 responses
@katiesueg (257)
• Italy
27 Aug 10
I cannot see that the Lord of the Rings was based on the Catholic bible or any other translation of the Bible. I do not see Christianity playing a part in the book at all. I see many more elements from pagan mythology. The only thing that I can see that the Lord of the Rings might have in common with the Bible would be the central theme of the conflict between good and evil.
I have an edition of The Lord of the Rings with a Forward written by Tolkien and I have taken the liberty of mentioning a few of the things that he writes. "I should like to say something here with reference to the many opinions or guesses that I have received or have read concerning the motives and meaning of the tale. The prime motive was the desire of a tale-teller to try his hand at a really long story that would hold the attention of readers, amuse them, delight them, and at times maybe excite them or deeply move them.... As for any inner meaning or 'message', it has in the intention of the author none. It is neither allegorical nor topical."
In spite of what Tolkien writes or what his intentions were, it is undoubtedly difficult for the reader not to read deeper messages into the story, but at no point do I notice any particular parallels with the BIble. I do not recall ever reading reference to God or a deity in the Lord of the Rings and from what I can remember of the Silmarillion there were a multitude of deities, the Ainur, but I cannot remember them being mentioned in The Lord of the Rings.
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@babyimp (151)
• Estonia
30 Aug 10
I'm not so sure. I've never read Bible but I'd have heard the rumours if it's true LOTR was based on Bible. But I have read J.R.R. Tolkien's biography and in that book it's clearly stated that he based the book on World War II. I guess it makes sense since he fought in the WW II. If you remeber then in the Middle-Earth there were many faction that united against common enemy and so was in the WW II. Also, the map of Middle-Earth is akin to the map of Europe. If someone has seen the world maps of Middle-Earth and surrounding lands then it's very very akin to our world, namely, Earth.
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@chatelaine09 (433)
• Australia
12 Nov 10
Well J.R.R Tolkein avoided direct references to religion but his book Lord of The Rings does contain themes relating to Christianity.
His themes include:redemption,temptation,charity and spirituality.
Temptation takes the form of the one "ring" that possesses evil power,yet power none the less.The most wise characters in Lord of The Rings had opportunities to take the ring and use it yet they resisted temptation.
Redemption-the repenting of sins.Gollum the creature who is consumed by his lust for the ring of power almost achieves redemption but gives in to his evil side and thus meets the same fate as the ring.
Charity- Frodo feels pity for the creature known as Gollum who was once a hobbit names Smegol.His charity almost redeems Gollum yet Gollum still reverts to his evil ways.Nature vs nurture
Spirituality- Something about both men and elves have physical bodies and souls.What happens it the physical plane is not as important as on the spiritual plane.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
26 Aug 10
I haven't heard that, but there definitely are some very religious elements in the movies if you think about it (not sure about the books, because I have not read them), so I don't think it is very surprising!
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@ReViewMeMedia (3785)
• United States
8 Nov 10
I've never heard it being based off the Catholic Bible, but Tolkien did translate one, he was a Catholic, but LOTR is symbolic of Christianity, but it's not based on the Bible.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
26 Aug 10
Duh! Where did you hear that. The catholic bible??? The bible is the bible. Different denominations may include or exclude one book or the other but generally the Christian bible consists of the Old Testament which is the five books of Moses, 12 history books of the fate of the Israelites, the books of poetry,and the books of the prophets. The New Testament contains the gospels, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, Paul's letters and other letters and the Book of Revelations.
The Jewish bible includes only the books of the Old Testament. Maybe they include some that the Christian Old Testament does not but basically it is the books that I mentioned above. The Catholic bible is basically the same for the most part as other Christian bibles. It may be a differnt version or translation but the idea is the same.
Is the Lord of the Rings based on religion? I have read it. I don't see it.
@jacknicholas (172)
• United States
19 Sep 10
No the Lord of the Rings novels are not based on the Catholic Bible. They are products of the wide imagination of Tolkien. Who ever told you that has an idle mind.