red eyes

@novelcai (600)
August 29, 2010 7:13am CST
hi there my lotters,, do u experienced sore eyes before?? unfortunately i have acute sore eyes both eyes. Friday night i noticed that my eyes are itchy and i already can see a lil redness on my right eye. then saturday morning i can hardly open my eyes and it was painfull already but i still report to my work but the company nurse didnt let me in for that day because sore yes is a viral infection of the eyes so i can easily trasfer it to other people. i got no choice but to go home. one of my friends give me a medicine that she used before when she got sore eyes and she told me tht it was very effective. Today i went to hospital for a check up and for a medical certificate. An Ophthalmologist checked my eyes. and the doctor says that my eyes specially the left is really got irritated thats why its really swollen. the doctor told me that he is going to do something on my eyes. he explained me the procedure ..and ALSO THE ADDITIONAL PAYMENT!!!..... to make the story short.. we did the procedure.. the doctor put a drop pain killer 1st then after a minute he clean my both eyes and he strip something inside my eyes and medicate after and he also give a list of my medicine that i need to buy. and i went home w/ empty pocket:( but i can say that my eyes are lil feel good now compare this morning...
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3 responses
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
29 Aug 10
could it be that you just had a pterygium or internal hordeolum? Here in the Philippines, manlay's term for that is "kuliti." The problem with pterygium is if you leave it untreated, they will grow in numbers in your affected eye. it can be treated with antibiotics in the early stages especially if the pterygium is not that indicative yet, but usually doctors would recommend it if the pteryium has gotten swollen already.
@novelcai (600)
• Philippines
29 Aug 10
hi there graceekwenx :)) yeah i know what kuliti is.. normaly kuliti apppears on the roots of our lashes. mine is inside on my upper lid.. it looks like white small bump (butlig) but my eyes are ok now. swollen our gone.. but my eyes are still really red and very itchy..i just put ice on it to lessen the redness.. thnkx for the response and happy mylotting :D
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
3 Apr 11
it is really hard to have sore eyes..i myself got it last year and its painful to look at the bright things and your eyes will become teary that cant stand looking at the light....
• India
3 Dec 10
Hello novelcai I am from india, i faced red-eye problem some 10 years ago, it was due to some virus, too much infectious, i got it from a copassenger in a bus, we sat in the same sit from 9pm till 5am, when i got down, my eyes were totally red, i felt as if somebody put sand in to them, i met the doctors, they said it was viral, so no medicine will work, if i like they give some eye drops.i had to drop the idea and my wife applied pure rose water on the eyes , i got relief in 2 days. Hope you are fine now, you may apply rose water in future, it is harmless friend Thank you so much for this discussion. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead. God bless you. Welcome always.