How do you feel when you see someone or know of someone getting married?

@laydee (12798)
August 26, 2010 8:42pm CST
I always find myself very happy and delighted to see someone getting married, or to know that someone is engaged or have just gotten married. I think it's the romantic side of me telling me that marriages are always good and could turn out great. I know that there are a lot of divorces and separation going about the world today, but I guess there's still a child in my believing in fairy tales. Having reached this age, I have not followed the common route to life. Haven't been really the type who'd get a lot of suitors nor did I find love in the usual places. Have been heart a lot because of unreciprocated love, and perhaps I'm just dumb when it comes to relationship. Have never received flowers nor chocolates or that same sort, and never have spent valentine's day with someone special (other than my family). Have gotten my heart broken several times, the last one left me a feeling that I could never glue back the pieces in this lifetime. But, I am happy when I hear of people getting married, having a relationship, or seeing men wooing their girls, husbands showing affection to their wives, and old couples still holding hands with all the years together. I am absolutely happy to see them, there's no jealousy or envy in my heart. Well, at least not the envy which causes one to wish bad things to those happy couples - that's bitterness. I am happy because weddings, relationship reminds me that love is a decision. But this type of decision doesn't take only one person to choose. Both of them chooses to go into a relationship that won't be easy all the time, but wouldn't be all sacrifice as well. I guess I feel this way because I never have felt someone decide to really love me. Most were just there because of the love I give, never really seeing me as someone worth knowing or worth deciding on. But well, perhaps I'm just not for that vocation. Yet, I still find people getting together, lovers enjoying their time, and couples showing me that love lasts makes my heart (a hopeless romantic) happy as an observer. How about you? How do you feel when you see someone or know of someone getting married?
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12 responses
@Syahlan (75)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 10
Frankly, I feel sorry for them, because single is the best. Many people choose single living over married coz there's a lot problem ahead of you when you get married. For me..I feel sorry for them.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
28 Aug 10
Hmm.. I guess as a discussion, I am ready to entertain varied answers. But you have not explained what makes marriage something to be dreading about? I mean, I don't think marriage is all that bad if you're really committed.
• Indonesia
5 Sep 10
The point is, marriage life lead on problems. there's so much burden in your shoulder, and you have to prepare it. Why do we need to married if we can live happy single?. There's so much example of not marrying people who is happy in life. for example Al-Pacino and George Clooney. One thing marriage is worth is when you had a kid. But, you dont have to be married to have kids rite?
@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
27 Aug 10
I feel jealous whenever I see couples or friends getting married because I also want to get married but I dont have a partner yet. I am still waiting for the right guy to notice me, know that I am alive and waiting for him.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
28 Aug 10
Well it's normal to feel jealous, but wishing that they be miserable as you are is bad. :) I hope you don't do that.
@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
Of course I dont do that, it would be so rude to do that. And I am not miserable. So instead, I wish them all the best..
@maylaine (441)
• Philippines
27 Aug 10
i feel happy for them...coz atlast they finally found their partner for just hoping it will last for a lifetime coz it will be sad if at the end they got separated
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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 10
To be honest, I can't say that I will always be happy seeing someone's getting married. Of course it depends on what kind of relationship I have with the married person. I won't feel anything if it's someone I don't know, of course. Why should I be happy for someone I don't know. Or, if it's someone I don't like, of course, I can't feel the happiness she/he feels too. Except that it's my closest persons like my sisters or brother, or maybe my friends are getting married, so I can feel the happiness, and the excitement in me too.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
28 Aug 10
Hmm... Perhaps I feel happy whoever is getting married because I just feel that they have found that someone who have decided to love them forever.
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
27 Aug 10
Wedding is a happy event. I feel happy to see friends get married and see a ceremony. I just attended two weddings last month. My brother's and a friend. I totally enjoyed it and wish them both the best.
