Can being against Islam be racist?

United States
August 29, 2010 6:05pm CST
I have a question about Islam. I see in in the news every day of those who do not like Islam and they Muslim are trying to take over the world are now called racists? My question is how can a person be a racists for not liking Muslims and Islam when being a Muslim is not one single race to discriminate? Islam is a ideology as they say not a specific race? SO can someone please comment?
5 responses
@YazEid (1138)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
Hello there .. I'm really glade that you asked ,, because I'm a Muslim and a lot of times I feel that people judge me because I'm a Muslim Islam is not an ideology ,, it is a religion and as you said there are a lot of races in Islam ,, but racism is to hate someone for it's race, gender, color and religion .. for me I prefer to call it discrimination .. and I really hate it I think that the diversity of races and religions is to make us know more about others , to live and love each others not to discriminate .. if we all were the same race it won't add much for the human culture as all .. so please ,, if a Muslim did something wrong ,, it is not because Islam asks him to do so ,, it is because he wanted to do so ..
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
You are definitely right there YazEid! We should not blame the wrong doings of a single person to an entire religion because of his beliefs. He has done it and he alone is responsible for his actions and not his religion. We should first take a look at ourselves before we blame or we put down other people.
• United States
30 Aug 10
Ok now I am really confused? lol! I have had 99% of Muslims that I talk with tell me its not a religion its more of a idiology? Now I am getting confused because it seems in this that from one to another if differs? Myself I am Christian but I have nohting against anyone for what they believe in "as long" as it doesnt harm anyone else! I know bad things have happened in all religions and non religions as well. People are people period and to the core at some point down right evil! But Muslims are the ones I still see killing in the name of it. And for what you said here above that Islam does not ask them to do so? I have been reading parts of the Quran and watching videos and talking with Muslims, and I have seen where is requires Muslims to lie in the name of Islam and even is to encourge lying to further Islam. I also have seen where Muslims have cut the noses off of 12 year old girls,beat them cut off thier heads and so much more in the name of Islam. That many call a peaceful religion? Now I not trying to offend anyone? But please enlighten me how could you or anyone follow a religion as you say, who does not promote this as you say it does not? SO can you please tell me then where are they getting this from out of the Quran that makes them do this? One place many of see is places like Where these people call out in the name of love and peace yet turn around and cut heads off? Now please if you have a weak stomache? DO NOT GO HERE! These are actual videos of peoples heads being cut off by little children as well who are doing this. I can give you so many more links that it is just HORRIBLE! I think what you call racism or discrimination or what ever you want to call it? Its not anything more then what we see that makes us feel this way. And the more we learn about Islam makes us not trust Muslims. But how do you want us to feel when we are threatened by this given no choice of real peace? Seriously how do you think this is going to be stopped?
@YazEid (1138)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
Hello Dreid Thanks for talking honestly , and I'd like to answer you , but I don't want this to end up by an argument ,, I just like to give you some answers ,, and if you wanna read or know more I can give you some helpful sites . First of all ; Islam is a religion which asks people to obey and worship God (ALLAH), ALLAH is not another name for god; it is the Arabic translation for it. Islam as a religion it aims to regulate the relationship between human and god ,, and between human themselves , from here came the regulations from which people took their ideology, but it stills a religion. Quran is the holy book which is the source of the Islamic legislations and regulations , Quran tells Muslims that they should respect all other religions , and use the good advice and good talking to invite people to Islam , and it prohibits lying and never encourages it and tells people who lie that they will get a bad punishment , It orders Muslims not to kill any human being (regardless his religion) unless they were defending themselves or their houses and families. so : no lying to further Islam , no killing in the name of Islam. some people are affected by the rituals that they hold from their grand grand fathers , these rituals might not have any Islamic connection , but when a Muslim guy does it , people think that this is from Islam ..which is not. The real problem is in the media , which made people hat Islam and Muslims by a very simple way .. and let me give you an example ,, If a crazy guy took hostages in anywhere in the world the media will say he is (nationality ,, American, British.. etc) unless he was Muslim they will say A Muslim guy took hostages .. this discrimination in the media made the picture worse .. I know that some Muslims are bad ,, but they are not bad because Islam tells them to be bad ,, they are bad because they are bad ,, I hope that we can someday reach an international understanding and forgiving between races , religions and all people ,, that is the only Aim from our presence on this earth ... Sorry I couldn't make it any shorter ,, and I hope that my point of view is clear , again I have no offenses to anyone
• United States
7 Sep 10
I think more important than the labels we ascribe to those who are against Islam are the attitudes we, ourselves, take. You do not have to agree with everything within in a religion. A particular religion may not be compelling to you. I find the story of Jesus compelling; that is why I am a Christian. However, lumping all people within a religion together and identifying them by their most extreme adherents is wrong. Furthermore, it is one thing to disagree with a religion. Fine, then don't be a part of it. However, respect people because they, too, are human beings and children of God. Do not burn their religious texts. Do not spew hate speech, etc. It is those actions that cause people to call people "racists." I think "bigot" is the more appropriate term.
