How long does it take for a payout?

@joelp10 (104)
United States
August 27, 2010 6:11pm CST
I've only been on for a few days, and spend maybe an hour or so a day on here. How long would it take to get a payout?
1 response
• United States
28 Aug 10
Hello and welcome to myLot. First and foremost you should not post myLot site earning questions as a discussion at the risk of loosing your posted discussion and possbily if doing so too many times get removed from the site in total. To salvage and assist I would strongly suggest you read the guidelines friend as everything you need to know is listed and post there. So here is a link that will guide you to the rules. this other link will is a must read as it tells you what you can and should not do Happy myLotting!
@joelp10 (104)
• United States
28 Aug 10
thanks, I appreciate the looking out. I'll keep that in mind