A New myLot Rating Choice???

United States
August 31, 2010 7:31am CST
I guess this is a kind of rant so please bear with me. I am so sick of the pure hated and trashing of the USA which goes on in this forum from foreigners. I love my country even in our current times of trouble. I understand that this is a multinational forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However their are some people who constantly in each discussion, response and comment they spew hatred for the USA. I feel that in this time of unrest in the world we should not be inciting unfounded hated towards the USA or any another country. That being said I respectfully request that myLot administration add to the rating system. We have (+) positive, (-) negative could we now please have a little icon of a gun, hangman's noose or some such other icon of deadly disapproval i.e. (DD). Any suggestions?
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16 responses
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
31 Aug 10
Hi Whiteheather, Hmm... personally I haven't come across any such posts that you mentioned but for that I am the one to be blamed as I am not that frequent now-a-days. Now for your interesting discussion here I would like to bring in your notice something. Have you ever wondered why people aren't condemning, Monaco, or Nauru or a tiny country called San Marino ( No offence intended) or for that matter have there been as many discussions or posts or articles or media attention as much as America gets. People are aware how beautiful your country is and accept it or not people directly or indirectly follow in some way or the other what Americans do. Be it business, entertainment, even the way most words were spelled in UK English is now getting transformed into the way Americans spell. Even though every country is unique and have their own charisma and individuality why do people get instant interest when affairs of the US are under purview? The question is very much rhetoric. One must not conclude from above that I love my country any lesser. I am very proud to be an Indian!
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• United States
31 Aug 10
It is so refreshing to receive a pleasant response such as yours. Especially as one of the worst US haters is a female from your country.
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• United States
1 Sep 10
This is one of her discussions: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2381674.aspx This is a typical response: Response #4 http://www.mylot.com/w/di.
• India
1 Sep 10
Hmmm I am so sorry to know that!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Aug 10
I know what you mean. I always try to stay respectful of someone's country even if that country is well known for rights violations, massive pollution in the name of profit and cruelty to its people (hint: we get most of our merchandise from them). I think that we should be able to report hate-mongers who are not just stating their opinion but going off on a full-sized hate rant that doesn't even address the core of the discussion. I would like such a person to receive a reprimand and be told to stick to the subject but it won't happen.
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• United States
31 Aug 10
What really burns me is that other well intentioned myLot user give excellent well written comments explaining, item by item, ho wrong them are and it just goes right over the perpetrators head and the continue (even for days) still going on with their insane ravings.
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• United States
31 Aug 10
should read...item by item, just how wrong they are.....
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• United States
1 Sep 10
This is one of her discussions: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2381674.aspx This is a typical response: Response #4 http://www.mylot.com/w/di.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
31 Aug 10
I've come across a few discussions like you're describing and all I do is give an answer. One person in particular asked to be my friend, I accepted them. One of their pet peeves is the USA, even though they have never been here, they only know what they hear through the media and from random people that they know. Funny the hate that they have for a country in general without having ever stepped foot in the place or personally knowing someone from the country that they claim to hate. When you think about it, it's kind of childish. A kid will say they hate spinach without ever having seen or tasted it, they just go by what they hear from other people without giving the spinach a fair trial. Same thing with these "haters" that don't have a clue what it is that they actually hate. I've lived in a couple different countries, have met many people with different nationalities and can't say that I hate one country in particular because I disliked someone from there or believed everything I read in a newspaper or heard on the news. I won't say everyone, but a lot of people do stereo-type us as either living like they live in the magical world of disney & soap operas or all we do is kill each other to get by. (maybe it depends on the kind of movies they watch?!) But the person that kept slandering the USA would get my answers, regardless of what was said and usually they would end up asking me lots of questions, asking me my opinions on things and picking out my answers as the best answer. I think maybe the problem doesn't lie in the ratings, but maybe just on our homepages here that state what country we are from. For someone to hate another country is the same thing as someone that is racist. An unfounded hate towards a certain group of people because of fear, the unknown and the unfamiliar.
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• United States
31 Aug 10
I like having my country listed on my profile. I am proud of being an American. When I check a user's profile and they do not have a country listed then I immediately, (right or wrong) mistrust a person who is ashamed to say what country they are from.
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• Philippines
31 Aug 10
Hello Whiteheather. When It comes to discussions about US, most specially about politics, I'D RUN LIKE HELL or hide like MOUSE.And that's because we got more problems in my own country, that when ever i read a US political topics, it only adds head ache to my brain. topics that are almost different every single day or week. The only topic that i have made about the US was their US bases any where in the the world.i am sticking with the (+) and (-). we have angels here in mylot
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
31 Aug 10
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
31 Aug 10
I have seen some of them sweetie. You just have to try and ignore it or be polite. It is normally people who don't know better that start to stir the hornets nest. Don't give them that satisfaction. Just do what you always do and enjoy yourself, okay. TATA.
