What does politics stands to you?

@sarath49 (761)
August 26, 2010 8:46pm CST
Now without political power and politics no nation survives and each country presence and its development depends on how these politician perform in this new world order. What does politics really means to you, is this the featuring of removal of dictatorship era and the emergence of political era or what it really meant to you?
3 responses
@akn1961 (1034)
• India
27 Aug 10
if poltics is by good people nation will survive ,generaly poltics in many country has gone into hands of mafia ,criminals ,corroupt people that is why i am hating poltics.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
27 Aug 10
I hate politics,it makes people suffer. The powerful are elected and instead of serving,they make people's life miserable and only enrich themselves while in power. If one country could live without politics,then I guess this world will be a happy place to live in!
• Libya
27 Aug 10
it's like a puppet show every body is fake except the puppet master it's all money and power