Conditions in Public Hospitals in the Philippines.

@Danzylop (1120)
August 27, 2010 11:58pm CST
Last Aug. 25, My nephew was admitted to the public hospital here in Gen. Santos City. He had hernia of the sac. He's got an operation and now, thanks God, he is better now. I would just like to discuss about the condition of the Hospital as I visited just last night. Upon my entrance to the hospital I got disgusted about the smell. I am concerned about how patients try to survive despite that smell and that they might have their sickness get even worse due to that smell. That smell is due to the poor sanitary condition of the Hospital. I haven't seen Sanitary engineers around despite the disgusting conditions of the patients. I asked my Aunt about it and she said, "It is normal. When you go to public hospitals, you have to endure this kind of condition." She told me that she volunteered to clean the crowded room because nobody will clean it if everyone is waiting for the janitor. MY OWN PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW. The Government is just like a corporation, It is the most important player of the economy. It generates so much funds from the people. and There is no reason why a government can not provide adequate Health Care services to its citizens. Upon looking at the condition of the hospital, I wanted to take pictures of it and put it beside the office of the Public Officials. They say, we are the boss but how come we let ourselves suffer in those stained beds and very poor sanitary conditions. Again, this is a matter of political will. To improve the quality of life of the Filipinos. How about you? have you found a public hospital better than this? and what can you say about it?
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6 responses
• United States
28 Aug 10
I'm sorry to hear that the hospitals are unsanitary. I do believe the government should try and clean the place up. I also think the build up of bacteria will lead to further sickness, like you just said. All of our hospitals where I live are sanitary. The only dirty region would have to be the restrooms, but I'm sure every hospital is that way. Are you thinking about talking to the hospital or government to keep it in better condition?
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
I am thinking of making a thesis study about the issue and submit recommendations afterward. But one thing that eat up my energy is that this problem has been there for several years and I know, I'm not going to be the first one to do it.
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• Philippines
12 Sep 10
in our place. public hospital is clean and well maintained inside and out but to the expense of the people....because confining to this hospital means a lot of money coz it will cost your bill as high as you're in a private hospital....the worst thing is if you have no money to buy medicines you won't be should have money to buy even the smallest thing to use such as injections, gloves or others....
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• United States
4 Oct 10
Thank you for giving me the best response.
@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
Yes I know that kind of condition in many public hospitals. I think that in many other places you could find much worse than this. I think that the possibility that change will happen will be that it should come from the initiatives from the local hospital administration to Malacanan but it should always start from the bottom going up. The President can just do so much if the people from down below will not move an inch to cooperate.
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@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
2 Sep 10
I think that I take the hospitals in the United States for granted. I'm not rich at all, but every single hopsital around here that would take me, is a nice, clean, and well ordered hospital. It makes me sad that such care is not found in countries such as yours.
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
1 Sep 10
as you may have known already, my 3 year old son has sleep apnea, a condition which obstruct his breathing while he sleep. a surgeon already confirmed and recommended surgery to remove his large tonsils and adenoids. the cost of operation is too big that we cannot afford it. and take makes me think of seeking help from every one that i know and even from unknown to me. just to raise the money. i am doing this because i don't want to risk my boy's life with a public hospital in the city. they could be better than the hospital you have mentioned, but i heard a lot of scandalous medical practices in government hospitals. of course, sanitation is not also a big problem. a lot of people suggested we consult a public doctor. well, it's actually fine with me. i am not underestimating our government doctors. but how they deal with patients is another thing to consider. i really guess, it's high time to make improvements with our government hospitals, not only with the health and medical security for the whole filipino community.
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@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
29 Aug 10
no public hospital is better. with all the funds used up by the previous administration, it would be long before these situations will improve. it is such a frustrating scenario. if people will be given the option, nobody will go to a public hospital.
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@kourdapya (924)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
Like you, I also do belive that it is the responsibility of the government. We cannot blame the doctors and nurse if they prefer working abroad than here because of those public hospitals' condition. It's unfair that good hospital services in our country could only be afforded by those who have money, but what about the poor and the middle class people who are honest in paying taxes to the government would get in return? Bad hospital and other government services.
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