fat or thin?

@toots44 (240)
United States
November 17, 2006 8:46am CST
are you fat or thin? are you happy?
43 responses
@Crilli (2890)
• Italy
17 Nov 06
now i have a normal body. When i was young i was very thin, and just some years ago i was a little fat. Now i feel good.
@toots44 (240)
• United States
18 Nov 06
as long as you feel good with yourself...its all good
• Malaysia
17 Nov 06
I'm proud to say that I'm thin no matter how much I eat. Probably my body do not how to store fat....ha..ha..ha
@toots44 (240)
• United States
17 Nov 06
man that i a problem i would love to have...haha
@Sorathian (4329)
• Pakistan
17 Nov 06
fatty thin
@toots44 (240)
• United States
17 Nov 06
@chance00 (3331)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I am just right!!
@toots44 (240)
• United States
17 Nov 06
same as I.. lol...
• Romania
17 Nov 06
thin & feelin` good and handsome :D
@toots44 (240)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I feel pretty, oh so pretty!!
@ecs_over (85)
• Romania
17 Nov 06
im rather fat and im happy:D
@toots44 (240)
• United States
17 Nov 06
as long as your happy...nothing else matters.
• United States
21 Nov 06
im thin and very happy.
@donglory (677)
• Ghana
21 Nov 06
@donglory (677)
• Ghana
21 Nov 06
@leilani47 (780)
• United States
21 Nov 06
I am not really fat, definately not skinny.. I'm NOT happy with my weight, that's why I'm working on losing the weight.
@dienutza (449)
• Romania
21 Nov 06
i'm not fat and not uite thin...i like how i look
• India
21 Nov 06
i am tall and thin and always happy.
• United States
21 Nov 06
I'm fat! YAY!! LOL! I am trying to lose weight however. Although I'm happy, i know I'll be happier when I get into better shape and shed a few lbs. My goal is 25lbs in the next few months. Wish me luck!
• United States
5 Nov 07
I would say im right in the middle. Around Average. Im not Fat or Thin, but im also not happy about it. To me I am more fat than I would ever be considered Thin, but that is nothing that I cannot change! Right now I am working on it and hope to be considered thin in the near future. Everyone can say anything they want to, But I thin girl is looked at much better than a fat girl! Not that I care so much about other peoples opinions, I just want to be able ALL the clothes I want to wear and they look super cute!
• United States
21 Nov 06
I can say I am in the middle and happy I could be a bit thinner
21 Nov 06
I am not fat or either thin... just medium... Too thin is bad... anorexia sucks... and the body that the model companys pick killed already alot of young girls.I am glad that model companys already have diferent terms ... cause to be honest with u ... to thin is ... ugly!
21 Nov 06
I am not fat or either thin... just medium... Too thin is bad... anorexia sucks... and the body that the model companys pick killed already alot of young girls.I am glad that model companys already have diferent terms ... cause to be honest with u ... to thin is ... ugly!
21 Nov 06
I am not fat or either thin... just medium... Too thin is bad... anorexia sucks... and the body that the model companys pick killed already alot of young girls.I am glad that model companys already have diferent terms ... cause to be honest with u ... to thin is ... ugly!
@rerasta (638)
• Italy
21 Nov 06
i'm thin and i'm happy
@yainal (1727)
• Germany
21 Nov 06
thin, but i'm happy with it