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• Canada
31 Aug 10
Most of what I've seen is Americans hating on their fellow Americans. There's a lot of hatred towards various politicians, media outlets and anchors, and opposing political parties. But that's pretty much all US citizen vs. US citizen. As you have said numerous times to me that my opinion of what happens in America doesn't matter since I'm currently living in Canada, I don't see why you care at all what foreigners have to say about the USA. I do agree that unfounded hatred is unnecessary since it goes against mylot rules, and if that's what you see happening, than you should report it.
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• Philippines
31 Aug 10
This is Practically Normal. What else is Freedom of Speech anyways. in the Philippines, Media is so accessible that people can say anything about our President. but i do agree in this matter that foreigners should mind their own business in terms of meddling foreign politics.it's just not healthy.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 Aug 10
Not seen one in awhile but I have gotten no where with the rating system not sure what is about I do know I was a ten star before they put it in. any way will be hard to do but I would think just let them rant we know even with the way things are we are a grat country and as for the ones spouting hate is probably one of the countries that had a disastor and we wee the first ones there with hand outs!
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@AmbiePam (96645)
• United States
6 Sep 10
I do so love it when other people from different countries are critical of the U.S.. Especially when not many have been here, and are not very informed at all about America. They go by what they see on the news, which is very often biased. And then jealousy plays a factor sometimes, whether they admit it or not.
@AmbiePam (96645)
• United States
6 Sep 10
I saw what country she is from. Talk about hypocritical!
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
where are those haters. i don't see one. have not come across their discussions or response. maybe there will be some who would give hate response against US but i still believe majority things US is not to be blamed or something. just don't think because of the few members who expressed their hatred toward US , that there are a lot of them here.
• United States
1 Sep 10
This is one of her discussions: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2381674.aspx This is a typical response: Response #4 http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2388414.aspx?p=1#2_21591092
@Guit08 (597)
• United States
31 Aug 10
I haven't seen any of those discussions either, but I guess it all depends on where you look. I still think that people should be nicer though...
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
2 Sep 10
Boy oh Boy do I agree with you ! I have literally hung my head and deleted discussions for this very reason.... We are all judged by mylot for different things and this one of the hatred and the ranting on and on of should be stopped. If the admin feels good about your request I honor it 100% too. We should all be able to live in a peaceful coexistance even on mylot.. God bless you all, quita I especially love the thought of angels and devils :)
• Pamplona, Spain
2 Sep 10
Hiya heather, In all the time I have been on here I honestly have to say that I have not seen any of this kind of thing around. Especially about America. The other week I saw one about Spain but let it go after all they are entitled to their opinions areĀ“nt they? I was not going to answer such a triviality anyway. Not sure about the Ratings I think that could well stay as they are.
@Guit08 (597)
• United States
31 Aug 10
I think it's a shame that their is hatred here at myLot, especially towards the USA. Even though I don't agree with everything the government does and all that, I am still proud to be an American and I think that people should have a little more respect for others...
• United States
1 Sep 10
This is one of her discussions: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2381674.aspx This is a typical response: Response #4 http://www.mylot.com/w/di...
• United States
1 Sep 10
To hate or love ones country is silly its like saying i hate the moon or sun. a country is just a piece of land on earth and we all live on earth.We are all on the same boat traveling through space.Now you can have love or hate for people of country unjustly because usually the laws and actions of a country are governed by a few people in high places.To put it plainly to hate people is to hate yoursrlf and to hate a country is to hate the world.
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
31 Aug 10
I haven't seen bad things written for USA. Ratings are not something bad, i think it's good, that we can show our pleasure when we read something positive and nice. I hope all nice things, written here are true. I don't use the negative vote never, if i don't like something, i just pass and move on with the discussions. I don't see any sense in the negative posts, discussions and negative rating of the responses too. That will only makes us nervous and angry to the other.
1 Sep 10
Huh this really happens? I have never noticed any sort of comments as you have suggested. That shouldn't be acceptable here and any disrespectful comments should be removed right? I guess I haven't been here long enough lol I guess your idea is okay I don't mind a rating system. It might be interesting to see what people have to say about particular comments/posts without having to say it. Makes life a little easier.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 Aug 10
Hi Heather As far as I am concerned no one has any right to slag any Country down Countries are different and just because it does not suit another Country does not give them the right to throw hate about I am sorry this is going on I have not really took notice but again I do not go to the Politic Discussions and I guess that is where this happening
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Aug 10
hi whiteheather39 I have noticed this too, and from some whose own countries had had recent diseaster and our maligned USA were among the first to send money and much needed food and supplies. Hatred is this one mylotter's way of thanking our country for helping? Sure we are not perfect but I am darned proud to be an American myself. Yeah I think you have a great idea maybe a hangman's noose in a small icon for those who spew hatred for the US or any other country. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but flaming and insulting are breaking mylot laws and are opinions but thrashing of other countries instead.