Homeschool vs. Public school

United States
September 1, 2010 1:11am CST
Growing up I had the oppertunity to experience public school, private school, and homeschooling (for about 1 1/2 yr). Hands down private school was my favorite. I loved public school but I was too much of a social butterfly to focus on my work. So my parents put me in a private Christian school. I loved it. I still got to be the social bug I was but the dicipline was much more hands on and you had no choice but to do well with your work as anything below 80% was a failing grade. After a few years my parents couldnt foot 7,000 bill anymore for my sister and I to continue attending so we were homeschooled. I definately see the benefits of all of the routes mentioned above. But I had some very serious complaints about public and homeschooling. With the public schooling there was not enough dicipline and you could basically slide by without even being noticed by a teacher and still passed on to the next grade when you didn't even have a full grasp on the subject the year before. But I loved the sports as I was a soccor player and ran track and field. With homeschooling you see alot of VERY sheltered kids with little to no social skills (not all). Theyre weren't as many sports activities and clubs to get involved in unless you had a great homeschooling commitee in your area that organized sports, activities, and field trips. As my oldest is getting closer and closer to school age I hate the idea of him attending anything other than private school but on a soldiers pay its really not feeseable. I dont want him to get the influence of these out of control children in the public school system, and I'm not about pretending I'm a certified teacher and trying to homeschool him. I want my children to have every oppertunity as we all do. What are your opinions. They're are ALOT more pros and cons that I didn't mention above so please feel free!
3 responses
• United States
1 Sep 10
This is a subject I am familiar with. I want the best for my little girl, but I do not want the influence of unruly children. I have mixed emotions on this. My Father and step-monster home schooled my little brother all his life. He graduated last month at age 16. He is book smart and talented, but has no common sense or street smarts. He didn't get to join school sports or other activities. I am afraid he was sheltered too much. There has to be a balance I think. Home school would be great if they could participate in activities with other kids without breaking our wallets. Social interaction is very important in life. I am all for a private school as long as it isn't religion oriented. I do not believe the two should mix. They are expensive though as you have pointed out. I suggest finding out what you community offers in the way of activities and if the balance is there, go for home schooling.
• United States
1 Sep 10
Yeah, I still have some time (not much) to think about it. My husband is hands down anti-homeschooling. I can see the good and bad in it. I know private school isn't going to be a possibility as much as I want it :( The public school here on post isn't too bad from what I hear, but I wouldn't want the kids going past 5th grade. Not with pregnant 13 yr olds popping up like it's old news nowadays. I feel so old and Im only 23 lol! But the public school system really has changed alot since I was in school and only for the worse it seems. It's dissapointing that families who don't have the income to suppliment putting their children in good schools have to settle for the public school system the way it is. We need change! What happened Obama? lol
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
1 Sep 10
Hi soldierswifee, You have had a great opportunity, having been a part of three different learning environments. I am sure you took something of value from all of them. I work in the public school system and the discipline of the students can be overwhelming at time. The lack of involvement the parent show, really make it difficult for the teachers. Private school is the best environment, in my opinion, because there are striicter rules about behavior and academics. There is no tolerance for bad behavior or failing grades. Children learn discipline, self-control, and how to stay focused on their academics. Homeschooling is my least favorite. Some parents take homeschooling seriously, but others fail to give their children the proper education they would get from a public or private institution. And there is the isolation from their peers. As I said, this is my least favorite location for teaching academic to children.
• Bulgaria
1 Sep 10
The teachers in the public schools are teachers for a reason,your mom can't teach you at the same levev(unless they're teachers :D)