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@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
27 Aug 10
I am so happy to hear that you feel no envy or jealousy to see these kind of interactions between people. I am very happy to hear that you still believe in fairy tales or romance even though you haven't had that much luck in life with relationships. My mom was very beautiful before she got married and had many suitors. I think she had very nice suitors as well that had professional careers or money. When she married my dad he was a hard working man but had not education, money or profession to offer her. I think she has spent most of her life "wishing" that she could have had someone else. It's sad to see her now in her late 60's still complaining of what could have been. As for myself, I grew up not having those "decent" suitors but those ones that any mother wouldn't want her daughter to have. I grew up believing in marrying this man that would carry me off my feet. I had big dreams of what my future would be like but as the years went by it was sad. Now I have been with my husband for almost 17 years. We have had our rough times and good but I cry now going to a wedding. Sometimes you just see the love in a bride's eyes. So innocent and naive. You don't know what the future will hold with the man you decide to give your heart to. I look at my daughter and I only wish that she doesn't have the bad luck I did growing up. It's good that you don't get discouraged. Believe me I have seen love at all ages young and old. Marriage vows spoken with the same innocence. Keep holding on to that and don't let people tell you that it could never happen. Love happens at all ages. Maybe God is holding you for the best that comes your way. Have faith.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
28 Aug 10
Hmm... Nice thoughts there, I have a question though, does this mean that love is a gamble or perhaps big part of it is luck?
• India
28 Aug 10
Hi, ya it's true even with me that if any one is getting married I feel very happy and if it's my family members marriage like relatives I join the party earlier do as much as i can mean participate in marriage have lot of fun...I like to go to marriage parties like I will be waiting for marriage invitations how ever far relatives or friends may be I try to attend the marriage and enjoy...meeting our long back met relatives, friends, uncles, aunts...chatting with them seeing them only we feel that oh..after so many years we have met..but really I love attending marriages...thank you...good day.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
28 Aug 10
Hi laydee, If someone have been in love, they will surely feel the same as you do. For me,it was really nice to know people find their love and deciding to settle down means they are willing to commit themselves and take the new path of life. They are the courageous people not knowing what lies ahead still willing to take the risk for the name of love. I believe that everyone has someone meant for them, that will come at the right time. Everyone has a romantic side at their own way of understand and feeling their emotion, but there's no such a "hopeless romantic" person. We're all born romantic because we carry a heart capable of loving. For as long as you fill your heart with love, you will be happy for others who finds their loved ones. Let's always stay in love for love makes our world go round.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 10
Hi, For sure, I will feel happy when I got the invitation card from my relatives or friends that they are getting married or their daughter/son is getting married. It is a good news and good to share with others. When I saw people married, I also feel happy for them. Marriage is once in a lifetime and we must left a good memories always. I remember during my marriage, I smile for that whole day and everyone's eyes are staring at me...because I am wearing something different for my BIG DAY. I feel happy and glad that I have found my Mr.Right. Marriage is a Good Event and not to forget to snap some pictures as a memories.
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27 Aug 10
it makes me feel very emotional, in a nice way though not sad! It reminds me of my own wedding and my own husband and makes me feel all warm inside!!! I often get a little teary at weddings because of all the joy! It upsets me to see people get married who clearly dont want to: they ar ebeen forced for example, or to see people get married when you KNOW something has happeend (i.e. adultary has occured for example) and you know they're not happy. But on the most part its lovely! :)
• India
27 Aug 10
i think you are very interested in getting married, its good to do this , after have romance would be for few days, well choose your partner who love you for ever , my best wishes
• United States
27 Aug 10
I too feel exactly like you as I feel it is festive and joyful all at the same time. As for you please do not give up hope as I see you are still very young. As not having hope and or changing your thoughts might rush you into a bad decision and a bad marriage at that. There is no time limit for love, marriage and or happiness. Although you might think your clock is ticking, love sometimes has a way of creeping up on you when you are not looking.
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