Do you think Paranormal Activity 2 will be good?

@joelp10 (104)
United States
August 27, 2010 11:44am CST
I want to see if it can live up to the first one. Its split in decisions where some people thought the first one was completely not scary at all, and the others considered it one of the scariest movies they ever seen. But this question can fall either way.
3 responses
@mistyk (3)
• United States
27 Aug 10
I personally didn't think it was very scary. Was it REALLY A TRUE STORY??? It came across something like the Blair Witch, some of it was overdone, like where she's cussing her boyfriend out as their leaving because of the Ouija board, that he has borrowed. I think The Last Excorcism by Eli Roth, will be scarier!!
@joelp10 (104)
• United States
27 Aug 10
no its not based on a true story, obviously if the Ouija board was over done. But other wise it did a good job... especially with the inexperience actors
• United States
28 Aug 10
I cannot wait to see The Last Exorcism! I thin that will be a decent movie. I hope anyways? You never know some people can mess up a good thing. lol!
• United States
29 Aug 10
I honestly didn't think it was very scary either. I almost think they over did it. In my opinion, at the very ending when she threw her boyfriend and then went up to the camera, stupid. I thought it was a dumb ending that kind of ruined the movie. Just my opinion.
• United States
28 Aug 10
I sure hope so! lol! The first one was ok but I really hope the effects they can do much better now! Is it going to be by the same people who made the first one, does anyone know?
@joelp10 (104)
• United States
28 Aug 10
No, its actually a different director, but the main character which was the girl will be playing in it again. I know they have a higher budget as well. For effects, but I must say the effect on the first one were just fine, and I would say, excellent.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
3 Sep 10
I didn't know there is Paranormal 2, I want to watch it and compare. Paranormal 1 is simply scary at the middle and in the end.