What do you do to releave stress?

United States
November 17, 2006 9:31am CST
I like to go outside and scream. and when I can finally get a few minutes to my self I like to take a bubble bath.
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6 responses
• United States
18 Nov 06
check out my stress relief blog i just started http://stressful-week.blogspot.com/
• United States
18 Nov 06
I will have to check it out.
• United States
17 Nov 06
This is kind of what it is like! - This is similar to the one I played at. It was so much fun and I miss it alot!
One thing I use to do alot to relieve stress was go and play laser tag at this place near my old house. It is a great way to get out your agressions and kick some booty! I miss it!
• United States
17 Nov 06
I have never played laser tag but I want to try it.
• United States
17 Nov 06
taking a bath helps me too, I also like to play games on the computer to get my mind of of the things that bother me.
• United States
17 Nov 06
I have not really thought about computer games. I am going to have to give it a try.
• India
17 Nov 06
I meditate
@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
17 Nov 06
I meditate. I also do energisation exercises before the meditation.If i sit for 1/2 an hour my stress is totally released.
• United States
17 Nov 06
Exercise...... that is a woundefull idea it is healthy all the way around.
• India
17 Nov 06
• United States
17 Nov 06
I can not sleep when I am streesed