• United States
8 Sep 10
For one thing I hope you do not misunderstand my point of view. I am not against all Muslims and I even have a few Muslim friends here in Texas where I live. I have also had them in other states as well of my traveling playing music. My point of view in against radical Muslims who use Islam to kill and torture people. Myself I also would not burn books of theirs. But seriously with all the travel I have done if you were to turn things around and look at everything from the other side as being a Muslim? Muslims do destroy our book the Bible and even kill Christians for just being Christians. I know all of them do not do it. But sorry to say this there are ALLOT of them that do! My whole point of this is to find out more about Islam myself and talk with Muslims who are willing to view both sides Muslim and Christians with equal respect towards each other. Sadly I am finding out they will only talk with you to a certain point and when they don't like you're point of view? Thats the last you here of them. I am not trying to convert them or anything just a honest answer back like one Muslims told me that, They know of Jesus as a prophet and acknowledges he is a prophet. I said is this correct? He says yes it is! I ask why then do you not follow his words then? I have asked this same question to MANY Muslims on other sites and places and even of friends of mine. Sadly the point of view from most Muslims are only one sided. Theirs... Not on here yet to my knowledge but sometimes then they get upset and start calling you things like bigots and racists? Sorry that is not being a bigot or a racist. I look at it as flipping the script, if anything who is the bigots or racists? If you are going to talk with others outside of you're faith to others then you must try and talk from both points of views of people, not just one sided. Because I have even had a few Muslims tell me if I cannot covert you then we are done! ? lol! But I do respect any person belief. As long as they are not using it to harm people! That also is including my own! But I do believe in talking and maybe some day? We can all get along with each other. But that also has to do with putting away most of the barbaric ways of religions behind us as well and see them for what the word of God really is! And I think Jesus said it best. To love one another. Sure I blow my top every now and then like everyone does. We are only human. But would I ever harm anyone? NO! No matter what they believe!
• United States
8 Sep 10
My response was general, and not to you, directly. As I do not know you, I do not know what you think or how you live. I have Muslim friends, and they have never once tried to convert me. They know my faith and they are very devout in theirs. And yet, we respect each other. My understanding, about Jesus within Islam is that he was a teacher, not a prophet. Muslims profess, "There is one God Allah and Muhammad is his prophet." And there is much love and peace within Islam. Sure, if you read the Quran, there are troubling passages. If you read the Bible, there are also troubling passages. As Christians, we are able to smooth over those with interpretation, explaining context, etc., because we are working from inside the religion. If anyone not within Christianity was reading it, they would likely be appalled. Likewise, when folks who are not Muslims read the Quran, there are things that seem offensive because they don't understand the interpretation, context, practice, etc. of the text. There are radicals in every religion. And sadly, the squeaky wheel gets the grease--the loudest, most radical get the most attention. I do not want to be identified with the Fred Phelps or Timothy McVeighs of Christianity, so I try to extend that same grace to others.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
The terminology used is faulty. The correct word is prejudicial. The writer must have thought that those who are prejudiced are racist, There was, after all, a term called racial prejudice, ha ha!
• United States
30 Aug 10
NO I am just going by the exact ways the writers in news articles portray this topic to the public by calling everyone who does not agree with the Muslims beliefs racists. I do not agree with their ways just as they do not belive in mine. But it sure as hell doesn't make me a racist or prejudice for not believing in their ways. If that was so then I would have to say they are just as prejudice if not more for not believing in mine. AT least I am not in here calling people a bigot like the person above just did.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
30 Aug 10
That is what I meant. Those writers used the wrong word.
• United States
30 Aug 10
You are right Islam is a civilization of Muslims collectively which is governed by the Muslim religion. It is based on the belief of one god. A Muslim is A follower of the Islam religion. These people follow the Sharia law and read from the quaran, etc. Its not a race its a way of life. You could be a white person and be a Muslim, I believe people are prejudice against what they stand for and believe in, if this makes any sense.
• United States
28 Sep 10
Leslie your description of Islam as a way of life is accurate for Allah calls it Deen which doesn't mean religion but instead way of life. And it is a way of life because it covers ever aspect of ones life. Thank you.
• United States
30 Aug 10
True! It is what we see they believe in! I myself do NOT believe in chopping off heads, cutting off noses and ears, stoning people in the streets, burning them on crosses, shooting them in the streets, cutting off arms and legs, telling their children to kill themselves in the name of Islam for the families name sake of honor (Honor Killings), trading off thier children at early ages of 6 years old to be married and so much more!If this is a peaceful religion, then whos peace? Because I surely do not even see peace within most Muslims themselves. This is what makes me ask myself why would anyone follow this with a sane mind to begin with?
• United States
7 Sep 10
I think more important than the labels we ascribe to those who are against Islam are the attitudes we, ourselves, take. You do not have to agree with everything within in a religion. A particular religion may not be compelling to you. I find the story of Jesus compelling; that is why I am a Christian. However, lumping all people within a religion together and identifying them by their most extreme adherents is wrong. Furthermore, it is one thing to disagree with a religion. Fine, then don't be a part of it. However, respect people because they, too, are human beings and children of God. Do not burn their religious texts. Do not spew hate speech, etc. It is those actions that cause people to call people "racists." I think "bigot" is the more appropriate term.