Pay to click??? Is all that time worth it??

United States
August 26, 2010 1:56pm CST
I've been a member of pay to click for quite some time and honestly think it's not worth the time. Most only give you one cent for every thirty seconds.. so the most you can make in an hour without referrals is $1.20 cents. Now if you look at it this way.. you are constantly using electricity while on the computer and will have to pay for it... now ask yourself the same question? But if you living with your parents or have hundreds of referrals i guess it is worth it. I think time should be put into other sites that add up over time, and can be done solo. Just my honest opinion. What's your opinion? It's a little more change in your pocket, but you have to pay for electricity at the end of the month...
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1 response
• United States
30 Aug 10
I do a site called pecomail. I have only gotten a couple cents here and there from there but they do pay by paypal each month and even the small change helps when you make bigger transfers. I earn more money from sites like mylot,quickrewards and sidetick.
• United States
30 Aug 10
Thank you for the other websites. I will check them out. I don't know if I will join, but I heard a lot people use those sites.